Quick Fix for Stress Management

Stress relief is becoming an important part of many people's lives. Work, family and school can take their toll on every family member. It is important for your family and your health to get your stress under control before it controls you. Learning some stress management techniques can, literally, save your life. Here are some quick fixes you can use to help with life's daily stresses.

Deep breathing exercises are a great stress management technique because they work on a mental and physical level. They are easy to learn and help your body feel like it does when already in a relaxed state. Often when we are stressed out, our breathing becomes shallow and the lack of oxygen can make you feel worse. Deep breathing brings in the needed oxygen while sending a signal to your brain to relax and calm down. As with anything, practicing this technique makes it even more powerful. And you can do it anywhere.

Pet your dog or cat. Research shows that pets can provide excellent stress relief along with other health benefits; perhaps more than people since they are non-judgmental. Read studies find that a pet can help reduce depression and help reduce blood pressure. One study showed that owning a pet reduced blood pressure more than pharmaceuticals in a group of hypertensive New York stockbrokers! Of course, if you don't like animals or are too busy to have a pet, then this stress relief technique is not for you.

Spend time with friends or family. If pets are not your thing, at least try to spend more time with loved ones. Talking to friends or family during a stressful time in your life can drastically help. You can let go of bottled up emotions or just laugh, which is another form of stress relief in itself. Allow yourself to relax and have fun with friends, talk to family or a close friend. Whether you talk about your stress and ask for help or if you just hang, relax and have fun, keep in mind that both can be beneficial.

Water therapy have always proven to be great stress relievers for many. The most thought of form is relaxing in a bath. But this is not for everyone. Some prefer showers; almost a symbolic as well as a physical way to wash away the stress of the day. Another form is floatation therapy, where anti gravity allows your body to relax all the muscles more deeply than lying on a surface. Of course, do not attempt this unless with the help of a professional and a floatation tank.

Taking a brisk walk outside can be an excellent form of stress relief. Walking allows to take your mind off your problems as you focus on your surroundings. It increases blood flow to the brain, which can stimulate the release of endorphins; nature's mood enhancing chemicals. You can walk when and where you feel like, without having to change clothes or drive to a gym. Of course other forms of exercise can help, too.

Exercise - if you do belong to a gym, try to put your cares aside for a while as you go take an aerobic class or play racquetball with a friend. Do yoga at home along with a yoga DVD to stretch and relax your muscles and clear your mind. It is a reality that regular exercise reduces stress on many levels. Be sure to not overdo it and injure yourself; even just moderate exercise can make a difference.

Stress relief is needed by almost all of us these days. Students are under pressure, job seekers are competing, parents are busy providing and some of us are just trying to pay our bills. No matter what, learning healthy stress relief techniques can make your quality of life much better.

Nutrition may also help with stress relief or find more help at How To Deal With Stress .com

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ADHD and Behavioral Modification - Could This ADHD Treatment Approach Be Right For You?

ADHD is short for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder which is a condition consisting of problematic behaviors that impact a person's ability to function normally in a number of different areas; mainly the ability to maintain focus, exhibit impulsive actions, and become noticeably hyperactive or restless.

As perplexing as the condition itself can be perhaps the most confusing facet of ADHD is finding the right treatment approach capable of delivering results without inviting unwanted side effects. One of the options often preferred by many psychologists is behavioral modification therapy. In this article we will take a closer look at behavioral therapy as it applies to ADHD.

Behavior consists of feeding information forward and then returning an answer or solution that may be internalized or physically acted upon. For example, you decide you are hungry in between meals, so you grab a snack to tide you over for a few hours. Once done you evaluate whether your snack achieved its intended purpose. If it didn't you probably will reach for another snack and eat it. Mission accomplished!

If you have adult ADHD, your brain's feed-forward and feed-back processes may not be in synch. While you likely have little trouble knowing you are hungry, and that a snack is needed, you may have trouble following through on your decision, evaluating whether you did the right thing, and figuring out the next step if you didn't do the right thing.

For example, someone without attention deficit disorder would get hungry, quickly consume their favorite snack, and feel relieved or satisfied. But an adult with ADHD may face various distractions along the way. They may become distracted and forget about the healthy snack in desk opting for the co-workers half eaten bag of chips which is sure to leave them feeling flat in a half hour or so. If the healthy snack in the desk isn't remembered chances are they will simply decide the best option is fight through the hunger until lunch or dinner, possible leading to an episode of binge eating. Additionally, after the binge eating episode someone with ADHD will likely remember the perfect snack was in their desk drawer all along.

Behavioral Modification and ADHD

Does the name Ivan Pavlov ring a bell? Many will know the name instantly while others will not. Nevertheless, Pavlov gained famed by training dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell - a case of rewarding and modifying behavior that usually cannot be consciously controlled. Pavlov's experiments illustrated how learned responses can be suppressed. His experiments were then modified and adapted by the Americans Skinner and Wolpe to produce what we currently refer to as behavioral modification therapy.

Skinner was a pioneer in the area of operant conditioning which accepts the premise that behavior generally understood as intentional and conscious is modified by changing the response to elicits. Wolpe gained his fame for his groundbreaking efforts in the areas of desensitization and assertiveness training.

By the 1970's, behavioral therapy was embraced by the mental health community and became a mainstay for treating such challenging conditions as anxiety, depression, and phobias. During the 1980's it was adopted as a way to treat the new and controversial condition we now refer to as ADHD.

While many therapist still use conventional behavioral therapy to treat ADHD others have adopted newer forms of behavior modification therapies including cognitive behavioral therapy and interpersonal therapy. Traditional behavioral therapy seems to do the most good in institutionalized settings which are already highly structured and where rewards and penalties can take on the form basic life needs.

What next? For adults struggling with ADHD finding an effective treatment option is an important first step. The most common forms of treatment are prescription stimulants such as Ritalin, Adderall and non-stimulant medications such as Intuniv or Strattera. While effective, all ADHD prescription medications come with a number of serious label warnings.

The risk of side effects, or perhaps lack of success (30% of the time), has prompted many adults to consider non-prescription options such as behavior therapy and/or homeopathic ADHD remedies. Natural remedies such as these are a side effect free way to address such problematic adult ADHD symptoms as inattention, distractibility, impulsivity, erratic behavior and restlessness which can be used both as a standalone treatment or as a compliment to other non-prescription alternatives. They also have been shown to produce long-term lasting benefits about half of the time.

Robert D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic consumer advocate for natural health and natural living with over 10 years experience in the field. To discover more about ADHD along with information about a safe and effective herbal and homeopathic ADHD remedies Click Here

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Tapping Away Stress

It's a fact that we live in stressful times. Unless you operate under extraordinarily peaceful circumstances, it is almost inevitable that you will encounter daily stress. There are always deadlines to meet, more tasks to get done than seem possible and countless outside forces presenting unexpected challenges every day.

I'm not a doctor, but I am a human being, and I've battled high stress levels for years... and have paid the price for it. So with more than enough first-hand experience and a lot of research, here's what I know: Stress is far more than the tension in your neck and shoulders. It can negatively affect virtually every system in your body.

Knowing how to successfully manage stress (in a safe, responsible way) can improve your health, enhance your relationships and provide peace of mind. It could even increase your longevity. My intention with this article is to teach you a simple, safe and effective way to deal with stress. But first I want to remind you how bad stress really is for you.

The Stress Response

When your body perceives a threat or danger, your nervous system releases a flood of stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones prepare the body for emergency action. Your heart pounds, muscles tense and tighten, blood pressure rises, your breath quickens and your senses become sharper. These physical responses help increase your strength and stamina, while enhancing your reaction time to danger.

When you are continually stressed about debt, the amount of work facing you or worrying about something that "might happen" your body reacts just as intensely as if you were facing a life-or-death situation.

The adrenal function, while valuable as a temporary aid during emergencies, keeps your body in the "flight or fight" mode during times of chronic stress. This keeps the tap open on your adrenal glands, greatly fatiguing them and taxing your body's resources. And, the more often your stress response is activated, the harder it is to shut off.

Stress can raise your blood pressure, increase your risk of heart attack or stroke and compromise your immune system. Chronic stress can also speed up the aging process and even reprogram the brain, leaving you vulnerable to anxiety, addictions and depression. Bummer. Additionally, many people deal with stress by overeating, which further increases health problems. Stress is also one of the main factors in sleep disorders. As we lose sleep, our bodies and minds are put under even more stress, further compounding the problem.

Stress contributes to gastrointestinal problems such as nausea, diarrhea, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease. And if that's not enough, stressful experiences can heighten sensitivity to arthritis, back pain, muscle pains, headaches, and even contribute to infertility!

The Good News

One of the most efficient, safe and easy ways to cope with and even reduce stress is through meridian or energy tapping. This article isn't intended to teach you all about meridian tapping, but rather to introduce you to some simple tools to reduce your stress or anxiety. *See other resources for learning more about tapping at the bottom of this article.

By tapping on certain meridians while making some simple statements, an individual can reduce stress by 60% or more in a matter of minutes. With a little more time and diligence, a stressful or anxious state can easily be transformed to a calm relaxing state.

Check into your body's current stress level and measure it on a 10 to 0 scale. If you are highly charged or agitated, that would be a 10. Feeling calm and relaxed would be a 1 or zero. Sit down, take a deep breath and reference the Energy Points chart (below) for the tapping points.

First, tap on the karate chop point (KC) of one hand with the fingers of your other hand, while saying a simple set-up statement such as: "Even though I'm really stressed at the moment, I want to accept that for now, and allow myself to change." Do this 2-3 times. (A more specific description of what the sequence will look like is shown below.)

Next, tap on these described meridian points, with three fingers, while repeating a reminder phrase of "This stress" or "Stress about this meeting."

Begin at the inside of the eyebrows, just above the bridge of the nose (EB,) then move down to the side of the eyes (SE,) then under the eyes (UE,) and under the nose (UN.) You should be tapping about 4-6 times at each location. After the tapping under the nose drop your fingers to under the chin (UC.)

Then, move your fingers down to just under your collarbone and about 2" out from the center of your throat (CB.) Then continue tapping under the arms (UA,) under the breasts or liver point (LV,) then on the line at the beginning of your wrists (WR,) then finally on the crown of your head (CRN.)

Here's what it will look like:

1) Set-up Statement: "Even though I feel pressured and stressed about this deadline (or whatever is true for you), I want to accept it for now while allowing myself to shift." Tap on the KC point continually while saying this 3 times.

Tap on the meridian points, with three fingers, and with both hands, as shown, while saying a reminder statement, such as "This stress." Here are some other choices for reminder statements. You may use them all, choose only one or improvise with one that suits your stress situation.

EB- this stress
SE- feeling stressed
UE- my stressful day
UN- this stressful deadline
CB- the stress in my neck and shoulders
UA- the anxiety and stress about my job
LV- all of my stresses
WR- this stress is giving me a headache
CRN- my stress level right now

2) Do another round or two, using the same or similar statements. Breathe normally as you tap, releasing the stress on the exhale.

3) Reassess your stress level and see if your number is the same, higher or lower. For most people it will have gone to 2 or 3 points from where you began. For some people it will go up a notch or two, simply because you are focusing on the stress more closely.

4) Do another set-up phrase (on the KC point) changing it slightly to "Even though I still feel stressful, I am feeling slightly more calm, and want to feel even more relaxed and calmer." Repeat this 2-3 times.

5) Do 2 more rounds of tapping, similar to the ones shown above, but this time add in some desire statements:

EB- this remaining stress
SE- I want to let it go
UE- this stressful deadline
UN- I want to be calm about it
CB- the stress in my neck and shoulders
UA- I want to relax my tense muscles
LV- all of my stresses
WR- I allow myself to release them
CRN- I want to feel calm and relaxed

6) Reassess your intensity again. If it's above a 3, repeat steps 5 and 6. If it's a 3 or below, change the setup to an empowering "choice statement" as shown below. Something like, "Even though I'm still feeling stressed, I choose to completely eliminate it. I choose to feel calm, relaxed and better prepared to meet my obligations." Then tap on the points using reminder statements such as:

EB- this remaining stress
SE- I chose to eliminate it now
UE- this stressful deadline
UN- I choose to have more than enough time
CB- the stress in my neck and shoulders
UA- I choose to relax my neck and shoulders
LV- all of my stresses
WR- I choose to let them go
CRN- I choose to feel calm and relaxed

7) Keep repeating the above steps until you feel the tension completely release from your body. You will experience longer-lasting results if you keep tapping until your stress feels entirely gone (at a zero), rather than just "less." You should be able to do this in 15 minutes or so.

*Note: If your stress level isn't going down after 2-3 sequences, then you most likely have a psychological reversal or "subconscious resistance to change." You may feel that stress helps to give you the edge you need to complete a task. You may think it's not OK to be calm and relaxed when having so much to do. You may feel that being stressed makes you seem more businesslike or hardworking. Don't worry, that's normal. Just add this procedure prior to the set-up statement:

Tap on the KC point while making this statement 3 times; "Even though I DON'T want to let go of this stress, for WHATEVER reason, I still want to accept and respect myself." This "Reversal Neutralization" helps discharge the resistance to change, allowing this process to work more easily.

Performing this simple tapping process won't eliminate stressful events in your life, but it can greatly improve how you deal with them.

Good luck and good tapping.

** For more information on tapping, workshops and webinars visit http://www.lkcoaching.com/ Read more articles like this in Lindsay's "Power of 10s Series - 10 Ways to Brighten Your Life" at http://www.powerof10s.com/.

Lindsay Kenny has been helping people lose weight, improve their health, increase their energy and self-esteem, and become more effective in life for over 30 years. Lindsay is a Life Coach and member of the ICF, an EFT Master and Certified Trainer for the AAMET, and the founder of the National Alliance for Emotional Health. As a trainer to practitioners and trainers, Lindsay derives great joy from the knowledge that those she trains go on to help many more. The "secret" to Lindsay's success is her genuine care and concern for her clients, and she brings a lifetime of experience, with thousands of hours of coaching training to her practice as well. Providing outstanding client support, frequent follow-up and affordable pricing options allows Lindsay to establish relationships with her valued clients that will last a lifetime!

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ADHD Treatment Programs for Teens

Most teens diagnosed with ADHD are normally given prescribed medications to control the symptoms. While medication is the fastest way to improve focus and reduce impulsivity, it is also known to cause serious side effects that may aggravate the disorder. It's also fairly common for teens with ADHD to sell or trade their excess pills to friends, who use them like they would use cocaine and other substances. One of the best ways to manage ADHD in teens is to look for a treatment program with a specialized academic plan and behavior modification approach. Keep these characteristics in mind while you look for schools or treatment programs:

Structured activities

Teens and adolescents with no focus or direction have difficulty using their time productively. An environment that sets limits and encourages self-discipline will minimize the tendency to procrastinate and teach kids how to manage their time wisely. Look for a school with a structured program - that is, well-defined rules and a rigorous schedule. The routine enforced by the school will do much to counteract the symptoms of ADHD.

Individualized education

Most students with ADHD struggle to pay attention in a traditional lecture-style classroom setting because the medium of instruction fails to engage their interest. Additionally, the traditional classroom expects everyone to learn at the same pace, but the limitations of the disorder tend to make ADHD students fall behind. Look for a school that uses diverse instructional methods like hands-on learning or multimedia presentation. Montessori schools offer this type of self-directed instruction, and it's not surprising that ADHD teens in these types of schools do better when they are allowed to learn at their own pace.

Minimal distractions

It's not uncommon for kids and teens with ADHD to have difficulty finishing projects and meeting goals due to lack of focus. Choose an academic environment with fewer distractions so your child can make significant achievements in terms of academics and personal growth. Common distractions include large student populations, frequent announcements, and social activity. Place a limit on the amount of time your child can spend with his or her friends on school days.

Interpersonal skills

If your child has difficulty building and maintaining relationships, look for a treatment program that will improve his or her interpersonal skills. Your child may need some help with proper communication, especially in terms of expressing their feelings and reacting to feedback. Other social skills that should be given emphasis include impulse control, delaying gratification, and anger management. Once your child masters these skills, he or she will have greater success making friends and maintaining these relationships.

Dr. Yannick Pauli is an expert on natural approaches to ADHD and the author of the popular self-help home-program The Unritalin Solution. He is Director of the Centre Neurofit in Lausanne, Switzerland and has a passion taking care of children with ADHD. Click on the link for more great information about what is ADHD.

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Animal Hoarders Shouldn't Be Treated Like Criminals

"What is animal hoarding and what is the difference between animal hoarding and animal cruelty?"

According to American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) animal cruelty is "Animal cruelty occurs when someone intentionally injures or harms an animal or when a person willfully deprives an animal of food, water or necessary medical care. "

For reasons the Psychological and Social Worker community is still trying to understand why people hoard. After cleaning out and seeing 100's of animal hoarding situations there is a tendency to look at hoarders as mean horrible people. Although puppy mills and other similar institutions prove the ASPCA definition of animal cruelty, hoarding should be categorized in a separate category.

If you read enough articles on animal hoarding you will see that many of these "animal hoarding" situations may be animal cruelty, but the intent of why the animal cruelty occurs may set them in a different sector. Like people who murder or mistreat others who are considered under a mental category and treated differently then cold blooded killers, hoarders should be categorized in the same way. When hoarders are "caught" instead of penalizing them with animal cruelty, animal hoarders should be considered with animal cruelty with a mental disorder and help the animals and the animal hoarder at the same time.

The question is how does the SPCA and therapists solve and prevent the illness from re effecting animals again.

Those with hoarding issues seem to "re- hoard after they have paid their fine or have gone through the legal process.

When I watch the ASPCA react to an animal hoarding situation, they seem to go into the hoarding situation like commando's to retrieve the animals.

I applaud their actions, but would like to see better handing of the situation. Here are my suggestions:

Contact hoarding specialists and have them join in with " SWAT " team when rescuing the animals.

Keep the whole mission " secretive" as possible. Making the rescue a media circus upsets the hoarder and the neighborhood. If we are going to prevent the hoarder from re hoarding, then getting the hoarder on the side of the helpers is key. Creating a trust with the hoarder will assist in making it easier to find lost animals in the home ( and other unknown areas ) and easier for the homeowner to work with mental health professionals.

With the condition that animal rescuers will change their mind set ( and I understand where they are coming from ), I think it is equally fair that hoarders should be monitored regularly. Scheduled visitation and the legal reporting to authorities by the animal hoarder should be mandated by law.

Jeffrey Cohn
SI Restoration
IICRC certified
Stericlean Certified Hoarding Specialist
410-458-5371 ( cell )

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A Child With ADHD - Is Marijuana Really A Safe And Effective Option?

Have you thought about marijuana as one of the alternative treatments for a child with ADHD? Dr. Lester Grinspoon, author of the book called 'Marijuana: The Forbidden Medicine' has no doubts at all about this. He is an emeritus psychiatry professor at Harvard, and recently hit the headlines when he said he would have no hesitation in giving a child with ADHD some oral marijuana as a trial.

There has been much praise for his book and one doctor who lives in a US state where marijuana is allowed for medical purposes stated that there were many gaps in his knowledge and these were filled when he read the book. Actually the book really does sort out the myth from the fiction so it is very useful for that.

But can marijuana really help with ADHD? There are loads of teens now using marijuana for their ADHD and in fact it is estimated that about 7% are finding relief for various medical ailments including ADHD. But there are many doubts and question marks about its use. The first is that many of these teens are self medicating and although they might persuade you that it is really working as well as the official meds, they should bear in mind the following facts.

• marijuana is highly toxic

• it is addictive and there are many proven cases where users have to move on to harder drugs. People tend to suffer withdrawal symptoms when they have to give it up.

• users claim that their memory and attention improves but research shoes that it damages the brain. There is sufficient scientific literature to suggest that it actually damages the memory leading to even more problems with attention and concentration.

• it can reduce anxiety as witnessed by clinical observations.

• it is a hallucinogen and that means that sensory experiences may be distorted

• just like conventional meds can mask symptoms, marijuana actually tends to masks the co morbid disorders that tend to accompany ADHD. That is really harmful in the long-term.

• there is evidence that it can cause various cancers.

So, there we have it. Giving a child with ADHD some marijuana seems to be even more risky than giving them conventional meds such as Ritalin, Vyvanse and Adderall., These drugs are controversial and do have some nasty side effects but they are considered to be reasonably safe in the long term, unlike marijuana.

But most experts are agreed now that the behavioral therapy is really the best option of all and that it can be used with some medication, when necessary. This is when you should consider trying homeopathic remedies where there is no risk to your child's health, no addiction worries and above all no side effects. Why not discover how this could be the answer for your child with ADHD.

Matthew Gant has written extensively on ADHD and Mental Health for many years. Experts now tell us that child behavior modification combined with a natural treatment for ADHD is by far the most effective treatment for a child with ADHD.

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Tweets, Chats and Chinwags!

It never ceases to amaze me how many ways we have these days to communicate with each other. Once upon a time there were few options: face to face and by letter which in some cases could take weeks or even months to arrive.

Just look how far we have come in a relatively short space of time since then! We have options that our forbears could not even imagine. Communication is electronically whizzed around the planet at amazing speed, so that we can talk to someone on the other side of the world instantaneously (that is provided that they are not in bed asleep, as the issue of time zones does slow us down just a bit!)

We have conventional telephones, mobile or cell phones of various descriptions, emails, Twitter, Facebook, text messages and everything something which gives us a means of communication. But I have to ask the question: Does all this hi - tech encourage really meaningful communication? I suspect that the answer is NO.

Emails are skimmed through and much of the message is not absorbed. Texting seems to me to often take the place of verbal interaction. Mobile or cell phones have to be available to the user day and night, so the user becomes a slave to them.

People are spending more and more time on the internet in Chat rooms talking to people that even if they think that they know them, they really do not. These so called "friends" could easily be bogus.

Now I am not an electronics Dinosaur. I use email; I do have a mobile phone which I use occasionally. I do chat on the phone with my friends; I have a blog that I write posts on regularly. I am now even on Facebook! But Not All The Time!

What happened to quiet time? What happened to being still in body and mind? What happened to having really meaningful chats with family and friends without interruption from phones? What is the problem with actually turning your mobile/cell phone and computer OFF?

I believe that electronic communication is important and can have great benefits, but PLEASE let's have some balance here. It is just as important to have quiet time. To regularly go out into nature and communicate with this wonderful planet that we live on. Just sit in the sunshine, listen to the birds chatting and the bees humming. Really see the beauty that is all around us. Be at peace with ourselves and the world and leave the electronics at home. They will still be there when we return.

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Treating ADHD Without Medication - Using Non-Medicinal Methods To Treat ADHD

Many parents want to know more about treating ADHD without medication because they have heard about the harmful and disturbing side effects that traditional ADHD medications can result in. These side effects include:

* Nausea, stomach upsets, and abdominal cramps

* Headaches, dizziness, light-headedness, blurred vision, etc.

* Paranoia, mood swings, suicidal thoughts and tendencies, anxiety, depression

* Liver and kidney failure, rapid heartbeat, seizures, death

With side effects like these, it is no wonder that more and more people are choosing to try natural remedies to combat the symptoms of ADD/ADHD. If you are inclined to investigate other alternatives, rest assured that you are not alone. In fact, over-cautious parents are not the only ones who are skeptical and afraid of regular ADHD medications. There are a growing number of medical professionals who feel that using these drugs should only be done as a last resort when all other options have been attempted.

Of course, one must point out that there are children taking ADHD medications who have responded very well. They have exhibited no side effects and show improvements. However, there are also a great many of them who find the side effects to be intolerable as well as those who show no improvement at all when it comes to their symptoms and behaviors. The reason for this is that ADHD presents individualistic symptoms. That means that each person diagnosed with the disorder must be evaluated and treated on an individual basis. What works for one will not necessarily work for another. This is why finding the right medication and dosage is tricky and is achieved through trial and error for the most part.

Deciding that you are interested in treating ADHD without medications is commendable because you know you will not be subjecting your child to any possibility of the aforementioned side effects occurring. Natural remedies and treatments do not produce side effects. Many are very effective in combating the symptoms and behaviors of the disorder. Some even produce lasting results even when the treatment is discontinued. That is wonderful news for anyone living with the disorder.

Traditionally, ADHD has been treated using stimulant medications. They are the most well-known and they have been around for over fifty years now. Some need to be taken several times a day while others can be taken only once or twice a day. There are also non-stimulant drugs. These were approved back in 2002 as being effective in treating Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. They do not result in as many side effects as the stimulant drugs but the side effects they can result in are no less disturbing. Usually they are longer lasting, meaning that the child only has to take one tablet a day. Another treatment used with limited success in the fight against ADHD symptoms has been in the form of anti-depressants. The FDA issued a warning about these back in 2004 due to the increased risk of suicide by kids taking these drugs.

Different drugs affect different kids differently. It is vital that this be remembered. Although you might know of a child on ADHD drugs and they are responding really well, your child might not. Deciding that you prefer treating ADHD without medications is a personal choice that you need to make only when you have investigated all the options that are available to you. Non-medication treatments include biofeedback, behavioral modification therapy, homeopathic remedies, diet, etc.

Studies have shown that certain behavioral modification therapy can be very beneficial in helping children control their ADHD behaviors. Likewise, equipping parents with the right set of skills and techniques that they can use in managing their child's ADHD behaviors have also proven to be very successful. There are things that parents can do, techniques that they can employ, to improve their child's behaviors and restore peace and calmness to the home. The secret is to be clear and consistent in your approach.

The ADHD diet is another wonderfully natural way to help your ADHD child. By introducing the right foods and eliminating the ones that intensify the symptoms it is possible to greatly affect the behaviors your child exhibits. Supplements and vitamins are also important. These provide the nutrients that the developing brain requires so that it can function properly and normally. These can be used in conjunction with ADHD medications.

A word of caution:

Always view any remedy or treatment with healthy dose of skepticism and suspicion if it promises to be a cure for ADHD! No cure exists! Before you try something new, always be sure to educate yourself about it first and discuss it with your child's doctor as well.

Are you interested in learning about treating ADHD without medication? Are you interested in learning about a natural homeopathic remedy that will help you to help your ADHD child without the risk of dangerous and alarming side effects? If you have answered yes to these two questions, be sure to visit my website at: http://www.adhd-treatment-info.com/. I look forward to sharing this vital information with you. Brought to you by V K Rajagopalan - advocating natural healthy living.

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What's the Cause of Panic and Anxiety Attacks? Solutions for Getting Rid of Panic and Anxiety Now

What is panic? Panic is that all-consuming, uncontrollable sensation where you can't catch your breath and you feel the world collapsing in upon you. Panic is what tens of millions of people suffer from each year. It is a sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety and often causes wildly unthinkable behavior.

The National Institute of Mental Health classifies panic disorder at "an anxiety disorder characterized by unexpected and repeated episodes of intense fear accompanied by physical symptoms that may include chest pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, or abdominal distress." The institute describes signs and symptoms as follows: "People with panic disorder have feelings of terror that strike suddenly and repeatedly with no warning. During an attack, most likely your heart will pound and you may feel sweaty, weak, faint, or dizzy. Your hands may tingle or feel numb, and you might feel flushed or chilled. You may have nausea, chest pain or smothering sensations, a sense of unreality, or fear of impending doom or loss of control."

But why do people get panic attacks? And how can you stop them in your own life? Let's start with the first question, because if you can uncover the root cause of why you're having episodes, you can then take the necessary steps to eliminate the cause.

Panic and anxiety attacks can start after experiencing a traumatic event that happened to you at some point in your life. With a situation such as this, depending on what happened, anything could trigger an attack-- specific sounds, people, crowds, large spaces or structures, enclosed areas, the list goes on. The triggers will vary depending on the initial event.

Another cause could be from prolonged stress and anxiety. Many people, who lead average lives, experience a low to moderate level of stress and anxiety consistently throughout the day. There's no specific causes, no traumatic events, just a low level of anxiety from the petty happenings of the day and/or worries about the past or future. Most people spend a great deal of time worrying about things they can't control... and for some, it stresses their system out just enough to trigger a panic attack.

Once a person has their first panic attack, this often times starts a vicious circle. You become afraid of having another attack. This fear feeds into your anxiety and increases your chances of having another episode. For some people, the fear of having an attack is enough to trigger a full blow panic attack.

If you fall under the category of a traumatic event, then the most helpful thing you could do is to learn to come to terms with whatever happened to you. With therapy or counseling, you could bring get the tools you need to reconcile the unsettled emotions that are the reason you're getting the anxiety attacks. Some therapies I've found that have successful results include: NLP, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), hypnosis, and Emotional Release Technique.

For those experiencing ongoing general anxiety, becoming more aware of your reactions to what's going on throughout the day is a good place to start. With more awareness, you can begin to identify what triggers your anxiety and what keeps it going. The techniques mentioned above can also be very effective with easing general anxiety. That is a good solution for the long term. However, sometimes it is hard to stop the cycle of panic and anxiety that has been established. Negative emotions- especially the strong emotions, such as anxiety, panic and fear, can have a tight hold on the mind.

A combination of certain exercises and the right information is often times all you need break the pattern. Deep breathing techniques, meditation, affirmations can all be used; then facilitate that with some emotional release work, and not only will you be rid of panic and anxiety attacks, but your quality of life will be drastically improved.

Read my bio to learn about a natural solution that encompasses what I've touched on in this article- and stop your panic attacks for good!

Learn how after what seemed to be an endless 4 month battle, I eventually overcame my panic attacks within days. If you're tired of general anxiety and the looming fear of having yet another panic attack, click here now! Take back control of your life today from this tested and proven, all natural panic and anxiety relief website. Banish Panic and Anxiety Now!

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Is a New Approach To Treating ADHD Needed?

Until recently medical professionals have been intent on prescribing an ever-increasing number of stimulant medications to those struggling with ADHD symptoms. The percent of increase annually is somewhere around 4.5 percent.

This increase has occurred despite a steady flow of negative research linking ADHD stimulant medications to all sorts of serious problems. For example the National Institute of Mental Health (NIH) made a compelling argument that these types of drugs could be linked to heart disease and sudden death in children. Another study seemed to make a compelling case for linking ADHD stimulant medications to drug addiction later in life.

When you combine these studies, and many more, with the new finding that the areas of the brain controlling self-regulation are slow to develop in ADHD children it seems that even the most ardent supporter of prescription stimulants such as Ritalin and Adderall would at the very least proceed with extreme caution before even considering prescribing stimulant medications to children.

Nevertheless, this has not been the case until now. The reason for the change in course is a rare long-term study comparing populations of children who regularly use prescription medications for ADHD to those that don't. The study in question spanned over a 20 year period and included over 9,000 Finnish children studied by UCLA researchers.

The crux of the study was that in populations where medication is rarely prescribed to treat ADHD, the prevalence and symptoms of the disorder is roughly equivalent to populations where medication is widely used.

As you know ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) revolves around the primary symptom of inattention with a dash of hyperactivity and impulsive behavior thrown in from time to time. In adolescents, ADHD is generally associated with cognitive defects, most notably with working memory and inhibition, which is linked to overall intelligence and academic achievement. According to Susan Smalley (UCLA psychiatry professor) who headed this ground breaking study these deficits are only present in about half of adolescents diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Part of this might be explained away in the general diagnostic evaluation process which relies on medical professional to make a judgment call as to what actually constitutes cognitive impairment.

The study also found that children with cognitive defects don't show increased levels of inattention or hyperactivity when compared to other children diagnosed with ADHD.

But the real kicker in this study had to do with the effectiveness of medicine in treating the disorder. When children from Finland which rarely use prescription ADHD meds were compared with children from the United States who regularly take ADHD meds no difference was found in the "look" of the disorder - its prevalence, symptoms, co-existing conditions, and cognition.

In conclusion, this study raises serious doubts as to the efficacy of prescription ADHD medications and is sure to be ignored by many doctors who have a deep set believe in their effectiveness. Nevertheless, parents should know there are a number of safe and effective alternatives worth considering if the information in this study concerns them. A couple of highly regarded examples would be homeopathic ADHD remedies along with cognitive behavioral therapy.

Robert D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic consumer advocate for natural health and natural living with over 10 years experience in the field. To discover more about ADHD along with information about a safe and effective herbal and homeopathic ADHD remedies Click Here

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ADHD Drugs For Kids - Good News And Bad News!

It is always better to start with the good news which has just been published in the New England Journal of Medicine. It was a joint study sponsored both by the FDA and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

This reports on a very large study which confirms that the common ADHD drugs for kids do not put them at increased risk of having a heart attack or having other cardiac events. The research also included the likelihood of strokes or sudden death and the conclusions were the same. The study could not find any difference in those kids taking the drugs and those who were not taking them. It seems that the only problem is for those children who are already suffering from some cardiac problem.

The bad news is about possible conflicts of interest in some of the studies done on ADHD which are sponsored by the pharmaceutical companies. Is there a conflict of interest? Can the results be totally unbiased? This is a very difficult area. The recent news concerns three Harvard professors who are psychiatrists and have worked on ADHD and are widely respected.

They are suspected of having a conflict of interest in having received large sums of money over the years and not having disclosed this. This is a violation of the Harvard rules on conflicts of interest. However, the issue may be only about reporting their funding and may be of course a mere bureaucratic fly in the ointment.

But this points up the fact that very often, the pharmaceutical companies are doing everything in their power to discredit the natural remedies for ADHD, especially the homeopathic remedies. We know that they have actually sponsored studies to show that homeopathy supposedly does not work or is totally ineffective. They should look at figures for the cholera epidemic in London last century when homeopathy saved thousands of lives!

Then there are people employed by them to act as Facebook characters who are there simply to praise their drugs to the skies. As we can see it is very often difficult to see the wood for the trees.

The fact is that ADHD drugs for kids are controversial because their side effects and long term health risks are not at all clear. There is a lack of research in this area or at least it is not readily available.

This is why the ADHD homeopathic remedies are so popular now because there are simply no side effects and there is no chance that your child will be approached to sell his meds either. These are just some of the advantages of choosing an alternative to ADHD drugs for kids. Why not check out what the others are by visiting my website.

Experts now tell us that natural ADHD treatments. combined with child behavior modification techniques is by far the most effective ADHD treatment. Matthew Gant has written extensively on ADHD and Mental Health for many years. Check out this site for more parenting and ADHD advice

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Inattentive ADHD - Interesting Facts and Realistic Solutions

For many the sheer mention of the ADHD conjures up images of a child who is constantly forgetting something and spends so much time in the principal's office for his unruly behavior that he could call it home. But the truth is inattentive ADHD, along with other forms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, can be quite different as well as evolved differently with age.

Inattentive ADHD has some similarities to other subtypes in that it is characterized mainly by inattention, distractibility, chronic forgetfulness, and disorganization. On the other hand those with inattentive ADHD tend to be less hyperactive and exhibit far fewer instances of impulsive behavior.

The child with the inattentive form of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may dread any project, or learning experience, that requires planning or is structured. This fear is not generally a result of failing to know or understanding the material rather the result of neurotransmitter imbalances in the brain. Recent research by the NIMH has also linked this fear to underdevelopment in certain areas of the brain that control self-regulation.

After reading the two paragraphs above it is easy to see why children with inattentive ADHD tend to under achievers when it comes to academic performance often resulting in early withdrawal from school. This early withdrawal from school could come in the form of dropping out or staying in school but basically giving up.

If a parent or teacher is not familiar with the intricacies of inattentive ADHD they may be quick to label these children as irresponsible, immature, lazy, not caring, not willing to put in the time, or simply not trying hard enough. Once labeled it is very difficult to overcome the stigma possibly resulting in social and academic ostracism.

At some point most children with the inattentive ADHD subtype will come to accept the fact that they are different from other children their age. Nevertheless, this realization will not be enough to offset the continuous negative input likely resulting in a negative self-image which can become self-fulfilling.

If these children are allowed to move through life without finding something positive to latch onto their inattentiveness, poor self-image, and ongoing frustrations often leads to a myriad of severe concerns including problems sustaining healthy relationships, challenges in future educational endeavors, and succeeding in the workplace. These problems can add to their pre-existing frustrations leading to secondary pathologies such as drug abuse, mood disorder, mania, sexual promiscuity, and anxiety disorders.

This help can come in many different forms including behavioral therapy, homeopathic ADHD remedies, mentoring, coaching, stimulant medications, or group therapy. One success story I observed was none other than a young adult who had struggled with the condition all his life joining Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Where all other forms of treatment had failed this unexpected approach to treatment completely turned his life around. Perhaps this is an example of real world therapy rising above stale clinical and drug therapy.

In closing, I would like to leave you with a few differences in inattentive ADHD compared to the combined subtype of ADHD.

Those who were diagnosed with the combined subtype performed better in the areas of memory, fluency, processing speed, attention, and performance IQ. Those with inattentive ADHD performed better in visual abilities, working memory, motor ability, and language.

Robert D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic consumer advocate for natural health and natural living with over 10 years experience in the field. To discover more about ADHD along with information about a safe and effective herbal and homeopathic ADHD remedies Click Here

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Attitude of Gratitude Brings Abundance Your Way

Would you like to feel really good about your life and have more abundance? One way to get started is to add gratitude into your daily life. It is so easy to focus on what's not going right or what we don't have, but it takes a little more practice to appreciate all the wonderful things in our life that we often take for granted. When you start to recognize what you are grateful for you will have a positive shift in how you feel and you will begin to notice more abundance in your life.

Feeling brighter and happier about your life is not something that is impossible to achieve, but you have to be willing to move out of your comfort zone and maybe even try something new like practicing gratitude each day. You could even get to a point where you feel you are living a very charmed life. So how do you start to move in that direction? We have all probably heard since we were kids that we need to be thankful. When we were kids we probably heard those words when we were not appreciating something in our life or not being thankful and our parents dutifully reminded us that we should appreciate what we have. The concept of gratitude is not something new, but practicing and recognizing everything we are grateful for on a daily basis might be something new to you.

When you stop to think about all the beautiful and wonderful things in your life you might even feel overwhelmed. Because we often focus on the things we don't have, we easily forget about all the wonderful friends and family that are in our life, that we have food on our table or toes on our feet to help us walk. While I realize we all have days where it is hard to find things we are grateful for, however if we try to dig a little deeper we can usually come up with at least one thing that we are thankful for. When we find that one thing, we can feel it all over our body. Even on the days where you really are having a hard time finding something to be thankful for you can be thankful for the fact that you are alive and breathing.

There are several ways you can get started on adding more gratitude to your daily life. Below are a few ideas. Read through them and decide if there are any that you could start doing for yourself. Challenge yourself and try doing one of these for one month and see if your attitude of gratitude starts to bring more abundance your way.

Options for adding gratitude into your life:

Start a gratitude journal. This is a great way to start. Each day you list out all the things you are grateful for and what you appreciate. Think about the day and what about it brought gratitude to you. The key to this is to write them down on paper. You can use a notebook or journal to keep all your lists in one spot.

Get a gratitude buddy. Find a friend or family member and e-mail each other every day what you are grateful for. Agree that you aren't going to judge or discuss what you each write about, but it is a way to be held accountable.

Begin and end with gratitude. Start each morning laying in bed and go over in your mind what you are grateful for and then end each night doing the same thing. What a beautiful way to start and end each day.

Make it a family event. Each night have the family share what they are grateful for about their day and their life. This is a great topic around the dinner table but if that can't happen doing it at bedtime would be a good time too.

A few extra tips for adding gratitude to your days:

Thinking or writing about what you are grateful for can be done anytime of the day. It does not always have to be in the morning or in the evening, however getting into a habit of making it around the same time every day will help ensure that you don't forget about it.

Sometimes it helps to create a list and allow yourself to vent and get any negative thoughts out, but end that paragraph or sentence with what you are grateful for. There can be some amazing "aha moments" when you do this.

Remember the little things in life.

Think about the things you take for granted and give gratitude for them.

When you start adding gratitude each day you will feel lighter and probably smile more. Give yourself a challenge and try practicing gratitude each day and notice how abundant your life becomes.

Carrie Saba, Holistic Health Coach, helps others see their inner strength through a new light. She offers valuable insight & lifestyle tips in her free monthly ezine, Wellness Tips with Carrie , as well as on her blog. She empowers her clients and believes everyone should know their brilliance and enjoy life! Learn more about Carrie by visiting her website.

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Suggestions for ADD Adults Dealing With Anxiety Disorders

More and more ADD adults find themselves facing anxiety in some form or the other. Generally anxiety disorders affect not only the ADD individual but also the loved ones of this person so thanks for taking time out to read these suggestions.

The vast numbers that are piling up around the world have initiated much research into anxiety disorders. This has led to a broader focus on the treatment options available to somebody in this position.

ADD adults are likely to deal with some form of anxiety disorders in their lives and for those who have experienced an attack you will know how frightening these attacks can be for everyone involved.

The difficulty the ADD adult faces is that their anxiety can be prompted by people, places and events at any time and they just seem to sneak up on you when you least expect it. It has been well documented that anxiety disorder attacks are brought about by fear.

You might be wondering just where does this fear come from. There are a number of possibilities yet it can be said that modern society has us under constant pressure because of the level of expectation we have become accustomed to.

The other factors that do play a role is trauma and mental conditions that are inherited which also has been known to play their part in Attention Deficit Disorder.

The problem with anxiety disorders is that there are physical elements which the person can experience and perhaps the most common of these are sensations in the area of the heart. Some have even thought that they are having a heart attack because of severe chest pains and extreme discomfort in the heart area.

The other difficulty with anxiety is that it can creep into one's behavior and before you know it you start developing obsessive habits like biting your nails. Now for the adult who has to deal with ADD together with obsessive habits this can be a potentially dangerous combination and could be very limiting for the adult as well as their loved ones.

For those ADD adults who have a suspicion that they may have an anxiety disorder we have some suggestions.
Starting the day with an attitude of gratitude. Let's say you were making a movie of your life then what can you be grateful for that day that you would write into a script for your movie. This means that you should try to act as a witness at times. Just have fun with this.
Minor adjustment for major results. One does not always realize that consistently making minor adjustments can lead to major results. Much like a pilot makes constant minor adjustments as they fly in order to stay on his flight plan. Small positive adjustments will keep you on track in terms of your own growth and development.

Improving your ability to deal with anxiety disorders despite your ADD can see you unlocking your full potential.

About The Authors

Julian and Joy Fourie are both parents and authors on ADD and ADHD.

For more articles (or training) on Understanding ADD and ADHD or to get your FREE Mini Course to Understanding ADD and ADHD go to http://www.understandingaddandadhd.com/Create-an-account.html.

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Better Mental and Physical Health for 2012 - It's All About Mixing It Up!

Some routine in life is normal, understandable and at times desirable, but when it comes to physical and mental health, repetition is not your friend. Not only will repeated tasks result in diminishing returns, but they tend to be boring and don't add joy to your life.

If you have a very repetitive workout, it's time to mix things up. Diversifying your workout will likely:

Stimulate different muscles leading to better over-all resultsBreak through a weight loss plateauCompel you to try harder rather than go through the motionsAlleviate boredomReduce the likelihood of giving up and quittingStimulate your brain as you learn new things

Start by incorporating one new cardio and one new strength training activity each week. If you are an avid spin class person, try a yoga class. If you are a jogger, try biking, rowing or even doing sprint intervals. If you usually work out indoors, try something in the fresh air. If you do not currently exercise, add in a new cardio activity and a new strength training activity at least once this week. Remember - don't switch into full speed right away. This is all about moderation. Incorporate small changes and once those become too easy, introduce new small changes. Be sure to consult a doctor before starting new physical activities. It is also important that you are fueling your body properly for exertion. You will need both complex carbohydrates and protein in order to fuel your workout. Consider incorporating a probiotic cleanse and a metabolite extract drink for maximum metabolic efficiency.

Like physical stagnation, you can also experience mental stagnation. Studies have shown that individuals who do not regularly stimulate their minds are more likely to suffer from dementia later on in life. Several studies show that our neurology benefits from regular engagement - particularly from puzzle solving type activities.

Commit to stimulating your mind several days a week and adding in a new activity a few times a month. The good news is, most of these activities are fun.

Some great brain stimulators and brain-training games include:

Crossword puzzlesSudokuChessReading an article or bookListening to a radio program or book on tapeTaking a class or attending a lectureVisiting a museum

Last but not least, in your commitment to a healthier mental and physical state in 2012, it is a good idea to also incorporate a few small life "happiness" enhancements to complement your new lifestyle. Again, do not set too lofty a goal, but rather choose three easy-to-implement changes that will fit into your life and make you happier.

First you must identify which aspects of your life need to be addressed. Are you most concerned with your physical health, or would you like to work on emotional, spiritual or intellectual health aspects of your life? You may want to address all of the above! If so, be sure to set realistic goals.

Possible "health enhancements" include:

Introducing a multi-vitamin into your morning routine, which is a good idea no matter how young or old you are Adding in a calcium supplement (this is especially important for women)Starting a micro nutrient probiotic cleanse with beneficial bacteria if you have ever suffered from immunity or digestive issuesScheduling your annual check-up appointment, especially if you're someone who usually tries to avoid going to the doctorSwitching to a non-toxic, green cleaning agents in the home for those messes that kids and pets cause Adding recycling and composting kitchen bins to your home or starting an organic garden in your backyardVolunteering once a month to stay active in your local community and help you achieve greater connectednessAttending a religious/spiritual gathering or lecture once a monthTake a class that will broaden your mind or advance your careerTake one trip abroad this year

The possibilities are endless!

The trick to being successful in your resolution this year is embracing moderation and committing to change. Instead of focusing your transgressions and labeling yourself a failure, think of your life as a long-term quest for moderation. Take pride in being the sort of person who makes thoughtful choices about their health, but also enjoys indulgences in appropriate portions.

These lifestyle changes are realistic, manageable and - most importantly - they will enhance your quality of life. The result is a happier, healthier you.

Eric Lancaster is the Exectutive Vice President at Teraganix, formerly EM America. Teraganix is the exclusive US distributor for Dr. Higa's original EM?1® microbial inoculants products including Bokashi composting products. EM?1® is a liquid microbial inoculant that promotes a healthy environment for beneficial soil organisms and larger forms of life including humans, pets, livestock, insects and worms.

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Self-Hypnosis and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Self-Hypnosis As An Improvement Method For OCD

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is an anxiety disorder. It causes a person to perform rituals which they feel compelled to do and can't stop doing despite the fact that they know it is not normal. There are many different treatments for OCD, but the key to any treatment is stopping the rituals by getting the mind to recognize that nothing will happen if the rituals are stopped. This is not an easy task.

More about Rituals

Many people who struggle with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder know that their rituals are meaningless on some level, but at a deeper level they have a nagging feeling that if they do not do the rituals that something bad will happen. This compels them to continue with their rituals. A ritual can be anything from counting to constant hand washing to having to turn on and off the light switch a certain number of times. Most treatments for OCD will involve working to change the mindset that keeps the person believing they have to do the rituals.

A Different Type of Treatment

A common treatment for ODC is exposure therapy. This is where a person is forced to confront their fears and to stop their rituals. They are exposed to the fears that they have about what will happen if they stop their rituals. This type of treatment has been effective, but it is very intense and not everyone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder will like this type of treatment.

Other treatment methods may include medications. Medications simply dull the mind and keep the anxious feelings away. It may or may not work. In addition, medications have side effects and they could be harmful.

Self hypnosis is now starting to become a popular method of treating OCD. Through hypnosis a person is able to get into that part of their mind that is controlling the OCD behavior. They can reprogram it to stop the rituals and prevent the anxiety.

More About Hypnosis

Self-hypnosis for OCD is often done in conjunction with therapy and other treatments. It can be done using a CD or audio file which will lead you through the hypnosis process. You simply set back and listen as you are lead into a hypnotic state. You don't have to do it with someone else present. Just listening to the recorded hypnosis script will hypnotize you.

Once you are hypnotized the audio will then give you suggestions that will work to help stop the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder behaviors. Hypnosis gets into the subconscious mind where the OCD has a hold. It can allow changes to be made in the subconscious that would not normally be able to be made if you were fully conscious.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder can be very difficult to live with. There are so many therapies and options that you should not have to continue to suffer. If conventional treatment options just do not seem to work or to be something you are comfortable with then you should consider the use of self-hypnosis to help you overcome OCD.

Burke Ferguson of AltaCan Web Enterprises has helped many regular folks get rid of their OCD. Visit the OCD eGazette for FREE "how-to" information to improve, manage, and cure your OCD and more.

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How to Stop Being a Victim of Violence

When you are a victim of violence you acquire deep traumas. Violence is not only based on physical injuries. Whatever reflects cruelty and generates terror is violent.

For example, when you are betrayed by someone you used to trust, you are a victim of violence. You are also a victim of violence when someone hits you, or when someone tries to kill you with a gun. Whenever someone is cruel with you, disrespecting your rights and disregarding your feelings, you are a victim of violence.

This means that you are a victim of violence only because you live in a violent world. You are constantly facing the violence of the world, even if you don't realize this fact.

If you are passing through a tragic period of time because someone else is violent with you, or because a group of people are constantly attacking you, you must learn how to stop violence by transforming your personality. When you are not violent, you stop being a victim of the violence of others.

Perhaps you are not violent but you are a victim of violence because you are in an unfair situation. However, the bitter truth is that this situation is not as unfair as you may believe.

If you are a victim of violence, this is because you have inherited strong violent tendencies in your own psyche. This is not your fault, but you must get rid of this dangerous content.

You are in the position of a victim because you must understand the negative effect of violence, so that you may eliminate your violent tendencies, even if you cannot perceive their existence. By translating the meaning of your dreams according to the scientific method of dream interpretation you will eliminate the wild side of your conscience (anti-conscience) and stop being influenced by the violent tendencies you have inherited.

You can also be a victim of violence because you are a hero and you are trying to help someone else, or you are trying to save a group of people. Therefore, you have to face many violent attacks from the unfair world. In this case, you must look at your battle as if it was a sacrifice.

If you are a hero, you will bring salvation to the world. Therefore, the violence of the world won't beat your courage and self-confidence.

However, I believe that you are reading this article because you are in a difficult situation, and you are seeking support.

You will find the support you need if you'll learn my discoveries, after continuing the research of the psychiatrist Carl Jung into the unknown region of the human psyche through dream interpretation. My work gives you basic protection from all mental disorders and from the cruel world.

Once you learn how to translate the meaning of your dreams according to the scientific method, the unconscious mind will help you eliminate your wild tendencies and find sound mental health for life.

In case you have no courage to study the dream language because you are on despair, I can translate your dreams for you and provide you with psychotherapy. I have many regular patients who send me their dreams for a professional dream translation.

I've helped many people recover their mental stability through dream therapy. This means that I will help you put the unconscious guidance into practice without wasting time. I will also tell you my predictions about your case, based on my experience.

If you are a victim of violence, you need support. Violence is a terrible poison. It destroys its victims, and also those who are violent with others. Violence generates terror, despair, and hatred.

The unconscious mind will help you stop suffering by giving you clear directions in dreams. Many dream warnings and predictions will protect you from sudden attacks. You will also prevent being a victim of violence because you'll follow the unconscious guidance, instead of making mistakes that expose you to various dangers.

The unconscious mind is your natural protector. It helps you find wisdom and peace. This means that by following the unconscious guidance you will have true protection, which will permanently eliminate the violence that marks your life. You will also learn how to protect yourself from the camouflaged violence of the world.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.

Learn more at: http://www.scientificdreaminterpretation.com/

Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

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Fighting Mental Disorders Through Dream Therapy

Whenever you have mental disturbances like irritation, lack of memory, lack of equilibrium, hearing voices, emptiness, and several problems that prevent you from thinking clearly, you must urgently follow dream therapy. This is the only way through which you will surely prevent a mental illness, or find guaranteed psychotherapy for the mental illness you already have.

You will also develop your intelligence and use your entire brain power. Right now you are using only a small portion of your brain on the behalf of your conscience. The biggest part of your brain belongs to your primitive side.

All mental disorders are caused by the anti-conscience, the wild side of the human brain. We have inherited this absurd content into the biggest part of our brain. We have to get rid of this terrible content by transforming it into conscious and human content through dream therapy.

I discovered this truth after continuing Carl Jung's research, and after fighting against schizophrenia, and winning the battle. My victory is based on my obedience to the unconscious guidance. This means that you can win this battle too. You will surely find sound mental health if you follow the unconscious guidance, no matter if you are merely depressed, or if you have to face a severe mental illness.

Dream therapy is a guaranteed and safe method of psychotherapy because it is based on the unconscious wisdom and sanctity. The unconscious wisdom proves God's existence, and God's sanctity.

There is a religious side in this truth. When you pass through dream therapy, you also pass through a process of spiritual purification. You acquire mental health and spiritual health at the same time.

I simplified Carl Jung's method of dream interpretation for you, after two decades of studies and cures into practice. Therefore, dream translation according to the scientific method became simple, clear, and fast.

When you translate the meaning of your dreams according to the right method, you discover that all dream images contain very important messages, which give you real information about your mental stability and the world around you. My simplification is based on:

1- Identifying the most important dream symbols in a dream

a. You don't need to be an expert on dream translation in order to understand the basic meaning of a dream. You simply have to study for a while the meaning of the most important dream symbols in order to understand the essential.

b. You don't need to translate all the details of a dream in order to understand the most important dangers that are threatening your mental health.

Later you will be able to automatically translate all the details of all dreams, the same way you translate the meaning of the most important dream symbols. In the beginning your translation will be somehow limited, but it will already help you understand what to do in order to find the solutions you need. The basic dream symbols give you crucial information.

2- Understanding the dream logic

I teach you from the beginning that the basic meaning of all your dreams is always protective. The unconscious mind protects your human conscience from the attacks of your evil and absurd anti-conscience. Therefore:

a. You don't waste your time supposing anything. You directly look for dangers when you translate the meaning of your dreams. You know that the unconscious mind is a serious doctor who is protecting your mental health.

b. You are able to easily follow the unconscious thoughts, and understand the unconscious messages. You know that these messages protect you from your evil and absurd side. You know that you are in danger. Therefore, you have a serious attitude, and you fight against the absurdity imposed by your wild side. You stop being a passive receptor, who doesn't react against the anti-conscience's attacks.

When you suffer from mental disturbances, this means that your anti-conscience is attacking your human conscience. The unconscious mind that produces your dreams gives you a clear vision of what is happening inside you.

You only have to study for a while the meaning of the most important dream symbols and the dream logic in order to learn the necessary. You don't need anyone else's help. The unconscious mind is the best psychiatrist and psychologist you could find.

If you have no time for studies, I can translate your dreams for you. Later you will find the time to study the dream language. After verifying its value into practice you will surely desire to learn the meaning of the most important dream symbols by heart.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.
Learn more at: http://www.scientificdreaminterpretation.com/
Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

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One In Four American Women Take Medication For A Mental Disorder

A two year study done by Medco Health Solutions Inc. (and reported in a British tabloid recently) indicates that more than one in four American women took at least one drug for conditions like anxiety and depression last year, according to an analysis of prescription data. The report tracked 2.5 million Americans and found the use of drugs for psychiatric and behavioral disorders in all adults rose 22 % from 2001. In addition, the medications are most often prescribed to women aged 45 and older, though their use among men and in younger adults climbed sharply.

So if I were to share a cab with 4 women... there is a good chance at least one of them is using a mind-altering drug?

Yep! I have to ask myself: "should I be packing heat?" Now there are a limited number of cabs here in Lancaster (and fewer women who would ride with me!) but it's pretty plain to see that we are in some real trouble here. In total, more than 20 per cent of American adults were found to be on at least one drug for mental health disorders. They include Catherine Zeta-Jones, who was treated for a form of bipolar disorder earlier this year due to the stress of coping with her husband Michael Douglas's fight with cancer. Model Brooke Shields admitted suffering postpartum depression (stress induced) after the birth of her baby in 2003, while Olympic gold medal swimmer Michael Phelps was diagnosed with ADHD (stress to the central nervous system) when he was nine years old.

If these powerful medicines are really necessary, we need to be asking ourselves some serious questions. Questions like: "Are we going crazy?" or "Are our minds and bodies finally exhausting themselves and not producing the chemistry necessary to function normally (on their own)?" Please, don't get me wrong here. I am not an anti-drug zealot. Rather, I know there is a time and a place for the use of life saving measures or crisis care that may demand the short-term use of some very strong medicine. Over use of the "big guns" has never been shown to work! All you have to do is look at the history of antibiotics and their long-term effect in the immune system. A little is OK. A lot can be devastating. Case in point - MRSA.

It gets worse. In adults 20 to 44, use of antipsychotic drugs and treatments for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) more than tripled, (ADHD prescriptions to adult women grew 2.5 times from 2001) while use of anti-anxiety drugs like Xanax, Valium and Ativan rose 30 % from a decade ago. The company said women are twice as likely as men to use anxiety treatments as 11 % of women 45 to 65 are on an anxiety medication. Dr David Muzina, a psychiatrist for Medco's Neuroscience Therapeutic Resource Center, offered this: 'What is not as clear is if more people - especially women - are actually developing psychological disorders that require treatment. 'Or (it might be) if they are more willing to seek out help and clinicians are better at diagnosing these conditions than they once were.

WHAT? /// Insert sound of screeching tires here////

That's like Toyota saying; "We are not sure why our customers are running their cars head-on into hard things like phone poles, bridges and diners at high rates of speed. We're not clear on the type of problem these people are having with their accelerator foot - so what we'll do is speed up the production of our cars to meet the new demand." Here's the point I want to leave you with. Drugs are designed to either speed up a body function or slow it down. That's it! For those with ADD (slow brain function) a form of 'speed' may be used. For anxiety (over arousal of the brain) a nerve system depressant may be recommended. These drugs closely resemble chemicals your brain was designed to produce on its own! These normal, natural chemicals produced by the brain are directly affected by physical, financial, environmental, and interpersonal stressors. You won't read about this on the front page of an American newspaper! It wouldn't support advertisers.

Douglas Meints, DC -

Graduated from the US Naval Academy in 1977. Served for 7 years as a Naval Flight Officer in the Mediterranean and Indian Ocean. Currently serving as a Lancaster Pa Chiropractor and the Director at Thrive Lancaster.

Thrive Lancaster - http://www.thrivelancaster.com/
2106 Spring Valley Road
Lancaster, Pa 17601
(717) 517-8960

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Generic ADHD Drugs - Why These Are A Cheaper Option, But Is This The Only Criterion?

Before we look at the generic ADHD drugs, I want to give you some statistics about this enormous industry and how it is worth well over $1 billion a year. The most popular brand name drugs such as Adderall and Ritalin sell for a total of almost 200 million units but the generics sell about 700 million units.

Many health insurance plans will only cover the generics because they are cheaper. That is one reason why they are so popular, of course. The second reason is that they are practically the same as the brand name although they are allowed to have up to 20% variance in the amount but they do have to contain exactly the same chemical.

The reason generics exist is that they are copies of drugs whose patents have expired. There is a period of time so that the company who originally paid for all the research in developing and marketing the drug, can get some money back on their initial investment. I was astonished to read that the cost of developing and bringing on the market just one drug can cost about $900 million!

Lots of people are trying to get generic ADHD drugs for their children and when shortages occur, then there is a general panic. Of course the brand names may be available but they cost more and some estimates say that this could make a difference of a minimum of $25 to a maximum of $75 a month, which is considerable, if taken over a whole year.

When we consider the overall figures of this enormous industry, we realize that of the 5 million children diagnosed with ADHD, about 66% of them are on some form of medication. These are from figures released by the Canters For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

We have looked at the cost criterion which is an important consideration. But we need to look at other criteria and see whether the idea of putting our children on generic ADHD drugs is really worth the risk and all the trouble. The well established facts are:-

* nobody knows how these drugs work on a child's brain cells
* nobody is sure of the long term effects
* nobody is sure about the possible risk of addiction
* there is a dearth of information on the research into health risks such as heart disease and sudden death.

While the drugs are great for relieving symptoms of hyperactivity, inattention and impulsivity, the fact is that they can only be a short term measure. They have to be supplemented with behavior therapy and a suitably ADHD friendly environment. That means setting up structures and routines and so on.

There are alternatives to these generic ADHD drugs and I can tell you that they are much cheaper and they are also much safer. I have set this all out on my website so why not check it out for yourself.

Matthew Gant has written extensively on ADHD and Mental Health for many years. Experts now tell us that child behavior modification combined with a natural treatment for ADHD is by far the most effective ADHD treatment. Check out this site for more parenting and ADHD advice.

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How to Explain Bipolar Disorder to Children

Bipolar disorder is a difficult thing to explain to anyone, let alone to one's children. However, as your children become older, it is important to let them know what is going on. After all, much of the behavior associated with the disorder might seem very strange to a child, and they might take some of it to be their own fault, if they don't know what is happening. In discussing bipolar disorder with children, there are a few things to take into account: when to tell them, how to tell them, and what to emphasize.

When to Tell Children

Children under the age of five probably won't be able to understand anything that you say to them about bipolar disorder, anyway. The best thing that you can do at that age is to tell them occasionally that you "aren't feeling well" or are "sick" when you need to take some time off or in the hospital.

However, after the age of five, children usually have enough emotional awareness that you can be more specific about the condition. You can tell them not only that you have bipolar disorder but also about the symptoms and other specifics of the disorder itself.

How to Tell Children

Mostly, you'll want to focus on explaining bipolar disorder to children in an age-appropriate way. When children are under ten, you can simply say, "I have a sickness called 'bipolar'. It makes me sad sometimes and really happy at other times. When I'm sad, sometimes I need to just go sleep."

When children are over ten, however, they are capable of understanding a lot more, and it world providing them with some "psychoeductation" or simply instruction about the disorder itself. One of the best ways of doing this is to enroll in family therapy that includes psychoeducation as a component. There are also many introductory books on bipolar disorder that you can provide to your children.

What to Emphasize

One of the most important things to emphasize when explaining bipolar to your children is that your moods are not their fault. So, for instance, if you are depressed, it is not the child's fault that you are depressed. Similarly, if you are angry, it is not the child's fault that you are angry. Children take their parents' emotions incredibly personally, so emphasizing this can prevent a lot of long-term harm.


Discussing bipolar disorder with your children can be difficult, but it can be done in phases. When they are young children, simply focus on age-appropriate ideas like "happy" and "sad". Later, when they are adolescents, you can provide them with more specific information about the disorder. In all cases, make sure that your children understand that your episodes are not their own fault.

Daniel W Bader, Ph.D. was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 1997 and now runs a website offering news, information and opinion about the condition called Bipolar Today. He has a page there that discusses the list of bipolar disorder symptoms.

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Many Teachers Are Hoarders

As a hoarding clean up specialist one of my sworn duties is not to mention anything to anybody about a hoarder or the condition that the hoarder lives in.

This sworn duty is good until I leave this earth, even if the person gives me permission to talk about his/her condition, the knowledge will not be spoken.

I understand the privacy as the hoarder feels very embarrassed of the situation they are in. Most hoarders are actually people you know as 5% of the population is a hoarder. That means if you are at a party there is a good chance that one person in the room is a hoarder.

Now I know what you are thinking. There is no way you say that anybody you know would be in that position and especially nobody you know would be at a social event that you are at.

You'd be surprised. Although the research on hoarding is limited ( some would say not enough to make it official ), researchers are finding out that many hoarders are professionals.

When talking to hoarders or families or friends of hoarders on the phone, many hoarders are teachers. There is no ( to my knowledge ) actual research on why teachers seem to be a popular profession connected with hoarding, but here is my theory.

Hoarders according to hoarding mental health specialist have some level of hoarding even when they are young. It may not be obvious as they are young, but as they become older adults it become more obvious.

As I talk to hoarders the one consistent issue that is mentioned is traumatic event in their lives. It could be a death, health issues or family disagreements.

Some non hoarders deal with their personal traumatic events by seeing a therapist, becoming alcoholics, or even become drug addicts.

Hoarders who are teachers deal with their traumatic event differently. As highly intelligent, and highly moral beings they know that turning to alcohol and drugs would not be the intelligent or moral way of dealing with traumatic issues in their lives. Inside they no better and have taught their students to avoid these vices for years.

What they do next they perceive is harmless. Hoarders who are teachers collect and buy things because they get a natural high from this process. It makes them feel good and keeping these items reminds them of that good feeling.

Imagine a person who saves a memento from their birth. How could anyone even think about throwing this emotional connected item away. It would be emotionally insane.

This is how very intelligent, highly moral teachers and professionals who you would never in a million years think would hoard.

So the next time you are at a party don't be surprised if the person you have know for years is a hoarder!

Jeffrey Cohn
SI Restoration
IICRC certified
Stericlean Certified Hoarding Specialist
410-458-5371 ( cell )

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Knowing What To Do When Dating With PTSD

Dating with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) can be a little bit tough. You need to have loads of patience and understanding to be able to deal with them better. It is necessary that you have the right knowledge regarding this particular behavioral problem so that you'll know what you are up against and how you can deal with it in a good way. So as to assist you further, a guideline is listed below so you'll know the exact things that you can do to help that person who is suffering from that condition.

Possible Reasons Why People Develop PTSD
There are considerable factors why people have this kind of mental illness. Most of the time, soldiers who came from the war have PTSD because of the traumatic experiences brought about by the battle that they have witnessed. There are those who have seen the death of somebody or have witnessed disturbing incidents in their lives and that is the reason why they have developed this kind of behavioral problem. Dealing with it is not that easy. Imagine yourself if you're caught up in the same situation? You'll be total wreck right?

Letting Them Know That You Care
You've got to make them feel that you're there. Dating with PTSD can be difficult for both of you but you've got to let that person know that you completely understand them and that if the same thing happens to you, you'll be devastated just like them. Make them feel that they have a friend in you and that you're willing to listen to all their problems. Making them feel that someone is present in their lives is truly valuable. Dealing with a lost of a loved one or witnessing a crime is really nerve wracking that's why you've got to do everything in your power to make them feel that they are not alone.

Educate Yourself
You can help that person better if you are aware of the problems that the person with PTSD is going through. If you are willing to see them through, you need to equip yourself with the right knowledge and know the proper ways on how you can assist them better. There are books that you can buy and you can also do your research on the internet. Through this, you can effectively help that person and help them surpass the darkest phase in their lives.

Find A Support Group For Them
It will be beneficial for them if they will have an awesome support group that will rally behind them as they battle PTSD. Besides family and friends, they need to meet people who are suffering from the same disorder for them to realize that there are others out there who are going through the same turmoil just like what they are going through. It is possible that there group therapy sessions in your area and you can ask your loved one to go through those sessions in order to overcome his/her depression.

Resorting To Medical Treatment
After you've done all these things and you're seeing little progress, it's time to resort to a medical treatment. Just give them the assurance that it does not necessarily mean that they are seeking the help of a medical professional thus mean to say that they are terminally ill. Make them understand that these people can understand them better and that you want nothing but the best for them and that is the main reason why you want them to be treated in a professional level.

Dating with PTSD can be emotionally draining but if you really love that person, you've got to believe in your heart that they will get better and that you're the right person who can help them. There may be bumps on the road but surely there is life after PTSD as long as you go through it together.

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Mental Health Solutions

It's not your fault. They may also suffer physical symptoms such as drastic changes in eating and sleeping patterns, always restless and wanted the power of focus. I feel your pain because I am a person suffering from depression for over 8 years and I am sure I can say that's not their fault.

Let me tell you why you're here. You are here because you know that clinical depression is not the way you want for your life. You know that either way, there are ways to overcome them. But the solution to avoid just because you are not experiencing the process of overcoming depression one step at a time.

You may have spent years looking for me, but spent looking for the best part of my life for you to tell you this - is "stuck" in the depression that the effectiveness of antidepressants and psychotherapy allow depression to take international control of your life. Depression was your experience during which you begin to believe that this is what they are. But that's just something that, for example, has a "heart disease".

Such as heart disease, depression is suspected due to the factors of the complex and interrelated: genetic, biochemical environment. Whatever the cause (discussed shortly), who unknowingly so depressed. We have learned to care for and work around it.

Although you can achieve great things, but the struggle continues, rather than satisfaction. We expect this technique to pass the day, we lose a real recovery, deep joy and healthy emotion, or feeling that life on this planet. In the end, things only get worse if the cause is not treated.

Get the facts!

Hypothesis 1: Depression is a medical illness caused by neurochemicals

As with previous research shows, only the symptoms and physical symptoms rather than causes.

Depression can feel like a physical disorder because you feel sleepy all the time, body aches and pains, changes in sleep patterns and more. But remember, all these physical symptoms caused by depression and not vice versa.

Important to note is the fact that there is a decrease in neurotransmitters (monoamines such as serotonin and norepinephrine) in many cases of depression. However, low levels of serotonin are the symptoms of depression, not a cause. This is clearly evidenced by the fact that if you give up the pleasure to participate in activities and pessimistic thinking, low serotonin levels.

Theory 2: Depression is in the genes

Depression is learned, not genetic. It is because depression is much to do with the style of thinking, behavior and interpersonal relationships of the DNA, and therefore many opportunities for people to learn the style of family depression. In this case, more likely to experience depression, but not for the sake of their genes, but their desire to learn what they see and follow.

Assumption 3: Depression caused by traumatic events and adverse experiences

If something bad happens to you or your loved ones around him, of course, is perfectly natural to feel sad, hurt, anger or shock. Often a traumatic event can be attributed to the initial depression, but that does not mean cause. It is clear that since we are all aware of the people survive the most horrible conditions imaginable without becoming clinically depressed.

Much people write to tell me about the thousands of dollars they spent on doctors, therapists, and medication when in the end, all we need is a technique I described in "Methods of depression-free." Do not believe the burden of high tariffs that do not need for assistance and expertise so I think you will find these updates interesting.

See more here

Mental Health Solutions Center

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ADHD Parenting: Handling Sibling Fights

Sibling fights are normal among families with several children but if one of the siblings has ADHD, these little spats are practically a regular occurrence. Kids with ADHD tend to be more short-tempered and aggressive, causing them to bicker constantly with their brothers or sisters. Or perhaps the siblings without ADHD feel a little neglected or envious about not receiving any special treatment, which justifies hurtful behavior. Here are a few ADHD parenting tips on managing sibling fights and helping all the kids in the family get along.

Hold both parties accountable to their behavior

It takes two to fight, regardless of who started it first. As long as both kids are equally mean, hurtful, or violent during the fight, it's good to hold both of them accountable for their behavior. You can do this by setting a consequence that applies to both kids, such as everyone can't watch TV that evening. It doesn't matter who started the fight or whose fault it is; the other sibling is just as responsible for prolonging the fight.

Designate a bickering corner

If the petty verbal fights of two siblings constantly disrupt the peace at home, try setting up a "bickering corner" where they can hash out their issues. Schedule a time each day for your kids to sit down and argue - say, half an hour before dinner. You'll actually be surprised at how quickly the bickering stops, because they end up feeling silly trying to think of topics to argue about. Let your kids stay at the bickering corner even though they have nothing to say. As an incentive to avoid further squabbles, let the kids know that they don't have to go to the bickering corner if they don't have a fight during the day.

Don't referee your kids' fights

As long as one sibling isn't bullying the other, you don't have to get in the middle of your children's fights. You aren't the judge of who was right or wrong, or who the antagonist is. Instead, remind your children that fighting isn't tolerated at the house, and that there are consequences for fights. You can use the bickering corner as a consequence for fighting, or remove privileges that affect both of them as stated in the first tip.

Diffuse jealous feelings

If one of the kids is envious about the special attention given to the ADHD child, try not to reward aggressive behavior by giving more attention. Instead, reassure your child that you love him or her just as much. You can say something like, "It's normal to feel jealous sometimes, but your brother/sister needs extra help with homework. And I help you too when you need it. I drive you to your soccer practice and cheer for you at your games." Always remind your child that you value his or her efforts just as much. Praise both children equally by giving out little compliments most of the time. This technique is called "hypodermic affection"; the more hypodermic affection they receive, the more secure they feel because they feel like their needs for validation are being recognized and met.

Dr. Yannick Pauli is an expert on natural approaches to ADHD and the author of the popular self-help home-program The Unritalin Solution. He is Director of the Centre Neurofit in Lausanne, Switzerland and has a passion taking care of children with ADHD. Click on the link for more great information about what is ADHD.

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