Should You Take the Alzheimer's Test or Is It Just Forgetfulness?

Are you in your 50s or 60s and think you need to take an Alzheimer's test. You think your losing your memory because you misplaced your keys or you can't find your glasses? Don't panic here in the United States as the baby boomers are reaching their 60s Alzheimer's disease and dementia are growing concerns. If you're had personal experiences with a friend or family member who suffers from dementia, you are critically aware of what a monster this disease is.

Occasionally we all forget things; you can't remember the name of the person you were just introduced to. Perhaps you've misplaced your car keys again, can't find your glasses the moment you need them. You have to search for a word to complete a sentence. When driving you miss a turn going to a familiar place. These are not Alzheimer's signs it is simply normal forgetfulness. Despite what the family may think, it's not time to take an Alzheimer's test.

Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia are aggressively being researched to find a cure. Researchers have begun to unlock many causes of memory loss, where memories are stored and why we easily recall some information and not others. Alzheimer's tests are being developed and evaluated constantly.

Researchers have raised the challenge, and although a cure may be out there on the horizon. What can we do today to help ourselves? No matter what your age it's never too late to take steps to preserve your memory. Preventing memory loss must be easier than trying to restore it.

Memory issues concerned most of us at some point, but let's not panic. A certain degree or forgetfulness is to be expected as we age. You don't expect to have the heart and lungs of a 19-year-old when you're 60. Nor should you expect the rest of your organs not to have some age related wear and tear, your brain included.

So much of our concern about dementia and Alzheimer's disease may just be forgetfulness. Unfortunately as we age it's only natural to have concerns over memory loss. Here is a list of some common complaints that do not signal Alzheimer's disease or other dementia.

1. You have a hard time recalling the name of a colleague.
2. You're reading a good book and for a moment you can't recall the title.
3. At home you open the refrigerator and have no idea why.
4. You go to the mailbox only to remember you have already retrieved the mail.
5. You walk into a room and forget why.
6. You miss place common things, your keys, your eyeglasses.
7. A person's name is on the tip of your tongue, but you just can't remember it.

These few items and many more are simply signs of forgetfulness, and is a normal sign of aging. It's not time to subject your-self to Alzheimer's testing just yet.

Here's a list of signs of mild cognitive impairment;

1. Constantly misplacing items, even when you try to make a mental note of where you're placing them.
2. Frequently forgetting people's names, and are slow to recall them if at all.
3. You have difficulty choosing the right words when speaking.
4. You begin to forget important events, like doctor's appointments or meeting the kids at the bus stop.
5. Have trouble retaining newly learned information or news events you've just read in the paper.
6. When driving you are getting lost more often, and don't remember how to program the car's GPS.
7. Your family and friends began to notice your memory loss, and start showing concern. You may want to consider taking some Alzheimer's tests.

Remember this: it's just forgetfulness if you miss-place your keys. It's time to take those Alzheimer's tests, when you find those keys you have no idea what they are. Visit the memory site and learn how to improve your memory in seven days guarantee.

Warmest Regards,
William Morgan

Original article

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