ADHD Drugs For Kids - Good News And Bad News!

It is always better to start with the good news which has just been published in the New England Journal of Medicine. It was a joint study sponsored both by the FDA and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

This reports on a very large study which confirms that the common ADHD drugs for kids do not put them at increased risk of having a heart attack or having other cardiac events. The research also included the likelihood of strokes or sudden death and the conclusions were the same. The study could not find any difference in those kids taking the drugs and those who were not taking them. It seems that the only problem is for those children who are already suffering from some cardiac problem.

The bad news is about possible conflicts of interest in some of the studies done on ADHD which are sponsored by the pharmaceutical companies. Is there a conflict of interest? Can the results be totally unbiased? This is a very difficult area. The recent news concerns three Harvard professors who are psychiatrists and have worked on ADHD and are widely respected.

They are suspected of having a conflict of interest in having received large sums of money over the years and not having disclosed this. This is a violation of the Harvard rules on conflicts of interest. However, the issue may be only about reporting their funding and may be of course a mere bureaucratic fly in the ointment.

But this points up the fact that very often, the pharmaceutical companies are doing everything in their power to discredit the natural remedies for ADHD, especially the homeopathic remedies. We know that they have actually sponsored studies to show that homeopathy supposedly does not work or is totally ineffective. They should look at figures for the cholera epidemic in London last century when homeopathy saved thousands of lives!

Then there are people employed by them to act as Facebook characters who are there simply to praise their drugs to the skies. As we can see it is very often difficult to see the wood for the trees.

The fact is that ADHD drugs for kids are controversial because their side effects and long term health risks are not at all clear. There is a lack of research in this area or at least it is not readily available.

This is why the ADHD homeopathic remedies are so popular now because there are simply no side effects and there is no chance that your child will be approached to sell his meds either. These are just some of the advantages of choosing an alternative to ADHD drugs for kids. Why not check out what the others are by visiting my website.

Experts now tell us that natural ADHD treatments. combined with child behavior modification techniques is by far the most effective ADHD treatment. Matthew Gant has written extensively on ADHD and Mental Health for many years. Check out this site for more parenting and ADHD advice

Original article

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