Brain vitamins are more important than you think. Most of us are aware that vitamins and nutrients are important for our bodies, but when is the last time you considered what vitamins your brain needs to function at its highest level possible? Many vitamins have a proven effect on brain function, and neglecting to address this issue may limit our brain's potential, and even increase our risk of cognitive decline as we age.
There are many vitamins for overall brain health, but we are going to look at some of the most powerful vitamins today.
Antioxidants are a great place to start our journey. Antioxidants help our bodies (and brains) by protecting our cells from damage caused by free radicals that build up as we age. Our brains are over 50% fat tissue, which makes our brain even more prone to damage from free radicals than the rest of our bodies. Consuming high amounts of antioxidants can help slow the oxidation process down and reduce our risk for negative mental side effects associated with aging.
Two of the best antioxidant brain vitamins are Vitamin E and Vitamin C. A study from the University of Copenhagen found a link to Vitamin C and the development of spatial memory in Guinea Pigs (chosen because they rely on outside sources of Vitamin C and can't make it in their own bodies- just like humans). Without enough Vitamin C, their memory skills were lacking. So not only is Vitamin C a powerful antioxidant, it also has other proven effects on the brain.
Now that you're probably convinced, let's look at some foods that contain high amounts of these vitamins:
Vitamin C can be found in many fruits and vegetables. Some of the largest quantities of Vitamin C can be found in Oranges, Strawberries, Hot Chili Peppers, Yellow and Red Bell peppers, and dark leafy greens like Kale.
Vitamin E can be obtained from a wide variety of foods, including various nuts and seeds, as well as vegetable oils, spinach, and broccoli.
That covers antioxidants, which are a great place to start when it comes to vitamins for brain health. But we have one more powerful vitamin that should not be left off the list- Folic Acid. Also known as Folate and vitamin B9, Folic Acid has been shown to reduce the risk of stroke, memory loss, and other cognitive decline as we age, as reported by CNN in 2002.
You might be thinking "I'm too young to start worrying about memory loss, this doesn't effect me." Did you know that we actually start losing some memory capabilities in our mid 20's? Memory loss doesn't just effect seniors, and it's never too soon to start preventing the loss of mental capabilities.
Folic acid can be found in leafy green vegetables, citrus fruits, beans, and whole grains. It also can be found in fortified foods such as bread, pasta, and white rice.
Those are the "big 3" brain vitamins. If you only took 3 vitamins for brain health, Vitamin C, E, and B9 are a great place to start.
Biron is a writer interested and passionate about the newly developing field of brain vitamins. More exciting research is coming out each year, and Biron's articles, as well as personal website, are a way for people to track updates and recent scientific findings in this rapidly changing area. I want to spread the word to friends, colleagues, and strangers because I am passionate about this subject and think it is something that many people will find interesting! Enjoy.
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