Adult ADHD: Organize Your Workplace

As an adult with ADHD, the word "organize" probably makes you cringe. You might have already given up on sorting through the clutter on your desk or workplace, or have no idea where to begin organizing your office. However, keeping your desk neat and orderly is one way to improve your productivity and minimize distractions while working. Here are a few tips on solving your work space dilemmas, courtesy of a professional organizer.

Sort your clutter in three boxes

Don't know where to begin? Start by getting three cardboard boxes and labeling them with keep, throw, and belongs elsewhere. Then place the items on your desk into one of these three boxes. This step allows you to sort through your belongings quickly because everything except the trash pile will be re-organized. If you can't keep your focus for long, set a timer for 10 or 15-minute work periods and take a quick break after each.

Find a home for items to keep

Once everything in your work space has been placed in the boxes, start sorting through the stuff in the Keep box. Place each item in their proper place - books on the bookshelf, CDs on a CD rack, etc. Designate a single drawer for office supplies and place them where they can be easily reached. Less frequently used objects should be stored in lower drawers.

Invest in a file organization kit

Uncertain about where to keep all your documents? Consider buying a file organization kit so you don't have to rifle through piles and piles of paper to find the document you need. Make sure you get a color-coded kit and place similar documents in each color so you can easily find what you're looking for.

Keep infrequently used gadgets in one box

We don't always use the gadgets we buy - not on a daily basis anyway. Store all infrequently used gadgets, USB cables, and charges in one box and place it in a nearby supply closet.

Trash items ASAP

Shred old documents and recycle what you need to recycle now, not later. If you don't, the Trash pile will just end up sitting in your office for weeks!

Invest in a desktop organizer

Keep your desktop neat and orderly with a new inbox system, with different slots for mail, receipts, bills, etc. These tiny storage spaces will not only keep papers from piling up; the vertical slots allow you to grab the documents you need at a moment's notice.

Dr. Yannick Pauli is an expert on natural approaches to ADHD and the author of the popular self-help home-program The Unritalin Solution. He is Director of the Centre Neurofit in Lausanne, Switzerland and has a passion taking care of children with ADHD. Click on the link for more great information about what is adhd.

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