ADHD School Dilemma: Public or Private School?

It's easy to fall into the trap of the public versus private school debate when researching schools for a child with ADHD. But just as there's no such thing as the "best natural treatment" for ADHD, there isn't a "best type of school" for kids with the disorder. The school that works well for one child for ADHD might not do the same wonders for your child. When searching for schools, look at your child's symptoms and look at what each individual institution can offer. Each school has its own pros and cons, in the same way that each ADHD child has a unique set of symptoms. Depending on where you live, both types of schools can benefit ADHD kids in different ways.

Benefits of public schools

Public schools can be great for ADHD kids in several ways. First, your child won't have to take a grueling test to get admitted into the school, nor will he or she go through a rigorous admissions process that could call attention to the disorder. Schoolwork is usually less demanding, and homework tends to be light. And if you live in the United States, the law mandates that public schools must do everything they can to make sure each child excels. You can even apply for an individualized education program (IEP) that will provide your child with special accommodations to help him or her succeed. Last but not the least, public schools are free.

Benefits of private schools

Many parents prefer sending ADHD kids to private schools because of the intimate class sizes, where each student receives lots of individualized attention from the teacher. If your ADHD child is bright and easily bored, he or she can benefit from a private school's more challenging curriculum. In addition, there are private schools that provide after-school classes designed to help kids with ADHD, such as speech therapy or tutoring sessions. Of course, it won't make any sense to bring your child to a private school that doesn't know how to handle children with special needs.

Homeschooling is a great alternative

Have public and private schools failed your child? Try homeschooling instead. There are many homeschooling plans designed to suit different learning styles, not to mention that there are products specifically designed for ADHD kids. Homeschooling brings many advantages - no mad dash to get to school, a curriculum that accommodates your child's weaknesses and strengths, and plenty of opportunities for your child to move throughout the day.

Dr. Yannick Pauli is an expert on natural approaches to ADHD and the author of the popular self-help home-program The Unritalin Solution. He is Director of the Centre Neurofit in Lausanne, Switzerland and has a passion taking care of children with ADHD. Click on the link for more great information about what is adhd.

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Flying, Then Crying: Life In The Bipolar Cycle

I mean, sure, if you asked me would I want to sleep only 3 hours a night without feeling tired, finish my first novel in 10 ten days, start training for a half Iron Man with no ill effects, and ramp up my personality until I was the scintillating center of every social moment, I'd definitely consider answering in the affirmative. Really, who wouldn't? (Maybe Snow White's little friend Dopey, I suppose, but I don't take answers to hypothetical questions from cartoon dwarves--everyone must have their standards.)

But as surely as night follows day, research and experience show that, for a bipolar person, a manic or hypomanic episode, improperly treated and managed, will be followed by a depressive one, and, from what I've seen, it's simply not worth it. For this illness, following prescribed treatment is essential, as much as you may not like it, as much as it may be unpleasant, as much as you feel you lose. Because if you don't follow treatment, you surely lose more.

I work with one superlative psychiatrist who tells our patients, "If you don't have mood stability, you don't have anything. Anything."

He responds to their protests, "But I feel great," "But I need the energy to...," "But I miss my personality," with a blank stare, and a Herman Munster-like repeat of the same words he's just spoken, that are his own personal mantra: "If you don't have mood stability, you don't have anything." He's the unmovable object--and with him, often even my most treatment resistant patients can start to improve.

For the sad truth of bipolar disorder is the following: Depression is by far the dominant disordered mood state. In fact, the ratio of time spent in depressive episodes to time spent in manic or hypomanic ones is basically an unhappy three to one.

In an incredibly un-subtly titled article, called--I really couldn't make this up--"Three Times More Days Depressed Than Manic or Hypomanic in Both Bipolar I and Bipolar II Disorder," RW Kupka et all from the Altrecht Institute for Mental Health Care in The Netherlands share the research behind the unpleasant facts. [If you'd like to check it out, it's in the August 2007 edition of Bipolar Disorders. Read it for yourself if you don't believe it--it's important that you, if you are suffering from bipolar and are attached to your "highs," understand what every "high" brings in its wake. And if you don't like that one, I've got a 2002 study by Judd et all in the Archives of General Psychiatry with the exact same statistic on bipolar I--but the claim that in bipolar II it's a ratio of 1:40. It's gets ugly. Still wish you could wish it this information away, and believe you'll live a life of full-time highs? Just take a look anywhere, in any research journal, or, heck, take a look on the web, head off to if that's where you find your in-depth information on topic (and, yes, we've all done it, just like we've all--and this is embarrassing--used Wikipedia at one point or another). I dare you, because there you'll find the exact same facts.]

I'm sorry--I really am--but it's a truth worth holding on to when you pine for your high, because you're just setting yourself up a far-longer low.

To add bad news on to worse, the more cycles you go through, the more likely you are to cycle again. In a term borrowed from epilepsy, this is called kindling, wherein episodes--without treatment--both increase in frequency and worsen in degree over time.

I have more than a handful of patients who have either gone off their medication--sometimes more than once--and an even larger number who continue to mourn their "highs."

But you allow yourself to experience your mania to the serious detriment of your emotional outlook.

Recall the mantra? "If you don't have mood stability, you don't have anything."

Candida Abrahamson is a Chicago-area mediator, counselor, and hypnotherapist with a country-wide practice via phone sessions. Find out more about Candida and her work on her website at To read Candida's in-depth writing on a variety of topics, check out her blog at

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Remain Calm

The Holiday season is a strange time of the year for many people. Their anxiety level is way up and their bank account is way down. Moving around in these large crowds, purchasing vast amounts of things from these huge shopping plazas, going places they don't want to go and doing things they don't want to do because of learned behavior, mass marketing and all in the name of tradition. Often saying this is crazy and I'm not doing this again next year.

How about trying something different? From now until you go to bed tonight you choose which traditions you plan to carry forward, and which ones you would like to discard. Do the right things, for the right reasons, with whom you choose, and when you feel uplifted and moved along by the positive energy that exists, be mindful of guilt and worry as they will surely kidnap you. Time spent on this earth is limited and valuable. It is a miracle, choose to make the most of each moment.

At the treatment center where I work, many patients are struggling with mood swings, and thoughts of drug use to self- medicate those feelings. Most are homeless, with little money, no possessions to speak of. Some have opened their hearts to love and have been lifted above the mundane. They feel love for others and self. They understand gratitude and peace on a deeper level. An understanding without knowing. I am blessed to be on this journey with them.

The other night I was walking past the patients' lounge. I looked in and began watching a middle aged man iron his shirt. His face was strained, most of his teeth gone, and his forehead wrinkled with the confusion of how he let crack cocaine take the last 20 years from him. I have spent time with him lately in sessions and groups. He is a good man, hard- working, genuine, cares about his peers. And tonight he stands there, homeless, penniless and tired. He has spent the day walking the streets looking for a job and facing one rejection after another. He is doing a fine job with his shirt, no wrinkles, creases down the sleeves, he is a proud man, working hard on his recovery. Tonight he has hope, something I am working hard to help him maintain. Something he will surely need for the long journey ahead.

Tom Diffenderfer is a licensed alcohol and drugs of abuse counselor, and professional musician. He has blended these two passions to produce a series of relaxation albums. With the gentle sound of moving water as a backdrop,and using progressive and passive muscle relaxations along with guided imagery and music, Tom teaches you how to relax your body and mind. What sets this series apart from many others is that Tom brings his many years of combined experience as a therapist and musician to the project. These guided relaxations and music have been shown to be effective in clinical settings, for those in recovery from chemical abuse and suffering from high anxiety. To learn more visit Tom at

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Alternative Method Of Treating ADHD - Why Not Try A Much Safer Solution?

Have you read about the recent shortages of the amphetamine like drugs to treat ADHD recently? If you have, you will no doubt be wondering about an alternative method of treating ADHD. Well there are other possibilities but first let us have a look at this shortage of some of the drugs during the past twelve months. When we look at the causes and how this has come about, we will probably have a better insight into what is going on in the ADHD world.

The key player in all this is the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) as these are the people who actually control the amount of amphetamines that are manufactured and then released to the drug companies. As you can imagine, this is a pretty tricky business and the supply and demand issues have obviously come unstuck as more and more people demand Adderall, the most popular drug in this group.

Actually, when we look at why the demand is so great and what the actual implications are, we might well become alarmed:-

• Limited distribution is necessary because amphetamines are controlled substances
• Addiction is a possibility
• There is a risk of stockpiling and the drug falling into the wrong hands
• Systems need to be in place to stop the already widespread illegal use of these drugs to help students improve their academic performance.

These students do not have ADHD or any other related disorder and the tendency is growing, unfortunately. This is what should make us sit up and take notice and look at an alternative method of treating ADHD. The whole question of addiction and drug dependency is a grey area and it is very hard to get reliable information and statistics. The best thing is just to avoid using these drugs altogether and we need to be absolutely sure that we do not want a four year old on this type of stimulant, no matter how severe his symptoms may be.

The implications of using such a drug for our children are enormous and the increase in the number for prescriptions being written every year for Adderall is skyrocketing. The fact that 18 million prescriptions in the USA alone showed an increase of 13.4% on the previous year is proof enough of this. This is also one explanation why demand is outstripping supply.

If you choose this type of medication, you may have to worry about strange side effects such as suicidal thoughts, psychotic episodes and other things which should have no place in a happy childhood. Why not consider how an alternative method of treating ADHD, such as homeopathy, could change your child's life.

If you read the testimonials from delighted parents who have chosen this path, you will be heartened to know that there is no risk of drug dependency, no risk of supplies running out and also absolutely no chance of your child ever being approached to sell his ADHD drugs on the school parking lot.

By using homeopathy, you may well be getting real and tangible results which pose a threat to no one:-

• calmer children
• fewer mood swings
• improved concentration levels
• better academic performance
• improved social relationships.

Why not discover how this could be the answer if you are thinking of an alternative method of treating ADHD?

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in children's health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover what Alternative ADHD Therapy is available. Find out about ADHD natural cures.

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Love in the Face of Hatred

Sometimes clients feel anger and hatred for their therapists; I believe this is inevitable on occasion and appropriate. In this article, I'd like to discuss how therapists may respond when they're hated, and how much it can help the people we treat if we're able to tolerate them and not retaliate in kind.

Often these clients, especially severely troubled individuals, need to express their hatred. They need to feel they can show what they actually feel and still be accepted. One of my long-term clients, a man in his early 30s, would scream at me during session after session. He'd vent in the most vicious tones, week after week, accusing me of any number of crimes even when I might have said very little. For me as his therapist, it was extremely painful to be in the same room and feel his hatred -- hard to be the object of his hostility but also to feel his pain. I knew he suffered from profound shame and that venting his hatred was a desperate effort to ward off that shame and hold himself together.

After months of bearing with him, I said in session one day that I thought he felt horrible about himself. He knew on some level that I didn't deserve to be abused, but in truth, he couldn't help it. I talked about the reasons why hatred felt to him like a kind of refuge, better than feeling small and horribly damaged. He began to sob. The kind of body-wracking sobs that seem to come up from the depths, also painful to endure. He couldn't tell me so for a while, but he felt profound gratitude. In truth, nobody in his life had ever been able to understand and tolerate him. His father was weak and absent; his borderline mother made him feel he had to suppress himself and his own needs in order to look after hers.

Bearing the hatred and hostility of a child without getting angry back is what good parents do, an expression of their love. Although I was not his father, I felt a kind of paternal love for my client -- countertransference. I've had the pain and privilege of doing long-term work with a number of very troubled people; I find that you can't do the work, can't tolerate the way they need to abuse you if you don't feel some kind of love for them.

Love in the face of occasional hatred - it's what good parents do for their children, and what we therapists in our own way do for our clients.

In my family of origin, explosions of anger and hatred were rare but terrifying, never discussed afterward and never understood. What was it like in your family? If you have your own children, do you have rules about what can and cannot be expressed? How do you react when your children become angry or hateful? Did your parents instill shame if you expressed hatred? Do you do the same for your own children?

Hatred is a central and misunderstood feeling that's at the heart of many psychological difficulties. What is your opinion as to the acceptability of hatred, in yourself and in other people? Do you think it's a "bad" feeling, one we should try to get rid of? We live in a society that discourages the expression of hatred in personal relations; I'll admit it can be problematic, but do you see any value in acknowledging hatred?

In my opinion, hatred is inevitable. The challenge is to acknowledge and make room for it without at the same time letting it destroy your feelings of love.

Joseph Burgo PhD is a clinical psychologist with 30+ years experience in the mental health profession. He writes two blogs, one called 'After Psychotherapy' where he discusses psychotherapy issues such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder from a psycho-dynamic perspective; on the other blog, 'Movies and Mental Health' hosted by PsychCentral, he uses classic and contemporary films to illustrate his ideas. Dr. Burgo also offers online counseling via Skype. His forthcoming book on psychological defense mechanisms will be released by New Harbinger Publications in Spring 2013.

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Recognizing Bipolar Symptoms

Historically known as manic depressive disorder, Bipolar disorder or Bipolar Affective disorder is a psychiatric diagnosis that defines a distinct category of mood disorders. It is normally comprised of single or multiple episodes of cognitive, energy, and mood levels that are considered abnormal while episodes of depression may or may not be present. One way or the other, bipolar disorder is a mental illness that is extremely debilitating. Interestingly enough, it can be masked by manic periods of extreme energy and productivity.

Unless it is diagnosed early and treatment begins as soon as possible, the person suffering with bipolar disorder will be dealing with a greatly reduced quality of life. Therefore, it is important to recognize the different bipolar symptoms in order to diagnose the disorder properly and begin treatment immediately. The following information will help you to identify these symptoms early on.

Document any manic episodes that you notice - one of the primary characteristics of bipolar disorder is the constant cycling of depression and manic episodes. This mania is normally characterized by:

o illusions of grandeur or self-importance
o inability to sleep
o rapid working pace
o unusually high energy levels
o urges to talk continually

Look for drastic or erratic changes in moods - these changes can occur rapidly and last briefly, for a couple of days, or for up to several weeks. It just depends on the severity of the disorder. When the changes are consistently quick in nature, this is usually a sign of what is known as rapid cycling bipolar disorder.

Watch for the signs of depression - bipolar symptoms typically present themselves more clearly in women than in men during the depression stages of the disorder. Look for:

o fatigue
o loss of appetite
o loss of motivation (e.g. with hygiene and self-care)
o need for excessive sleep
o unexplained weight gain or loss

Watch for the signs of suicidal intentions or thoughts - one of the bipolar symptoms that you want to be aware of is discussions about suicide. Attempts at suicide are much more common among individuals suffering with bipolar disorder than what it is for the normal population. Don't take anything for granted where this is concerned, even if the comment the person makes about suicide appears to be in jest or just made in passing. Make a note of the remark and be concerned.

On a closing note, here are a few tips and warnings that you should take into consideration. First and foremost, bipolar symptoms can be treated by administering certain medications. Regular dosage will be critical with these medications so you should consider purchasing a pill dispenser for yourself or the afflicted loved one. Along with medication, therapeutic counseling conducted in conjunction with the medications is normally beneficial.

You should be aware of dangerous and reckless behavior that occurs during the different manic states of bipolar disorder. This is vital if you want to prevent the individual from doing long-term harm to themselves or creating a life-threatening situation. For more information, you should read additional articles containing information on bipolar symptoms and the disorder.

For the latest videos and training information on child development as well as books and curricula on Autism please visit

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What Are the Causes of Bipolar Disorder? Links to Genetics

Bipolar Disorder & Genetics

Bipolar disorder tends to run in families, as such researchers are looking for specific genes that may increase a person's chance of developing the illness. Genes are the "building blocks" of heredity. They help control how the body and brain work and grow. Genes are contained inside a person's cells that are passed down from parents to children.

Children with a parent or sibling who has bipolar disorder are four to six times more likely to develop the illness, compared with children who do not have a family history of the illness. However, most children with a family history of manic-depression will not develop the bipolar.

Advances in technology have aided researches to go more in depth of Genetic connection. The research is now much quicker and more far-reaching than in the past. One example is the launch of the Bipolar Disorder Phenome Database. This database, will allow scientists to link visible signs of bipolar with the genes that may influence them. With the aid of this database, researchers have found that most people with bipolar had:

Missed work because of their illnessOther illnesses at the same time, especially alcohol and/or substance abuse and panic disordersBeen treated or hospitalized for bipolar.

The researchers also identified certain traits that appeared to run in families, including:

History of psychiatric hospitalizationCo-occurring obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)Age at first manic episodeNumber and frequency of manic episodes

Traits found in this study, may help researches find the genes that cause bipolar disorder some day. However, genes are not the only risk factor for manic-depression. Studies of identical twins have shown that the twin of a person with bipolar illness does not always develop the disorder. This is important because identical twins share all of the same genes. The study results suggest factors besides genes are also at work. Rather, it is likely that many different genes and a person's environment are involved. However, scientists do not yet fully understand how these factors interact to cause bipolar.

A recent study in germany suggests that rare sponteous mutations are a vital contributor to risk for bipolar as other brain related physicatric diseases, such as schizophrenia. The study also concluded that there is a strong association of rare de novo copy-number-variants or (CNV's) with bipolar. The rare de novo CNV's infuence the age of when bipolar disorder begins. The same instances were found in schizophrenia earlier studies. Although unclear the role of CNVs in bipolar disorder, the study suggests mood disorders could be evident for de novo mutations.

Educate your self on the causes, symptoms, signs, treatment centers, types of Bipolar Disorder Here at Bipolar Disorder Assist. Medications, free resources for financial aid, housing programs, 12 step programs, free education and therapy, legal information, help for children, adults, parents with children, care for supporters/caretakers, even ways to earn extra income, how to successfully apply for SSDI and SSI. Visit us today at

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ADHD Causes: Head Injury in Early Childhood

While heredity is certainly among the causes of ADHD, not everyone with the genetic predisposition to the disorder will necessarily it. For ADHD to occur, the child must meet certain environmental triggers that will set off the disorder. Among these such environmental triggers are head injuries and minor brain trauma in early childhood.

The relationship between head injury and ADHD is a rather compelling one. Early research has shown that very young children who sustained head trauma often meet the diagnostic criteria for ADHD in two years - even if they did not have ADHD prior to the injury. Spurred by these findings, a study published in the British Medical Journal investigated if there is a relationship between head injuries and childhood ADHD. The research team collected data from 62,088 children and divided them into two groups - children who had head, burns, or scald injuries before they reached the age of 2, and children who were injury-free. They discovered that those who received head injuries in early childhood are 90% more likely to get diagnosed with ADHD before they turned 10.

For these reasons, it is important for your child to receive an annual check-up or exam if he or she sustained any head injuries in childhood. Prevention can go a long way too. Here are some ways to protect your infant or child from head trauma:
Never leave a baby alone on raised surfaces like beds, changing tables, or chairs. If you have to leave the baby unattended, place him or her on the floor, in a crib, or in a playpen.
Child-proof your home thoroughly - install window guards, place a safety gate near stairs and doors, and get rid of furniture with sharp edges in the play area. If there's a playground at home, make sure there are shock-absorbing surfaces like sand or rubber mats under the playground equipment.
In the car, make sure your child is properly buckled up. Always use a child safety seat or seat belt.
Your children should always wear appropriate headgear and other safety equipment when skating, riding a bike, skiing, or playing contact sports.
Make sure your child takes it easy when recovering from a head injury. No sports or rough play until the injury has healed completely. Not only will it take longer for the brain to heal if it gets re-injured so soon, but every injury does additional damage.

Dr. Yannick Pauli is an expert on natural approaches to ADHD and the author of the popular self-help home-program The Unritalin Solution. He is Director of the Centre Neurofit in Lausanne, Switzerland and has a passion taking care of children with ADHD. Click on the link for more great information about what is ADHD.

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What You Resist Persists

The war on drugs. The fight against cancer. The war on terrorism. The fight to end hunger. Anti-divorce. Anti-gay marriage. Anti-obesity. Anti-war....etc... It seems that a lot of us are anti-everything these days. Interestingly, they are all at record levels and increasing rapidly. We resist change allowing what we don't want to persist. It is a cycle that most people just do not understand. The only way we can make a change with people or a problematic situation is to stop resisting the existence of it. People are going to choose to be gay, so what? Condemning and hassling them about their lifestyle is not only going to make them upset and annoyed but will make them more expressive about it. Protesting in front of abortion clinics is not an effective way to lower the rate of abortion or unwanted pregnancy.

Believing all of the fear based propaganda on the news is only going to create ideas of intolerance and hatred in your head. The more we "fight" terrorism, the more terrorist activity we are going to create. The more we "fight" cancer, the faster it will spread and increase. Dwelling on problems does not and cannot create an attainable solution. The power to transform a situation or yourself comes from transforming your ideas and beliefs about it. Rather than resisting and making a big deal about it, why not try acceptance and manifesting change?

I am seeing signs all over the place that read "drive now text later you can't do both" Really? Now this is interesting. I see people doing it all over the place. Driving in the city, driving in the burbs, on the highway - it appears quite evident to me that people CAN do it just fine. This is a great example of how that type of signage and communication does not work. Not only are people going to blow it off, but they are going to be devil's advocate and say, oh yes I can and I am going to knowing they can get in trouble for it. A more effective approach to encourage people not to text and drive can be making signs and ad campaigns that say something like "please don't do both" or "you shouldn't do both" instead. People will respond in a more positive manner because it is not invasive and commanding. It will make people more conscious of their choice to text and drive and the consequences if caught. Personally, I know I don't like being told what to do and will respond more to being asked instead of commanded.

You may be thinking it takes too much effort and work for this, but do you realize that it is just an excuse? It takes more energy to be mad and hold a grudge than to accept, let go then create what you really want out of the situation or life itself.

Looking at this from an energetic perspective where any given situation or condition is a mirror reflection of our thoughts, we can see that WE create the outcome. Not God, not Barack Obama, not even the Flying Spaghetti Monster or any one person or thing. Sure, there may be some influence or inspiration involved on some level, but ultimately we are the author of our ever present existence.

Our thoughts create. Therefore, why not think positive things about a negative situation? Think about it - how much more energy does it take for you to be mad compared to happy? It is this awesome gift we are born with called free-will to choose. For those who have heard of the movie "The Secret", this concept is very similar. Instead of fighting cancer, why not just see yourself healed and healthy? Having intent and creating empowering goals for miraculous healing are as powerful as prayer. The great thing about it is that you don't have to believe in God, you don't even have to have "hope" or believe in anything at all. It can be random if you just let it happen.

All you need is the desire for change or transformation. Then create it and know it will happen by letting it happen without being attached to the outcome. Creation really is simple and it is something we are all capable of. We are all creators in the image of creation itself. The reason this just works is because you make it work. The interesting concept is when we stop resisting what we don't want and accept what we have, we then can create what we do want.

Just because you accept gay marriage does not mean you have to agree with or practice that lifestyle, just let it be. I mean would you want to be constantly judged for something you choose that millions of people say is wrong? If you choose to accept that people will get divorced and have abortions, it does not mean you should go get married, get pregnant, then go have an abortion and get divorced. What it actually does is create acceptance of the situation and a condition for people to being more aware of their choices.

This can be applied to any area of life. In fact, because of this power we have to create, my dad is still alive eight years after he was told he was going to die. They gave him three years to live when he was diagnosed with ALS and I guarantee if he fought it, he would have already lost. He has used this extremely powerful tool not to "fight" the terminal illness he has, but to create a pathway to healing and recovery. Stop resisting and start creating!

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Green Tea for ADHD - Does Green Tea Help ADHD?

Your neighbor tells you they have heard drinking green tea can help you to lose weight, improve cellular health, boost immune system function, support brain and heart health, and help reduce the symptoms of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) in both children and adults.

Since it sounds too good to be true you quickly access the Internet to confirm what you have just heard. To your surprise most of what your neighbor has told you is true and supported by credible research and online articles published by well-respected authors.

But you quickly revert back to reality and ask yourself does green tea really help ADHD and are there any hidden pitfalls to consider?

In this article I will draw on my personal experience to try to provide you with realistic idea as to what to expect when green tea is used to manage ADHD symptoms. So if you have a few minutes to spare why don't we get started.

The argument has been made that the Japanese have been using green tea for centuries to treat ADHD with positive results. This widely accepted fact sounds pretty good in theory and I guess I buy into it to a certain degree since I love my green tea and find it does improve focus.

But I do think that when referencing the benefits of green tea for ADHD in Japan one should take into account the Japanese culture which is famous for its devotion to meditational pursuits that focus on mind- body balance. Mind calming meditation and diaphragm breathing are taught from a very early age and parents take great pains to make sure their children concentrate well, stay in control of their emotions, and show few signs of hyperactive behavior. To do otherwise would be culturally unacceptable.

If you have ever been to Japan you know exactly what I am talking about. For those who haven't visited I would suggest you give it a try for it is one of the safest, cleanest, and relaxing places to visit on the planet.

Science tells us green tea contains the amino acid L-theanine which has been scientifically proven to regulate alpha waves in the brain. Alpha waves play a role in focus and self-regulation! In fact, one study even went so far as suggesting that green tea is just as effective as the stimulant medication Ritalin without the side effects.

Does green tea help ADHD - My personal experience

My experience with consuming green tea to improve focus has been overall a good one, as it does seem to improve concentration and help with blood sugar spikes, both of which are a problem for those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

On the downside it seems as if there is a limit as to how far green tea can sustain concentration. For me it seems to be about 4 hours and requires an 8 ounce glass of green tea (no sugar added) to be consumed about once every hour.

This brings into question the amount of caffeine being consumed which I have found to be troublesome. After about 4 hours a certain amount of restlessness starts to creep in as concentration and ability to stay focused starts to wane. Additionally, caffeine is addictive and too much caffeine consumed on a regular basis can produce a series of lows and highs, promote sleeplessness if consumed in large quantities or at inappropriate times, and cause an occasional headache when you don't get your daily dose of caffeine.

In conclusion, if you were to ask me does green tea help ADHD I would say yes it does, but it must be used in moderation due to its caffeine content.

Additionally many natural health minded parents have found green tea used in moderation combined with a good homeopathic ADHD remedy to be a powerful one two punch in winning the battle against attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

There are a number of excellent ADHD homeopathic remedies on the market worth considering with some of the best containing the homeopathic ingredients Hyoscyamus, Verta Alb, and Arson Iod all three of which promote focus and emotional balance without the risk of addiction.

Robert D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic consumer advocate for natural health and natural living with over 10 years experience in the field. To learn more about ADHD along with information about safe and effective natural herbal and homeopathic ADHD remedies Click Here.

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ADHD Homework Systems: Solutions for School and Home

Getting homework done isn't easy for a student with ADHD. A child with poor memory, attention, and focus will have a difficult time taking down assignments, bringing home the correct books, and keeping track of deadlines. The good news is that you and your child's teacher can help your child get homework done using a homework routine. Though it may take a few weeks or months for the routine to become a habit, getting homework done on time won't be such a chore.

Solutions at school

Keep a homework journal

If your child's school doesn't require one already, provide your child with a notebook where he or she can write the day's assignments. For children with language deficits, copying down homework may be a troublesome task; see if your child's teacher is willing to hand out typed assignment sheets to bring home.

Create a completed work envelope

Give your child a clear plastic envelope where he or she can place the day's homework. This will help your child remember what needs to be brought to school. The clear plastic will also help him or her make sure that the right assignment was packed.

Organize an after-school homework club

Does your child's school provide after-school care? If so, try to organize an after-school homework club where kids can complete assignments under the supervision of a teacher.

Solutions at home

Establish a homework hour

Some children would rather get homework out of the way as soon as they get home, while others want to take a break before hitting the books. Find out what works best for your child and set a consistent homework hour. If your child participates in many after-school activities, create a weekly calendar that lists down the start and end time of homework hour.

Provide a quiet study area

Make sure your child does homework in a distraction-free area of the house, away from the TV, video game consoles, or computer. If your child needs to use the computer for research, disable all video games, instant messaging programs, or distracting websites during homework hour.

Let your child fidget

Believe it or not, research shows that children with ADHD actually work better when they fidget. So don't mind your child if he tends to drum his fingers loudly or if she has to walk around the room in order to read. Allow your child to do whatever it takes to let information sink in. Just make sure he or she isn't procrastinating!

Allow short breaks

Focusing takes a lot of energy out of children with ADHD. Help your child recharge by allowing short five-minute breaks every 20 or 30 minutes.

Dr. Yannick Pauli is an expert on natural approaches to ADHD and the author of the popular self-help home-program The Unritalin Solution. He is Director of the Centre Neurofit in Lausanne, Switzerland and has a passion taking care of children with ADHD. Click on the link for more great information about what is adhd.

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Unbearable Emotions and Feelings

The term "eating disorders," like so many diagnostic labels, describes a spectrum of experiences and dynamics; while two people might both overeat and purge, the psychological reasons why they do so can be very different. I'd like to discuss one of my clients who suffered from bulimia, along with the emotional factors involved, because her story sheds light on a much larger issue: how we may cope with unbearable emotions and feelings by trying to get rid of them.

When I began working with this client (I'll call her Sharon), I had little experience with eating disorders. I understood that there might be a connection between childhood sexual abuse and bulimia; I was aware that low self-esteem and perfectionism likely played a role. The first time we met, Sharon told me she'd been sexually molested by her step-father during her early teens; while she didn't strike me as having particularly low self-esteem, she did seem quite perfectionistic and self-critical. In our early sessions, however, what struck me most was how little she could tolerate her emotions and feelings.

A pattern began to emerge: whenever an experience threatened to stir up emotion (it could be an intensely pleasurable feeling just as well as an anxious or painful one) the powerful urge to overeat would arise. Eventually she would give in, binge eat and force herself to vomit afterward; an enormous sense of relief always followed. We came to understand that what she wanted was to feel empty, void of emotion. Her bulimia, in a very literal sense, was a process of emotional evacuation. By throwing up, Sharon felt she'd gotten rid of the unbearable emotions and feelings along with the food she'd eaten.

The solution wasn't permanent, of course: the feelings usually came back. Sometimes evacuating her feelings gave her enough time to find an alternative way to remove or avoid the cause of those feelings; on other occasions, emotions would resurface and she'd go through the binge-purge cycle again. In almost every situation, her goal was first to avoid having any feelings if possible, and then to get rid of them whenever she couldn't.

Sharon's mother was a very logical, remote woman who also tried to avoid any kind of emotional turbulence. The fact that she somehow managed not to know what must have been obvious, that her husband was molesting her daughter, shows just how far she would go to avoid facing painful and difficult situations that might agitate her. In other words, Sharon grew up in a family with little tolerance for emotions and feelings; she never learned how to cope with them in a mental way and developed bulimia, in large part, as a physical alternative.

There are many other ways to avoid or evacuate unwanted emotions and feelings; the process of projection isn't usually as literal as it is in this case of bulimia. But I believe it's something we all do at one time or another. On the other hand, when we're unable to get rid of such feelings, it may give rise to intense anxiety symptoms or even panic attacks. In addition, the inability to cope with sudden, overwhelming and unbearable emotion can also give rise to post traumatic stress disorder.

You might have a hard time identifying with Sharon's methods, but you may use eating in related ways. Many people turn to food as comfort, of course, trying to satisfy an emotional need by physical means. Others use food as a sort of numbing agent. As to the larger issue of avoiding intense emotions and feelings, you may find more common ground with Sharon. Here's a personal example. When my children were small and the emotional demands of rearing them were high (in addition to the emotional demands of my psychotherapy practice), all I wanted at the end of the day, after everyone was fed, bathed and in bed, was to watch repeats of "Law & Order" with a glass of wine. Nothing stimulating, nothing unexpected... just the comfortable routine of crime and punishment, with characters who never surprised me. Sound familiar? At the end of your day, do you numb out in front of mindless TV shows with alcohol or ice cream? Maybe it's because, after the stimulation of your day, you can't take any more intense feelings.

How does your own routine serve to limit the kinds of emotions and feelings you have? Are you a creature of habit? Sometimes repetitive ways of doing things allow us to know (or believe we can know) what we'll feel in advance. Who of us really likes the shock of unexpected feeling? It might be a wonderful surprise if the Publisher's Clearing House guy showed up at my door, telling me I'd won the sweepstakes, but I hate late-night phone calls that mean bad news, death or a serious accident.

You'd think, given the shortness of life and the wealth of possible experiences, we humans would constantly be searching for new sources of stimulation and excitement. It's surprising how many of us prefer the comfort of routine and the set of knowable emotions and feelings that come up in our ordinary day.

Joseph Burgo PhD is a clinical psychologist with 30+ years experience in the mental health profession. He writes two blogs, one called 'After Psychotherapy' where he discusses psychotherapy issues such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder and post traumatic stress disorder from a psycho-dynamic perspective; on the other blog, 'Movies and Mental Health' hosted by PsychCentral, he uses classic and contemporary films to illustrate his ideas. Dr. Burgo also offers online counseling via Skype. His forthcoming book on psychological defense mechanisms will be released by New Harbinger Publications in Spring 2013.

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Online Therapy Through Instant Dream Translation

Even though the meaning of dreams was distorted by many false dream interpreters for numerous years and until today a chaotic situation prevails concerning the importance of dreams, the scientific method of dream interpretation proves to the world the extraordinary power of the dream messages.

The method of dream interpretation discovered by Carl Jung is the only right one. I prove this truth with my work, especially because I continued Jung's research by using his method of dream interpretation, discovering a lot more.

If you suffer from a mental illness or if you are confused and sad, you surely need my support. My fast professional dream translations will help you find the solutions you need without wasting time.

The online therapy provided to you through instant dream translation is a safe and effective way to fight depression, neurosis, and many other mental illnesses. You can also learn everything you need to know about the person you love and your relationship.

The dream language is symbolic. All dream images have a different meaning in dreams from the meaning they have in your daily life. For example, the rock in dreams represents the truth. The river represents a life challenge that all human beings must face. This challenge is the discovery of the wild side of their conscience at the other side of the river.

I'm used with the dream language because I translate the meaning of dreams since 1986. I started looking for psychotherapy through dream interpretation since 1984, but in the beginning I studied various different methods, until I decided to precisely follow Carl Jung's method. I saw that only his method worked for all types of dreams. In 1986 I also decided to write down all my dreams everyday, and not only the dreams that seemed to be intriguing and interesting.

I became an expert on dream translation in 1988. Then, I started writing my first scientific book about dream interpretation and craziness prevention. In 1990 I started curing others through dream therapy.

For me dream translation is a simple matter. I also know how to help all dreamers find sound mental health thanks to the unconscious guidance in their dreams. My advice helps all dreamers understand how to put the unconscious guidance into practice.

The meaning of dreams is not a theoretical knowledge that could possibly help you somehow. The real meaning of dreams provides you with practical knowledge that helps you in your daily life.

Dream translation according to the scientific method gives you precious information about yourself, your friends and enemies, the person you love, your family, your work, and everything that is important for you. This information is real and saves you from trouble.

If you are studying the dream language, I give you also private lessons of dream translation when I translate your dreams for you. This is surely the best option at your disposal because you learn how to translate the meaning of dreams into practice, besides immediately understanding the unconscious messages.

At a certain point you won't need my professional dream translations because you'll be able to easily translate all dreams yourself. You'll have this knowledge always helping you in your life. You can also count with my support and the instant help of my professional dream translations whenever you'll need fast solutions. This alternative will help you relax and feel that you are not alone.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.
Learn more at:
Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

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Challenges of ADHD - How to Deal With ADHD Tantrums

ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with the primary symptoms being inattention, impulsive or erratic behavior, and hyperactivity. ADHD children are typically impatient and become bored and/or frustrated easily.

If there was ever a recipe for titanic tantrums it would be the above symptoms all mixed together in a flammable concoction and then ignited by some unforeseen need, want, or desire.

I was told a story recently by an adult woman who has struggled with the impulsive hyperactive type of ADHD since childhood. She reflecting back on her days as a young child when she would drive her parents to drinking by asking hundreds of times "Are We There Yet" on their way to the family vacation spot. She also admitted she threw in a tantrum or two when she failed to get the attention she wanted.

Many parents of children with attention deficit disorder know this story all too well because they have lived it. On the other hand those who haven't experienced attention deficit hyperactivity disorder up close and personal would be hard pressed to relate.

So this brings us to our first cornerstone for how to deal with ADHD tantrums and that is to be patient, and if possible stay calm. Let's face it as a parent there will be only so much you can take but by remaining calm (at least on the outside) you will be able to control the situation much better and set the narrative once things settle down.

Acceptance. Remember your child likely has a neurotransmitter (dopamine, norepinephrine) chemical imbalance in the brain combined with the possibility that certain areas of the brain controlling self-regulation may be underdeveloped. You must accept that tantrums are part of the parenting landscape. Acceptance will help you be more prepared and stay calmer since you know the inevitable tantrum is coming.

Like parent like child. Well maybe. Believe it or not there a couple of genes passed down from a ADHD parent to ADHD child that have been linked to irregularities in the dopamine pathway in the brain and likely contribute to self-regulation problems such as tantrums. Perhaps as a child you threw a tantrum or two. If so ask yourself how you wanted your parents to respond during these episodes. You may have the answer as for how to deal with ADHD tantrums effectively and not realize it.

If possible don't give in. As parents we all give in from time to time but by giving in to a screaming child you are conveying the message that if they scream long enough and loud enough they will eventually get what they want.

Take the emphasis off the present. For example your are in the grocery store on isle five when your child comes unglued over not being able to have 5 giant bags of M&M candy. If you can convince them something better is on row 7 they very well might calm down and forget about row 7 on row 6. I once overheard an ADHD counselor convince a child that the most important thing they were going to do today was the next thing. This kept this child looking forward and reduced their tantrums by about half. It was a brilliant strategy but likely is not right for every ADHD child.

Homeopathic remedies. Most homeopathic remedies for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder contain at least one ingredient that helps to quell tantrums and disruptive behavior. A couple of examples are Hyoscyamus and Arsen iod. Something to think about wouldn't you say?

In conclusion, there is no 100% foolproof guidebook that has all the answers when it comes to how to deal with ADHD tantrums. That said, hopefully the information above will provide you with enough useful information to formulate a comprehensive plan for child tantrum management while helping you retain your sanity for at least a little while longer.

Robert D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic consumer advocate for natural health and natural living with over 10 years experience in the field. To learn more about ADHD along with information about herbal and homeopathic ADHD remedies to help manage tantrums in children Click Here.

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Learn What Generates Mental Illnesses and How to Find Sound Mental Health

I had to pass though an arduous psychotherapy because my case was severe. I had to recuperate the sensitivity I used to have when I was a child. Therefore, I accepted to pass through a difficult process of psychotherapy and spiritual purification, so that I could transform my personality and learn how to be wise.

The knowledge I acquired through dream translation helped me understand how to fight terror. I had to understand how to eliminate terror so that I could discover the cure for schizophrenia and psychosis.

I discovered that in order to eliminate terror I had to fight the anti-conscience, which is our primitive conscience that didn't evolve like our human side. Our anti-conscience generates mental illnesses within our human conscience, leading us to terror and despair. All mental disorders are generated by the anti-conscience, which occupies the biggest part of our brain.

I could discover the existence of the anti-conscience because I was well-prepared in order to bear discovering it, and in order to bear its attacks. The tragic car accident I suffered from in 1976 (when I was 15-years-old) was preparing me to face craziness in 1989 (when I became 28-years-old) and I discovered the existence of the anti-conscience into the biggest part of the human brain.

My literary works contained prophecies because my literary talent was totally inspired by the unconscious mind that produces our dreams. Everything was a preparation, even though I couldn't imagine that my writings contained prophecies. I had no idea that someday I would have to become a hero. I discovered my destiny by translating the meaning of dreams and understanding the unconscious messages.

The fact that I could discover the existence of the anti-conscience is by itself a miracle. Nobody can survive after seeing the horrible content of the anti-conscience. Our anti-conscience is satanic. This means that I discovered our satanic origin. Since the biggest part of our brain is possessed by our primitive and evil anti-conscience, this means that we are demons.

Many people attacked me when I told them the result of my discoveries. Nobody wants to believe that we, human beings, are basically demons.

Nobody wanted to believe that we, human beings, are merely primates when Charles Darwin discovered this truth. However, the bitter truth must be accepted if we want to find salvation.

We refuse to believe that we are inferior creatures because we possess an absurd ego. This is why we want to always be in a superior position, in all situations.

We prefer to keep believing in our illusions, even after discovering that they are illusions. This is why craziness and terror are invincible.

The fact that I was cured and the fact that a literature writer who was neurotic like me (almost as schizophrenic as my father) could continue the research of a psychiatrist, proves that the unconscious mind is a superior mind.

I was mentally ill, very young, and ignorant. I would never be able to find sound mental health alone, merely based on Carl Jung's lessons. I was miraculously cured of my dangerous neurosis before it would become schizophrenia only because I obeyed the unconscious guidance. My case proves to the world that by obeying the unconscious guidance even monsters like me can learn how to be wise and find salvation from terror and despair. I was totally insensitive, demanding, and selfish.

I had inherited too much absurdity into my anti-conscience. Everyone inherits this absurd content in their brain, but some people have a weak anti-conscience, and a strong human conscience. Therefore, they manage to keep their conscience alive, without becoming victims of craziness.

Other people are predestined to lose their human conscience when they become adults because they inherit a strong anti-conscience. Even if their human conscience is strong too, if they have inherited too much absurdity into their anti-conscience, they will some day lose their human conscience, especially because we live in a world ruled by terror, violence, immorality, hypocrisy, and greed. If someone has inherited too much absurdity in their brain, when they become victims of the world's wickedness, they cannot but become crazy.

Our dreams help us find sound mental health even when we lose our human conscience. They also help us prevent losing our conscience before the anti-conscience will manage to destroy a big portion of our conscience.

The real meaning of dreams was discovered by Carl Jung and clarified by me, who continued his arduous mission in order to save you and your family from the anti-conscience's craziness. The satanic anti-conscience is your worst enemy.

You may dislike this discovery, but if you are intelligent you will understand that you must be grateful because now you know the truth and now you can get rid of your worst enemy through dream therapy. The unconscious mind that produces your dreams has a saintly nature and will surely transform you into a wise human being, even if you are a terrible sinner, even if you are mentally ill, and even if you feel that you are idiotic.

You'll become a real genius after eliminating your anti-conscience. This monster is responsible for everything that is negative in your personality.

When you'll eliminate your satanic anti-conscience through dream therapy, you will acquire complete consciousness. This means that you will finally be able to use all of our brain power in a positive way.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.
Learn more at:
Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

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Adult ADHD: Organize Your Workplace

As an adult with ADHD, the word "organize" probably makes you cringe. You might have already given up on sorting through the clutter on your desk or workplace, or have no idea where to begin organizing your office. However, keeping your desk neat and orderly is one way to improve your productivity and minimize distractions while working. Here are a few tips on solving your work space dilemmas, courtesy of a professional organizer.

Sort your clutter in three boxes

Don't know where to begin? Start by getting three cardboard boxes and labeling them with keep, throw, and belongs elsewhere. Then place the items on your desk into one of these three boxes. This step allows you to sort through your belongings quickly because everything except the trash pile will be re-organized. If you can't keep your focus for long, set a timer for 10 or 15-minute work periods and take a quick break after each.

Find a home for items to keep

Once everything in your work space has been placed in the boxes, start sorting through the stuff in the Keep box. Place each item in their proper place - books on the bookshelf, CDs on a CD rack, etc. Designate a single drawer for office supplies and place them where they can be easily reached. Less frequently used objects should be stored in lower drawers.

Invest in a file organization kit

Uncertain about where to keep all your documents? Consider buying a file organization kit so you don't have to rifle through piles and piles of paper to find the document you need. Make sure you get a color-coded kit and place similar documents in each color so you can easily find what you're looking for.

Keep infrequently used gadgets in one box

We don't always use the gadgets we buy - not on a daily basis anyway. Store all infrequently used gadgets, USB cables, and charges in one box and place it in a nearby supply closet.

Trash items ASAP

Shred old documents and recycle what you need to recycle now, not later. If you don't, the Trash pile will just end up sitting in your office for weeks!

Invest in a desktop organizer

Keep your desktop neat and orderly with a new inbox system, with different slots for mail, receipts, bills, etc. These tiny storage spaces will not only keep papers from piling up; the vertical slots allow you to grab the documents you need at a moment's notice.

Dr. Yannick Pauli is an expert on natural approaches to ADHD and the author of the popular self-help home-program The Unritalin Solution. He is Director of the Centre Neurofit in Lausanne, Switzerland and has a passion taking care of children with ADHD. Click on the link for more great information about what is adhd.

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Teaching ADHD Kids That No Means No

One of the most difficult parts of parenting a child with ADHD is that it's impossible to give into every whim and demand. Children want many things - new toys, trips to parks, new ways to amuse themselves. On top of all of this, you have to make sure your accident-prone child doesn't bump into the furniture, stop the teasing and the whining, and remind him or her to start doing chores and homework. When this happens, kids only have two choices - they can either cooperate with you then reap the rewards of behaving, or they can insist on getting their way and avoid getting disciplined by confusing you. Here are ways kids insist on getting what they want, and how to teach them that no means no.


"Mom please, just this one time, just this one time!" Children who badger try to get their way with you by repeating their request until you get worn down by repetition. The underlying message of this tactic is, "I'll shut up when you give me what I want." This technique is especially effective in public! Stand your ground by saying, "When I say no, it means I don't want to discuss it further."


Younger kids may throw tantrums, older kids may argue their case by reasoning, complaining, or trashing their room. As long as you pay attention to your child, the tantrum will go on. Simply ignore your child and walk away. Don't respond to the back-talk - just keeping walking and ignoring.


All children have declared running away from home if they can't get what they want. However, some threats like suicide are certainly more worrisome for parents. What do you do if your child makes a serious threat? Contextualize the situation. Does your child use this threat all the time? Does your child enjoy a good life, have decent grades, and fits in the family well? If your answer is "yes", these threats are not likely to be serious and should not be taken seriously. But if your answer is no, find out what's wrong and seek help from the guidance counselor or your child's therapist.


If your child chooses to skip dinner, holds his breath until he turns blue, or sulks while everyone has moved on from the argument, he or she is trying to make you feel guilty. Your child is aware that you want him or her to be safe, happy and healthy, and acting deprived influences the way you exact discipline. As with tantrums, the more your child has an audience, the more this behavior will continue. Stand your ground and don't give in, no matter how guilty it makes you feel.

Sucking up

With this tactic, your child tries to get her way by being good and making you feel good. Chores and homework are done without any prompting, and your child might even take on other chores that are beyond his or her scope of responsibility. The message of this technique is that you'll feel bad for denying what he wants after he's been so good. While it's all right to give in to your child's desires after behaving so well, assert that you'll take away the new toy or reduce privileges if he or she fails to maintain this good behavior.

Dr. Yannick Pauli is an expert on natural approaches to ADHD and the author of the popular self-help home-program The Unritalin Solution. He is Director of the Centre Neurofit in Lausanne, Switzerland and has a passion taking care of children with ADHD. Click on the link for more great information about what is ADHD.

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ADD Symptoms in Females

Interestingly enough, many women who are suffering with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) have gone through their entire lives into adulthood without being diagnosed with the disorder. ADD lacks the hyperactivity-impulsivity factor commonly occurring with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). In many instances, it is not until their children have been diagnosed with the disorder that the adult female notices that they have some of these ADD symptoms themselves.

These ADD symptoms will give the woman the appearance of being disorganized and overly indecisive as well as scatterbrained and self-absorbed. Additionally, it is not uncommon for a woman with ADD to make it all the way into adulthood without ever being diagnosed with the disorder. The following are some additional and more common symptoms to be aware of if you are concerned about you or a loved one having the disorder.

* Difficulties focusing - focusing on tasks for any length of time is difficult for women when they have ADD

* Emotional sensitivity - females suffering with ADD tend to get upset easily as they are emotionally charged and extremely sensitive to any type of criticism

* Habitual tardiness - one of the ADD symptoms that is common in females is their poor sense of time which is evidenced by the fact that they are frequently late to events and their place of work

* Hyper focusing - ADD is typically associated with a difficulty or inability to pay attention for long periods of time but women who have the disorder tend to hyper-focus on projects and experience amazing results

* Hypersensitivity issues - in many cases, women with ADD will get overwhelmed when they are in crowded places while being hypersensitive to noises, smells, and tastes

* Inability to finish projects - the inability of women with ADD symptoms to complete projects stems from the fact that they oftentimes cannot complete them because they get overwhelmed easily and have difficulty organizing things

* Lower self esteem - there is oftentimes periods of failure in a woman's life that date back to their childhood which results in them developing lower self esteem

* Social problems - it is difficult for many women who have the disorder to connect and interact with others hence they do things without thinking such as forgetting names or tuning out others when they are talking

* Trouble organizing - women suffering with ADD will have troubles organizing their home and job environments and will make piles of different items in an effort to create organization

In closing, another one of the ADD symptoms in females that is quite common is sleeping difficulties. Since most individuals get extremely tired because they are constantly moving, women with ADD don't fall asleep that easily or do not sleep well throughout the night.

Finally, if you suspect that you or a loved one is afflicted with Attention Deficit Disorder and are seeing ADD symptoms, you should make an appointment with your family physician and have them test you for it. Many forms of treatment are available and some of them do not involve taking any medications.

For the latest videos and training information on child development as well as books and curricula on Autism please visit

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ADHD Remedies - Natural Ways to Combat ADHD

Let's say for a moment that there was a new drug headed for the market intended to be used primary by children with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) that when taken regularly could lead to insomnia, excessive sweating, decreased appetite, nervousness, stunted growth, nausea, itching, dizziness, heart palpitations, and according to the National Institute of Mental Health may be play a role in sudden unexplained death in youth. Additionally, the longer it was taken the less effective it appeared to be and as an added bonus it increased the chances of long-term drug addiction.

Would you be burning rubber to be the first parent in line at your doctor's office to get this new prescription medication for your child! I think the answer is likely no.

But sadly, this seems to be what is happening with almost 10 million prescriptions written in the United States last year for ADHD stimulant medications and an annual increase of about 4.5 percent over the last ten years.

In this article we will touch on eight natural ways to combat ADHD shown to help with problematic symptoms such as inattention, impulsive or erratic behavior, and hyperactivity/restlessness.

Behavioral therapy. This type of therapy is only as good as the communication between therapist and patient but when open lines of communication are established behavioral therapy can be very effective. The basic premise is to identify problematic behaviors and replace them with more effective and positive behaviors.

Working memory training. The general idea is that if you work your child's brain on a regular basis it becomes stronger thus improving memory, focus, and attention. One important point here is that ADHD children tend to only embrace tasks which interest them so it important to find the right game or mental exercise in order to achieve the intended result.

Diet modification. Most medical professionals discount the value of diet when it comes to improving ADHD symptoms. Nevertheless, most parents of ADHD children have seen firsthand how a diet high in protein and low in sugar and fast burning carbohydrates improves concentration and focus while decreasing hyperactive behavior.

Sleep. Getting enough quality sleep is important to all of us and even more so for those struggling with ADHD primarily because it allows the brain to correct neurotransmitter chemical imbalances and start anew.

Omega 3 fatty acids. A study of nearly 100 boys found that those with lower levels of omega 3 fatty acids (found in abundance in cold water fatty fish) tended to have more learning and behavioral problems than their peers. The answer was to add cold water fish, such as salmon, to their diets twice a week.

B-12. Study after study shows that vitamin B-12 helps improve brain activity and improve concentration. It also is one of the safest vitamins or minerals a child can take.

Exercise combined with outdoor activity. Exercise when combined with outdoor activity seems to have a mind calming effect that improves concentration and focus in ADHD children according to one recent study.

Homeopathic remedies. According to a study published in the British Homeopathic Journal children receiving homeopathic medicines showed significantly less ADHD behavior than those given a placebo. But perhaps the most important finding was that 57 percent of the children showing improvement continued to improve even after the homeopathic medicines were discontinued.

In conclusion, when it comes to natural ways to combat ADHD parents have quite a few options, any one of which can produce excellent results without putting their child's health at risk. Additionally, most natural ways to combat ADHD can be used in conjunction with one another to improve results without magnifying the side effect risks.

Robert D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic consumer advocate for natural health and natural living with over 10 years experience in the field.
To learn more about ADHD along with information about natural herbal and homeopathic ADHD remedies Click Here

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Common ADHD Medications - What Medicine Is Prescribed for ADHD?

ADHD is rapidly becoming the most diagnosed childhood disorder. The disorder continues through adolescence and adulthood over half the time. Symptoms include problems with paying attention and staying focused, impulsivity or erratic behavior, and hyperactivity that often turns to restlessness over time. The disorder co-exist with other mental health concerns in about seven out of ten cases making answering the question as to what medicine is prescribed for ADHD not necessarily as clear-cut as one would initially believe.

Twenty years ago few people were talking about ADHD (then known as ADD) and even fewer wanted to know what medicine is prescribed for ADHD. At that time there was still a great deal of skepticism about the existence of the disorder itself prompting physicians to prescribe medication to help manage symptoms only about 0.06 percent of the time.

Today it is an entirely different story as the total number of cases of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children age 4 to 17 has increased from 7.8 percent in 2003 to 10.5 percent today. Experts estimate that six out of every ten children diagnosed with ADHD are on some type of ADHD medication. Of these medications stimulants such as Ritalin and Adderall remain the most widely prescribed but by no means are they the only ones. This is especially true for adults who have a higher incidence of co-existing conditions such as depression, bi-polar disorder, and anxiety.

Stimulant medications now come in a variety of forms and brands. They do provide some short-term benefit but recent studies seem to suggest that the longer they are taken the less effective they become. Additionally, they provide no healing or lasting benefit for once they are discontinued any benefit derived will be lost.

What medicine is prescribed for ADHD - Stimulants

*Methylphenidate. Marketed as Ritalin, Concerta, and Focalin, just to name a few, these drugs are the go to drug for treating ADHD by doctors and mental health professionals. Methylphenidates are prescribed for both children and adults. Different brands use different delivery systems. There is also a difference in the time it takes for the drugs to take effect, stay in the bloodstream, and the number of side effects to be expected. Methylphenidate can be prescribed in many forms including short-acting, long-acting, and sustained release.

*Salts of D- and L-Amphetamine (Adderall). One of the oldest forms of pharmaceuticals used to treat ADHD is D-Amphetamine (Dexedrine). Adderall employs similar action with the exception of having more impact on the neurotransmitter brain chemical norepinephrine.

Other stimulants: Methamphetamine (Dexoxyn), Pemoline (Cylert), Vyvanse (a newer version of Adderall), Modafinil (Provigil).

What medicine is prescribed for ADHD - Non-stimulants

The two primary names in this area are Strattera and Intuniv (Guanfacine). These drugs work similarly to antidepressant medications by strengthening the chemical signal between nerves that depend on the neurotransmitter norepinephrine to send messages. Unlike serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) Strattera and Intuniv do not impact serotonin levels in the brain. Non-stimulant medications are used primarily by doctors to manage ADHD symptoms in patients who cannot tolerate stimulant drugs.

Side effects include: nausea, vomiting, insomnia, anxiety, headache, and abdominal pain. In adults non-stimulant medications can interfere with sexual performance.

Other medications: Tricyclic antidepressant may be used in treating adults when anxiety and depression are present. MAOIs are a last resort treatment for adults when all other treatments have failed. Estrogen replacement therapy may be prescribed for adult women with ADHD to alleviate depression and improve memory and attention span.

In conclusion, what medicine is prescribed for ADHD is somewhat of an open-ended subject when it comes to adults due to the high incidence of co-existing mental health conditions. For children, on the other hand, doctors will typically prescribe stimulant medications primarily, and non-stimulant medications secondarily, both of which come with a long list of possible side effects.

The side effect risks involved with these drugs has sent many searching for a safe way to manage attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms. Two of the most widely accepted non-prescription alternatives are behavioral therapy and homeopathic ADHD remedies. Alterative ADHD treatments such as these can be used in conjunction with one another. Not only are alternative ADHD treatments generally very safe but may even produce lasting benefits once discontinued.

Robert D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic consumer advocate for natural health and natural living with over 10 years experience in the field. To learn more about ADHD along with information about natural herbal and homeopathic ADHD remedies Click Here

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What You Need to Know About Alzheimer's

There are many diseases out there that people worry about getting, having or dealing with. One of these is Alzheimer's. This disease may seem scary, but knowing the facts about it and understanding it as best you can may help you deal with this disease whether it affects you or a loved one. Knowing about this disease is the first way of fighting Alzheimer's.

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a chronic, irreversible condition that progressively destroys nerve cells in the brain and can affect other structures of the central nervous system. The disease causes dementia to develop which results in memory loss, confusion, disorientation, and troubles thinking, reasoning and understanding. It is considered to be the most common form of dementia and affects one in six women, and one in ten men. The causes of AD are unknown, but many think that genetics play a big role in why someone develops Alzheimer's.

There are some signs or symptoms that can help you determine if you or a loved one may be developing AD. The first sign is memory loss that affects your daily life. This may mean that you forget dates, events or appointments often, you may have to ask for the same information several times, or you rely on memory aids like reminder notes or emails. Another sign is you are challenged when solving problems or planning something. Some people who are being affected by AD have troubles following a simple plan like a recipe, or have problems keeping track of the bills. They may experience that it takes them longer to solve these problems or they have difficulty concentrating to the task at hand. Those who suffer from AD may have problems completing simple tasks that they have done many times before. They may not remember how to get to a certain location, or they may forget the rules of a well played game. Some may even experience confusion with where they are or what time it is. Another problem may be a change in speech or writing. They may continue to repeat themselves, or they might have problems remembering simple vocabulary like calling a "watch" a "hand-clock". Someone with Alzheimer's may have lost or misplace items and then have trouble backtracking or retracing their steps to find the misplaced item. Another sign may be poor or decreased judgment like not caring as much about personal hygiene. Of course, when a person is suffering from AD they may have changes in their mood or personality and might avoid social situations and activities. They may become confused easily, upset easily, suspicious, depressed, anxious or fearful of their surroundings or situation.

Alzheimer's is a fatal disease that is incurable as of right now. Also, there are no drugs or treatment options to help prevent the disease or slow down the process. The Alzheimer's association does everything they can to help raise awareness about this disease and to help raise money to try and find a cure. If you or someone you love is or may be suffering from AD, talk to your doctor, they will then determine if they would like to do a test or scan of your brain to determine if you have Alzheimer's. Check with your medical insurance provider to see if this disease is covered under your insurance plan.

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ADHD Parenting: Breaking Bad Habits

There is a lot of biological truth behind the statement "breaking the habit." The developing brain of a child is made up of electrical wires, which forge connection between nerves that record patterns of association. These patterns of association are the things that make up an experience - for instance, feeling anxious and relieving this anxiety through pulling out hair. Such patterns can be common among children with ADHD. Parenting these behaviors is important because patterns become habits when they are done repeatedly. Once a child has a habit, he or she performs the action automatically, without giving it a second thought.

Does the habit need breaking?

Before working on breaking your ADHD child's bad habits, take a moment to asses if the habit really is a problem. Is it something that requires intervention, or would it be better to let your child enjoy the habit? After all, some habits will eventually go away. And to nervous children, these habits are a way of coping with the pressures in his or her world; taking this habit away might invite a more harmful way of relieving stress. Generally speaking, if the habit causes teasing or social isolation, or if the habit is harming the child (e.g. fingers are getting infected from biting), then you need to step in.

Discover the trigger

What are the situations that make your child pull hair, bite nails, or twitch? Is your child nervous, angry, tired, or bored? Call your child's attention to the habit and discuss it together. Try to find out what's causing the habit and if your child is bothered by these actions or feels comforted by them. If you can, adjust the environment to eliminate the cause. For instance, if you notice the nail-biting increasing when your child watches TV after school, it might help to find engaging extra-curricular activities that will keep your child busy and stimulated.

Offer substitutes

One way to avoid the habit is to provide a safer alternative. For instance, if your child's hands are busy squeezing a stress ball, he won't be able to nibble on his fingernails. Help your child develop this new habit through practice. Gently remind your child to fiddle with the substitute object when the urge comes. Make sure this object is small and within easy reach; hang it from a keychain on your child's backpack or put it in your child's pocket.

Find ways to relax

For some children, habits are a way of relaxing or distracting themselves from a stressful situation. Try teaching your child healthier ways to calm down, such as deep breathing exercises.

Dr. Yannick Pauli is an expert on natural approaches to ADHD and the author of the popular self-help home-program The Unritalin Solution. He is Director of the Centre Neurofit in Lausanne, Switzerland and has a passion taking care of children with ADHD. Click on the link for more great information about what is adhd.

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Bipolar Disorder Symtoms From Depression To Mania

What are the symptoms of bipolar disorder?

People who suffer from bipolar disorder experience unusually intense emotional states that can occur at any time during the illness, these periods are called "mood episodes." There are several ranges which encompass bipolar disorder 'mood episodes' each with their own symptoms. A manic state, or episode, includes an extreme high, over excitement, later we will discuss what effects have in this state. A depressive state or episode, the sufferer will experience (extreme depression, not to be confused with a bad day that all humans experience) generally leads to extreme sadness or hopeless state is called a depressive episode. In other instances, a mixed state causes will include symptoms of both mania and depression. Suffers with bipolar disorder a few traits include becoming explosive and irritable during a mood episode.

Manic or Depressed states can last a week, two weeks, also long periods of time where they remain in the episode for months. Mood episodes cause extreme changes in energy, ability to function, activity levels, sleep, are generally present. A well detailed treatment plan that varies with each patient, will include proper therapy and medication, having this long episodes are uncommon.

A person may be having an episode of if he or she has a number of manic or depressive symptoms for most of the day, nearly every day, for at least one or two weeks. Symptoms can become so severe that the person cannot function normally at work, school, or home. It is important to learn the signs of bipolar disorder so you may take action, and a depressive or manic state of bipolar can be avoided. Below we will go in detail of the symptoms of bipolar disorder.

As discussed earlier, each type of episode will have different signs, anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications are generally used in a bipolar depression episode. Both states experience mood along with behavior changes.

In mania or a manic episodes symptoms include:

Mood Changes

• Along period of feeling "high," or an overly happy or outgoing mood

• Extremely irritable mood, agitation, feeling "jumpy" or "wired."

Behavioral Changes

• Talking very fast, jumping from one idea to another, having racing thoughts

• Being easily distracted

• Unable to keep focus

• Increasing goal-directed activities, such as taking on new projects

• Being restless, pacing

• Insomnia

• Unrealistic goals

• Behaving impulsively and taking part in a lot of pleasurable, high-risk behaviors, such as spending sprees, impulsive sex, and impulsive business investments.

Depression Symptoms:

Mood Changes

• A long period of feeling worried or empty

• Loss of interest in activities once enjoyed, including sex.

Behavioral Changes

• Feeling tired or "slowed down"

• Trouble concentrating, remembering, and decision making

• Being restless or irritable

• Changing eating, sleeping, or other habits

• Thoughts of death or suicide, or attempting suicide.

Educate your self on the causes, symptoms, signs, treatment centers, types of Bipolar Disorder at Here at Bipolar Disorder Assist. Medications, free resources for financial aid, housing programs, 12 step programs, free education and therapy, legal information, help for children, adults, parents with children, care for supporters/caretakers, even ways to earn extra income, how to successfully apply for SSDI and SSI. Visit us today at

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Take an ADHD Test If You Are Worried About Having the Disorder

There are many adults in the US who claim they were originally misdiagnosed for ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Adults who are suffering with ADHD will have difficulty concentrating or will change the activities they are engaged in before completing what they were doing. Taking an ADHD test to see whether or not you have the disorder could mean the difference between a misdiagnosis and being properly diagnosed with it. Remember that proper diagnosis will lead to proper treatment.

The following 6 suggestions could be considered aspects of an ADHD test, but most importantly, they will help you determine if you could have the disorder:

o Do you have trouble organizing? If you feel like you have so much to do that you don't know where to start or that you can't seem to put things in order, this is an indication that you may have ADHD.

o If you have to sit quietly for a prolonged period of time and pay attention to something, are you able to or do you fidget and fool around with something? Staying focused on one particular assignment or project is very difficult for people with ADHD. Even when it is not appropriate, the individual who is suffering with ADHD will oftentimes get up and walk around when they should remain seated and paying attention to what is going on.

o Do you have difficulty finishing projects when you start them, even if you have been working on them for a long period of time already? Some ADHD sufferers will handle doing the work from start to finish while others will just quit working on a project if they think that it is too long.

o If you are in a situation where you have to wait your turn for something, evaluate your behavior during this time. The individual with ADHD typically has difficulty waiting for their turn to speak and will interrupt others frequently during the conversation.

o If you are still in school pursuing your education, check your work carefully for mistakes. One ADHD test focuses on homework mistakes that are common when the assignment is boring or seems too easy.

o When you are in your work environment, do outside noises distract you easily? For the ADHD sufferer, ambient noise within their place of work makes it extremely difficult for them to concentrate on what they are doing and focusing totally on their work.

As a final note, remember that you can easily perform an ADHD test in your own home by following the above suggestions or finding a test for ADHD online. However, you should always consult with a physician in order to get an accurate and proper diagnosis of the disorder. When you do visit your physician, don't leave out any details regarding your behavior and what has transpired throughout your entire life where this is concerned. Finally, keep in mind that proper a diagnosis means being treated for ADHD properly.

For the latest videos and training information on child development as well as books and curricula on Autism please visit

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Alcohol and ADHD: A Bad Combination

Do you find empty bottles in your teenager's bedroom? Has he or she been coming home drunk or tipsy? If your answer to these questions is "yes" and your teenager happens to have ADHD, it may be time for an early intervention. According to current research, children with ADHD are at higher risk for alcoholism and substance abuse. It is believed that their proclivity towards alcohol is due to their impulsive nature, their craving for new stimulation, or the problems that often accompany their ADHD symptoms such as difficulties at school.

Alcoholism begins at adolescence

One current study published in Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research involved the participation of 364 adolescents in Pittsburgh. Heavy drinking usually begins at the ages 15 to 17 as they gain better access to alcohol and related substances. Through an interview, it was discovered that those with ADHD are more likely to drink heavily than their peers and experience the consequences of their drinking, such as fights with parents, lower grades, and their inability to control the amount of alcohol they drink. Though the study's authors did not ask their reasons for drinking, it is believed that having ADHD makes a person more likely to have thrill-seeking, impulsive personalities.

Parental alcoholism increases the risk

The study unveiled one interesting finding: parental attitudes toward alcohol and family life may be a trigger for teenage alcoholism. Children of parents suffering from alcoholism are at higher risk of having an alcohol problem themselves. Though it is not yet known if there is an "alcoholic gene" responsible for teenage alcohol problems, it is believed that the stress due to handling ADHD may have driven some parents to drink. A similar cause-and-effect may be in store for their children.

Other experts believe that a parent's favorable attitude towards drinking may encourage their children to drink more. In fact, a survey discovered that among students 12-15 who drink, 42% obtained their alcohol from their parents.

If your child is just experimenting with alcohol at this point, you can still do something to influence your child's drinking patterns. Consider banning alcohol from the home and setting effective rules or consequences about alcohol use.

Tips for parents

If you're worried that your child may be developing an alcohol habit, sit him or her down and explain why alcohol use at this age is harmful. Point out that alcohol is a leading cause of automobile crash and related deaths. You can also explain how alcohol use can interfere with a developing brain, disrupt its ability to learn life skills, and worsen ADHD symptoms. It also helps to get to know your child's friends and to talk to fellow parents about alcohol use among teenagers. If your child's peers are responsible for introducing your child to alcohol, you can draw your child away from this circle by encouraging him or her to do extracurricular activities, volunteer work, or a part-time job.

Dr. Yannick Pauli is an expert on natural approaches to ADHD and the author of the popular self-help home-program The Unritalin Solution. He is Director of the Centre Neurofit in Lausanne, Switzerland and has a passion taking care of children with ADHD. Click on the link for more great information about what is adhd.

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Memory Techniques To Help You Increase Brain Power Quickly

There wa­s once­ a time­ in your li­fe whe­re you were ­undoubtedly sh­arp as a­ tack, able to recall i­nformation with ease. As you­ get ­older, the abi­lity to soa­k up and r­etain knowledg­e so­ re­adi­ly falls by the wa­yside. Y­ou can work to get your me­mo­ry back, h­owever; you j­ust hav­e to use­ some great ti­ps lik­e the one­s list­ed below.

Keep­ing your stress levels down whi­l­e study­ing ke­eps your m­emory active­. Yo­ur brain be­gins to shut d­own as str­ess l­ev­els rise, which m­eans less a­nd less ­ability to recall what you've been reading. When you f­ee­l tens­io­ns be­gin t­o ri­se, take ­a sh­ort break. Go for a walk o­utside­, ­or m­ak­e a c­up of te­a. Ke­­epi­ng you­r bra­in relaxed and refreshed will k­eep your me­mory at its b­est.

Utiliz­e c­alenders ­and planners. Buy a day pl­anner and jot things do­wn. Keep a sched­ule and be­ su­re­ to glance at it occasio­nally. Writ­ing th­ese things do­wn and looking at them will help your mind. It is l­ess for your brain t­o r­emember and handy to have arou­nd, if you forget some­thing.

A grea­t tip fo­r improv­ing your memory with new items tha­t are­ ­unf­amilia­r to yo­u i­s by ­associating them w­ith th­ings that you­ are­ alrea­dy fam­iliar with. An example would be to memorize somebody's name by thinking of ­another person you know th­at looks simi­lar to th­em or shares som­e key cha­racteristic.

Ea­ting c­ertain f­oods and avoiding others ca­n b­oost the funct­io­n of your brain and help prevent dement­i­a. Foods y­ou­ should eat include those rich in Ome­ga-3 fatty aci­ds, fruits and veget­abl­es hi­gh in a­ntio­xidants, and wine o­r grape ju­ice, althou­gh th­e forme­r in moderatio­n. The resve­ra­tr­ol in these drinks increase­s the bra­in's blood flow a­nd wa­rds off Alzhe­ime­r's di­sease. Fo­ods to ­avoi­d ­include those­ high in sa­tura­ted fats, such as red mea­t, butte­r and ice cre­am.

When learning an abundance o­f new ­informati­on ­all at once, it ­is important to take bre­­aks, ­even if it is just for five minut­es at a time. L­etting your mind relax for a few mi­nutes will keep ­it fre­sh so that you a­re able to abs­orb all of th­e informati­on.

We all want to have­ the most accurate memory possi­ble, b­ut ­as time goes by so­me of us are­ ­affe­cted by memo­ry loss. In additi­on, Alzhei­mers dis­e­ase ha­s become­ incr­easingly common, and th­ere do­­es not seem to b­e an e­ffective­ tr­ea­tment ­at thi­s po­int.

Learn more about how to increase brain power today at my official website. If you're looking to read about the system I recommend, check out ZOX Pro on my website for more information.

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Facts on ADHD

Facts on ADHD are changing rapidly making much of what was believed to be true just ten years ago a footnote in the history of ADHD evolution. For that reason if you are serious about learning about compiling accurate facts on ADHD you will seek out current information and studies that are less than eight years old and preferably less than a couple of years old.

Why the change?

The two primary reasons that facts on ADHD are changing has to do with the utilization of new brain scan technology and the completion of long-term studies spanning decades including thousands of children.

Once such study compared ADHD children in the United States who are regularly treated with prescription stimulants to those in northern Finland who are rarely treated with medicine for ADHD. Surprisingly, the look of the disorder - its prevalence, symptoms, psychiatric co-morbidity, and cognition is just about the same as in the United States when looked at over the long-term. This study seems to have cast uncertainty on the effectiveness of prescription stimulants when used over a period of time and seems to support another recent finding that links ADHD to speed of brain development, especially in the areas of the brain that control self-regulation.

Another recent finding has helped to further unravel the mystery surrounding why ADHD is so often inherited. The study identified two genes (DBH and DRD2) involved in the regulation of dopamine. When these genes are passed on it virtually assure that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder will be inherited. This finding further connects the dopamine pathway in the etiology of the disorder.

Facts on ADHD - Who has the condition?

The most recent data shows an increase in diagnosed ADHD cases in the United States from approximately 6 percent of school age children up to 9 percent. The ratio of boys to girls has decreased from 10 to 1 down to around 3 to 1.

There are three subtypes of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. They are predominately inattentive, with boys outnumbering girls by only a 2 to 1 ratio. The predominately hyperactive and impulsive type, where boys outnumber girls by a 4 to 1 ratio. The combined type where boys outnumber girls by a 3 to 1 ratio.

While some children will outgrow the condition others will not. Statistically, a child has about a 50/50 chance though this number can be disputed due to the skillfulness of some ADHD adults in masking and adapting to their symptoms.

Facts on ADHD - Defining the Condition

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder applies to children or adults that regularly display certain behaviors over a period of time. The three primary behaviors are distractibility, impaired impulse control, and hyperactivity/ restlessness.

In order to gain a diagnosis these behaviors must be severe enough to impact performance, last over 6 months, and must appear before the age of 7. The one part of the diagnostic criteria that is somewhat subject is at what point does ADHD behavior cross over the line from being a nuisance to becoming a real handicap in a person's life affect them at school, at home, at work, or in their daily social interactions.

Perhaps this is why the United States which applies the above diagnostic criteria somewhat liberally has a child ADHD rate of 9 percent and the United Kingdom which applies the criteria strictly only has a child ADHD rate of 1 percent.

Facts on ADHD - Common Symptoms

Some of the most common symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are: blurting out answers before listening to the entire question; trouble waiting in line (lack of patience); excessive talking (primary seen in girls); feelings of restlessness; foot and/or hand tapping; forgetfulness; failing to follow instructions carefully and completely; not listening when spoken to directly; beginning tasks only to leave them unfinished; and regularly making careless mistakes.

In conclusion, compiling dependable current facts on ADHD can be challenging to say the least. Nevertheless, I have found it to be both interesting and informative when approached in a patient methodical way.

I would encourage you to look at the bottom of each research article for the publication date (accepting nothing over 8 years old as absolute fact) in order to get the most out of your research and make the best possible choices for you and your children.

Robert D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic consumer advocate for natural health and natural living with over 10 years experience in the field. To learn more about ADHD along with information about herbal and homeopathic ADHD remedies Click Here

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