Borderline - What Do You Need To Know About It?

What is borderline disorder and how does it affect you as an individual? Borderline could be best described as a personality disorder in which the person affected by it displays repeated patterns of disorganized behavior with regard to close personal relationships, have low self image and irrational mood swings.

If left untreated it could affect personal and professional life of the individual suffering from it. This syndrome is found more predominantly among women than men. Individuals with this disorder are known to have suicidal tendencies and there are many instances of people committing suicide due to this condition.

It is a very serious mental illness where the patient may show signs of aggression, anger, depression and anxiety which may last from a couple of hours to many days at a time.

People with this disorder may tend to get very aggressive, self destructive and indulge in alcohol and drug abuse. They may also feel unworthy and think of themselves as bad. Due to this behavior they may end up losing their loved ones and friends. This further creates emptiness and they start feeling more and more isolated and lonely.

The usual symptoms include

· Unstable social relationships

· Acute mood swings where love towards to a person could suddenly turn into hatred.

· Impulsive behavior.

· Excess and risky sex,

· Binge eating,

· Excessive spending,

· Suicidal tendencies,

· Uncontrollable anger and aggression

Most people with this disorder could lead pretty normal lives with no signs of anger or aggression ever displayed but inside there is a volcano ready to burst and all it needs is a trigger factor. The end of a relationship, loss of a relative could all result in the symptoms coming to the surface.

Treatment is very much possible and the symptoms could vary from one individual to the other. In most cases medication and counseling do the trick and the symptoms of this condition are brought under control.

Sexual abuse and violence as a child have been proved to be major reasons for this disorder in a vast majority of adults. Medication in the form of anti-depressants and help from a professional counselor has been known to be of great help. If diagnosed early the chances of recovery are better and long lasting.

There is a lot of research that is been done to get to the bottom of these mental diseases and as more and more information about borderline is analyzed it offers hope to patients suffering from it.

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