Suffering With Mental Health Issues

One in four Americans suffers from some type of mental health issue. It can range from depression to anxiety and anything in between. Whatever kind of mental health issues a person suffers from, it can become debilitating and make it impossible to do day to day activities. The good news is help is available you just have to seek it out.

Mental health issues can be temporary or permanent. For example, someone going through a particular situation that is really stressing them out may suffer from panic attacks. These panic attacks because they are caused by a specific situation may go away after the situation has resolved itself.

Other people have more long term problems that may be caused by a chemical imbalance or more stressful situations from childhood. Regardless of if your mental health problems are permanent or temporary they most likely cause you difficulties in life and need to be managed.

One of the biggest issues in mental health today is people who suffer from depression. Depression can be totally debilitating. It can make it impossible to get out of bed in the morning and do what you need to do. It can make it hard to keep relationships in tact and to do your work. It begins to creep into every aspect of your life and if left untreated can have terrible consequences such as suicide.

This is why you have to seek out help. You have to get your mind back to a healthy place and that is not always something you can do on your own. Once you deal with the immediate effects of your mental health issues there are many things you can do to keep your mind healthier in general and avoid depression.

A clear mind is more effective at decision making and allows you to be able to cope and get through situations without them turning into a mental health emergency. Most mental health issues start as a result of stress when you have a clear mind and can think things through and make good choices you are less likely to have stress that you are unable to manage.

If you are currently having issues managing your stress you should talk to a professional. There are also other things you can do to help you think more clearly. Brain games or brain training activities can go a long way in giving you a healthy mind. A healthy mind is far better equipped to manage stress and make good decisions.

Nathanael Eisenberg is the CEO of CogniFit, a company that develops software which measure and train cognitive abilities. We help people discover new insights about themselves and decide what to improve in their life.

The rapid growth of scientific knowledge around the brain creates new opportunities to help tackle some of the major challenges of the early part of the 21st century. Nathanael's goal is to participate in the search of some of these additional solutions.

Original article

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