Historically known as manic depressive disorder, Bipolar disorder or Bipolar Affective disorder is a psychiatric diagnosis that defines a distinct category of mood disorders. It is normally comprised of single or multiple episodes of cognitive, energy, and mood levels that are considered abnormal while episodes of depression may or may not be present. One way or the other, bipolar disorder is a mental illness that is extremely debilitating. Interestingly enough, it can be masked by manic periods of extreme energy and productivity.
Unless it is diagnosed early and treatment begins as soon as possible, the person suffering with bipolar disorder will be dealing with a greatly reduced quality of life. Therefore, it is important to recognize the different bipolar symptoms in order to diagnose the disorder properly and begin treatment immediately. The following information will help you to identify these symptoms early on.
Document any manic episodes that you notice - one of the primary characteristics of bipolar disorder is the constant cycling of depression and manic episodes. This mania is normally characterized by:
o illusions of grandeur or self-importance
o inability to sleep
o rapid working pace
o unusually high energy levels
o urges to talk continually
Look for drastic or erratic changes in moods - these changes can occur rapidly and last briefly, for a couple of days, or for up to several weeks. It just depends on the severity of the disorder. When the changes are consistently quick in nature, this is usually a sign of what is known as rapid cycling bipolar disorder.
Watch for the signs of depression - bipolar symptoms typically present themselves more clearly in women than in men during the depression stages of the disorder. Look for:
o fatigue
o loss of appetite
o loss of motivation (e.g. with hygiene and self-care)
o need for excessive sleep
o unexplained weight gain or loss
Watch for the signs of suicidal intentions or thoughts - one of the bipolar symptoms that you want to be aware of is discussions about suicide. Attempts at suicide are much more common among individuals suffering with bipolar disorder than what it is for the normal population. Don't take anything for granted where this is concerned, even if the comment the person makes about suicide appears to be in jest or just made in passing. Make a note of the remark and be concerned.
On a closing note, here are a few tips and warnings that you should take into consideration. First and foremost, bipolar symptoms can be treated by administering certain medications. Regular dosage will be critical with these medications so you should consider purchasing a pill dispenser for yourself or the afflicted loved one. Along with medication, therapeutic counseling conducted in conjunction with the medications is normally beneficial.
You should be aware of dangerous and reckless behavior that occurs during the different manic states of bipolar disorder. This is vital if you want to prevent the individual from doing long-term harm to themselves or creating a life-threatening situation. For more information, you should read additional articles containing information on bipolar symptoms and the disorder.
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