What You Resist Persists

The war on drugs. The fight against cancer. The war on terrorism. The fight to end hunger. Anti-divorce. Anti-gay marriage. Anti-obesity. Anti-war....etc... It seems that a lot of us are anti-everything these days. Interestingly, they are all at record levels and increasing rapidly. We resist change allowing what we don't want to persist. It is a cycle that most people just do not understand. The only way we can make a change with people or a problematic situation is to stop resisting the existence of it. People are going to choose to be gay, so what? Condemning and hassling them about their lifestyle is not only going to make them upset and annoyed but will make them more expressive about it. Protesting in front of abortion clinics is not an effective way to lower the rate of abortion or unwanted pregnancy.

Believing all of the fear based propaganda on the news is only going to create ideas of intolerance and hatred in your head. The more we "fight" terrorism, the more terrorist activity we are going to create. The more we "fight" cancer, the faster it will spread and increase. Dwelling on problems does not and cannot create an attainable solution. The power to transform a situation or yourself comes from transforming your ideas and beliefs about it. Rather than resisting and making a big deal about it, why not try acceptance and manifesting change?

I am seeing signs all over the place that read "drive now text later you can't do both" Really? Now this is interesting. I see people doing it all over the place. Driving in the city, driving in the burbs, on the highway - it appears quite evident to me that people CAN do it just fine. This is a great example of how that type of signage and communication does not work. Not only are people going to blow it off, but they are going to be devil's advocate and say, oh yes I can and I am going to knowing they can get in trouble for it. A more effective approach to encourage people not to text and drive can be making signs and ad campaigns that say something like "please don't do both" or "you shouldn't do both" instead. People will respond in a more positive manner because it is not invasive and commanding. It will make people more conscious of their choice to text and drive and the consequences if caught. Personally, I know I don't like being told what to do and will respond more to being asked instead of commanded.

You may be thinking it takes too much effort and work for this, but do you realize that it is just an excuse? It takes more energy to be mad and hold a grudge than to accept, let go then create what you really want out of the situation or life itself.

Looking at this from an energetic perspective where any given situation or condition is a mirror reflection of our thoughts, we can see that WE create the outcome. Not God, not Barack Obama, not even the Flying Spaghetti Monster or any one person or thing. Sure, there may be some influence or inspiration involved on some level, but ultimately we are the author of our ever present existence.

Our thoughts create. Therefore, why not think positive things about a negative situation? Think about it - how much more energy does it take for you to be mad compared to happy? It is this awesome gift we are born with called free-will to choose. For those who have heard of the movie "The Secret", this concept is very similar. Instead of fighting cancer, why not just see yourself healed and healthy? Having intent and creating empowering goals for miraculous healing are as powerful as prayer. The great thing about it is that you don't have to believe in God, you don't even have to have "hope" or believe in anything at all. It can be random if you just let it happen.

All you need is the desire for change or transformation. Then create it and know it will happen by letting it happen without being attached to the outcome. Creation really is simple and it is something we are all capable of. We are all creators in the image of creation itself. The reason this just works is because you make it work. The interesting concept is when we stop resisting what we don't want and accept what we have, we then can create what we do want.

Just because you accept gay marriage does not mean you have to agree with or practice that lifestyle, just let it be. I mean would you want to be constantly judged for something you choose that millions of people say is wrong? If you choose to accept that people will get divorced and have abortions, it does not mean you should go get married, get pregnant, then go have an abortion and get divorced. What it actually does is create acceptance of the situation and a condition for people to being more aware of their choices.

This can be applied to any area of life. In fact, because of this power we have to create, my dad is still alive eight years after he was told he was going to die. They gave him three years to live when he was diagnosed with ALS and I guarantee if he fought it, he would have already lost. He has used this extremely powerful tool not to "fight" the terminal illness he has, but to create a pathway to healing and recovery. Stop resisting and start creating!

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