Many Teachers Are Hoarders

As a hoarding clean up specialist one of my sworn duties is not to mention anything to anybody about a hoarder or the condition that the hoarder lives in.

This sworn duty is good until I leave this earth, even if the person gives me permission to talk about his/her condition, the knowledge will not be spoken.

I understand the privacy as the hoarder feels very embarrassed of the situation they are in. Most hoarders are actually people you know as 5% of the population is a hoarder. That means if you are at a party there is a good chance that one person in the room is a hoarder.

Now I know what you are thinking. There is no way you say that anybody you know would be in that position and especially nobody you know would be at a social event that you are at.

You'd be surprised. Although the research on hoarding is limited ( some would say not enough to make it official ), researchers are finding out that many hoarders are professionals.

When talking to hoarders or families or friends of hoarders on the phone, many hoarders are teachers. There is no ( to my knowledge ) actual research on why teachers seem to be a popular profession connected with hoarding, but here is my theory.

Hoarders according to hoarding mental health specialist have some level of hoarding even when they are young. It may not be obvious as they are young, but as they become older adults it become more obvious.

As I talk to hoarders the one consistent issue that is mentioned is traumatic event in their lives. It could be a death, health issues or family disagreements.

Some non hoarders deal with their personal traumatic events by seeing a therapist, becoming alcoholics, or even become drug addicts.

Hoarders who are teachers deal with their traumatic event differently. As highly intelligent, and highly moral beings they know that turning to alcohol and drugs would not be the intelligent or moral way of dealing with traumatic issues in their lives. Inside they no better and have taught their students to avoid these vices for years.

What they do next they perceive is harmless. Hoarders who are teachers collect and buy things because they get a natural high from this process. It makes them feel good and keeping these items reminds them of that good feeling.

Imagine a person who saves a memento from their birth. How could anyone even think about throwing this emotional connected item away. It would be emotionally insane.

This is how very intelligent, highly moral teachers and professionals who you would never in a million years think would hoard.

So the next time you are at a party don't be surprised if the person you have know for years is a hoarder!

Jeffrey Cohn
SI Restoration
IICRC certified
Stericlean Certified Hoarding Specialist
410-458-5371 ( cell )

Original article

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