What Are The ADD Symptoms A Parent Should Be On The Lookout For?

If your child is having problems with concentration at school, then there is a possibility that they may have an Attention Deficit Disorder. By going through the ADD symptoms checklist, you will be able to determine whether or not your child has this condition. Most children will display a combination of these signs or would have experienced them at least some time in their lives. For you or someone else to suggest that they have ADD, the signs either have to be constantly present, or the symptoms must be causing disruption to their childhood developmental levels.

- The inability to focus.

A child is normally able to concentrate in areas that they enjoy, but if they lose focus very quickly with things that they are not so interested in, it could be an indication of ADD. What you have to look out for is if their interests are too narrow and their lack of concentration applies to the majority of other areas in their life. They may, for example, have a great interest and knowledge on dinosaurs but find it difficult to do any other tasks that do not include or relate to dinosaurs.

- They are easily distracted.

Distraction is a very common symptom where your child may become disrupted by the slightest sounds or movement nearby. This often happens in the classroom and the teacher might have already brought it to your attention. An Attention Deficit child will generally lose their place when someone walks past their desk or talks. Even the noise from a car passing by can cause them to become distracted and look around. This will happen more often to children with ADD and once this happens it can be a challenge to get them to return to their work.

- Tend to daydream.

The child with ADD symptoms will often be found gazing out of the window or door lost in thought. This does not mean that they are lazy or undisciplined. It is because they usually have lost interest in what is happening around them and their thoughts have moved onto things that are of more interest to them.

If these ADD symptoms are present, then you need to look a bit deeper before concluding that your child definitely has ADD. The next step could be to check if they have the rest of the signs, or to meet with a professional who specializes with Attention Deficit Disorders.

About The Author

Rolf Joss is an Author on both Attention Deficit Disorders and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders. As an Author on these subjects, he is at the forefront to provide solutions to those with ADD and ADHD.

For more articles (or training) on ADD symptoms or to get your FREE ADD/ADHD Mini Guide, go to http://www.whatisadd-adhd.com/.

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