5 Simple Techniques You Can Do To Enhance Your Memory

How do you improve your memory? Is memory improvement possible? What are the techniques to improve memory? If you find yourself asking these questions I have some good news! Memory improvement is indeed very possible.

The following techniques are very easy to do and are backed up with psychological research. It won't require you to train hard, spend money, nor take illegal drugs. These techniques are free, easy to do, and can improve your memory in a natural way.

1. Express yourself through writing

You need your "working memory" to accomplish complex cognitive tasks. This is our ability to manipulate and shuttle information in and out of our consciousness. An efficient working memory can result in better learning, comprehension, and reasoning. Expressive writing can increase our working memory. You can do this by writing a few times a month for about 20 minutes about any event that has happened to your life. Psychologists found out that it will improve your working memory in just 5 weeks.

2. Saying words out loud.

Another technique to help improve your memory is to say words aloud. It is surely one of the easiest methods to improve memory retention because the words will be translated into speech and you will have the knowledge and memory of hearing them. The spoken words are more distinct and absorbable by your memory than the rest of the words that were just read silently. Therefore, it will be very easy to remember the words that you actually say and hear.

3. Meditation

How do you improve your memory through meditation? Meditation and memory are linked to each other. Research shows that meditation can change the structure of the brain in powerful ways as it thickens the cerebral cortex of the brain which is responsible for decision-making and memory function. The article "How to Get Smarter, One Breath at a Time" by Lisa Takeuchi Cullen published in Time Magazine stated that "...meditation directly affects the function and structure of the brain changing it in ways that appear to increase attention span, sharpen focus and improve memory."

4. Get enough sleep

How do you improve your memory by sleeping? Sleep deprivation is one of the worst enemies of the brain and is a very unhealthy practice. Sleep can improve your memory because it allows your brain to rest and gain more energy needed for the activities to come. If you lack sleep, it will be very hard for you to focus and concentrate in everything you do.

5. Utilize your senses

Analyzing your surroundings by using your sense of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch can help enhance your memory. Being aware of your senses will give your mind a lot of ways on how to associate when remembering something.

These techniques for improving your memory are very effective especially if you put the proper amount of effort and determination in it. If you have problems with memory loss, using these techniques on a daily basis can really help a lot.

Marshall W. is a memory expert. For more great tips on how to improve memory, visit http://www.healthymemorycentral.com/

Original article

1 comment:

earnest Q said...

Thanks for the valuable information... A good memory can lead to make your things and work effectively and get good results.
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