Homeopathic Remedies for ADD - Treating ADHD Naturally

Homeopathic remedies for ADD are alternative treatments. While Ritalin and other stimulants are still the treatment of choice, there is no evidence that medications of any kind improve educational, occupational or social function in the long-term.

The medications are often helpful initially. Sometimes it is necessary to calm down, before other therapeutic approaches can be initiated. But, the medications are not without risk, some of which are life threatening.

The homeopath's approach helps the child or adult to calm down without causing any unwanted side effects. There are no risks associated with the natural treatments, simply because of the way they are designed.

The homeopath's approach is actually similar to the pharmaceutical approach. Stimulant medications have a calming effect on children and adults with attention deficit disorders for unknown reasons.

In a person without attention deficit, stimulants would cause fidgeting and other hyperactive behaviors. The drugs would make it difficult to stay seated. Outbursts and excessive talking would also be caused by stimulant therapy.

Outbursts, excessive talking, difficulty sitting still, fidgeting and hyperactive behavior are common symptoms of attention deficit disorders. It seems contradictory that something that would cause those behaviors in a healthy person would soothe the person with those symptoms. But they work in most cases.

Homeopathic remedies for ADD are similar in that the compounds the solutions contain would cause symptoms in a healthy individual. But in a person with attention deficit disorders they are soothing.

The whole basis of homeopathy is treating "like with like". All of the treatments are based on the idea that a compound that would cause symptoms in a healthy person can effectively be used to treat the symptoms in one who is unhealthy.

The main difference between homeopathic remedies for ADD and stimulant medications is that the stimulating compounds are present in very, very low quantities. In fact, a scientific examination of the solutions using the methods currently available would show there was no detectable level of the compound.

That is why they do not cause side effects. That is why they are completely safe.

In years to come as detection methods improve, it may be possible to see exactly the concentration of the active component. Currently, many scientists view homeopathy as unscientific, because they cannot determine how the treatments work.

Yet, they consider pharmaceuticals scientific, even though we do not know how most of them work. There are only theories about the mode of action of most prescription drugs.

Homeopathic remedies for ADD can be purchased in the US without a prescription. There are no warning labels concerning behaviors to watch for. There are only directions about how much and how often the dose should be repeated.

It is important to remember that the treatment is not a cure for attention deficit disorders. Many of these problems resolve with time. Some continue into college or adulthood.

Children may be able to learn how to control their own behavior while taking homeopathic remedies for ADD. If their problems do not lessen with time, they have a lifetime of coping mechanisms to help them through the day.

Gaby Dekker-Jones raised 2 boys who were diagnosed with ADD. She has done extensive research on the wide variety treatment options, paying special attention to natural ADHD treatments.

To help other parents she has started a website. To learn more visit http://addnaturaltreatment.com/

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ADHD Symptoms and How To Recognize Them

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD for short is a developmental disorder that typically occurs in children but also occurs in some adults. It is characterized by co-existing problems involving the ability to pay attention and hyperactivity. In most cases, the symptoms of the disorder become evident by the time they reach seven years of age. In 30% to 50% of the cases involving ADHD, the disorder carries over in the person's adult years.

Not only are there problems with attentiveness and hyperactivity at home and in school, the afflicted child usually has difficulty doing their homework quietly without disturbing their fellow classmates. In order to compensate for their impairments, adults and children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder tend to develop certain coping mechanisms. In other words, they will alter certain behavioral and cognitive efforts in order to manage certain taxing external and internal demands.

The symptoms of ADHD and the different types of the disorder

The primary symptoms of ADHD are hyperactivity, impulsivity, and/or inattention which is inappropriate in any age group. However, since this is a co-morbid disorder, the symptoms are broken down into three groups for description purposes - hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention.

Hyperactivity symptoms include:

The disorder usually becomes apparent in preschool years and are usually always present by the time the child has reached seven years of age. However, it may vary based on the child's age and stage of development that they are in. The most common symptoms are:

o always being on the go
o climbing or running excessively especially when this is inappropriate (in teenagers, this may seem like it is just restlessness)
o difficulty engaging in leisure activities or playing quietly
o fidgeting or squirming whenever seated
o having to frequently get up and run or walk around
o talking excessively

Hyperactivity in adolescents and adults oftentimes manifest themselves as difficulty engaging in quiet and more sedentary activities or being restless.

Impulsivity symptoms include:

o blurting out answers to questions before they have not been completed
o clowning around
o difficulty awaiting their turn
o difficulty delaying their responses
o frequently interrupting or intruding to the point of creating problems for others in social or work settings
o impatience
o initiating conversations when it isn't appropriate

Inattention symptoms include:

Difficulty finishing schoolwork or performing tasks requiring concentration or paying attention to details. The child will be prone to making careless mistakes with their homework or other tasks. The work, once completed, the person's work is typically careless, disorganized, and messy.

They are easily distracted from what they are doing and cannot pay attention to events that are occurring at the same time. As a result, they shift from one unfinished activity to the next which indicates that their work habits are disorganized. They also fail to complete certain household chores and schoolwork, oftentimes forgetting them altogether. For example, they may forget to take their lunch to school or miss important appointments.

Irrelevant stimuli around them distract them easily and they will oftentimes interrupt whatever they are doing to investigate trivial events or sounds that most individuals would normally ignore.

For the latest videos and training information on child development as well as books and curricula on ADHD children please visit childdevelopmentmedia.com.

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Raising ADHD Awareness Everyday

Since 2004, the United States Congress has been devoting one day in September to National ADHD Awareness Day. ADHD is becoming a major health problem in the United States and around the world, and National ADHD Day hopes to encourage everyone to learn more about this disorder, support ADHD services, and find ways to seek treatment and help. However, you don't need to wait for September to garner support and awareness for ADHD, especially if someone you love is afflicted by this disorder. Here are some ways you can raise ADHD awareness no matter what day of the year it is.

Educate yourself

The first step to raising awareness for ADHD is to arm yourself with information. Read all you can about ADHD, its causes, and the treatments available. Borrow books from the library and read voraciously. Look into the pros and cons of using stimulant medication as a primary treatment, and open your mind to the many new was to treat ADHD without drugs. Scientific journals are a great source of reliable studies on ADHD, while websites like sciencedaily.com and webmd.com provide you with easy-to-read news on treatments and ongoing research.

Join a Parent-Teacher Organization

If you have a child with ADHD, his or her behavior may be widely misunderstood by teachers and classmates. Or perhaps your child isn't receiving the special education services he or she badly needs. Joining a parent-teacher organization is a great way to inform educators about ADHD, its symptoms, and the myths surrounding this disorder. Raising awareness about ADHD at school can also help teachers identify the disorder among students and suggest an evaluation to their parents. If obtaining special services for your child is your goal, do your homework - read up on special education laws, your child's rights, and the ways you can protect these rights. Find ways to negotiate with the school so your child can get the appropriate special education services needed.

Establish a support group

Anyone who has studied or dealt with ADHD for years is in a great position to help others know more about the disorder. You can do so by starting a support group for parents, friends, and family members of someone with the disorder. Point them towards resources that can broaden their understanding of ADHD, and help them find ways to cope with the difficulties of having a loved one with ADHD.

Correct ADHD doubters as they come

ADHD is not the most pleasant conversation topic to bring up at social gatherings, but there is no better time to correct misconceptions about the disorder than encountering a doubter. The research you have done should help you respond to questions and statements from skeptics, such as:
Is ADHD even a real disorder?Won't children outgrow ADHD?ADHD is just an excuse for lazy behavior or poor parenting.ADHD is just for children, isn't it?Your child just needs more discipline.

Dr. Yannick Pauli is an expert on natural approaches to ADHD and the author of the popular self-help home-program The Unritalin Solution. He is Director of the Centre Neurofit in Lausanne, Switzerland and has a passion taking care of children with ADHD. Click on the link for more great information about what is adhd.

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Ten Common Mistakes Parents Make In Making Residential Placements

The past twenty years has seen a major change in residential programs for self-destructive and struggling teens. In the past virtually every residential intervention available was funded and controlled by governmental agencies, including decisions as to who would be enrolled. What has changed is that we now have a rapidly growing network of private residential schools and programs focused on allowing parents more choices. Usually this involves parents paying the tuition, or at least making arrangements for payment through their insurance policy or other resources.

This is having the effect of empowering parents, giving them many more effective resources to which to turn when their struggling child is making self-destructive decisions. These new options enable parents to intervene before a tragedy develops. With that new ability and responsibility, comes the opportunity for parents to make their own mistakes.

Listed below are ten of the most common mistakes I have seen parents make during my sixteen years working with parents of struggling teens. I present this with the hope that parents who are beginning to search for residential schools and programs will rethink their initial assumptions to avoid self-defeating choices.

1.) "We want a place close to home." Just as the needs of struggling teens vary widely, so do the strengths and weaknesses of residential schools and programs. Restricting one's search to a limited geographical area increases the chances of excluding the most appropriate places that have the best chances for being successful with your child. In effect, this is settling for second best, which increases the chances of a placement not working.

2.) "We want something affordable." The most expensive residential school or program is the one that doesn't work. A quality school or program that has the structure to keep on top of manipulative and contrary teens and still be effective in changing attitudes is going to be expensive, whether the parent or the taxpayers pay the bill. Most low cost schools or programs are inexpensive because they are undercapitalized, cut corners financially, have a poorly thought out program, hire too few people and or hire minimum wage staff. It is very risky to entrust your child to one of these places. An exception to this is the quality school or program, usually Christian oriented, that has a large endowment or a successful fund raising program, or is able to attract good staff because they consider themselves on a mission. But these occasional quality schools and programs tend to screen out the more resistant child, and usually are not prepared for a highly manipulative and resistant and/or angry teen. Most parents that enroll a child in a quality Emotional Growth or Therapeutic school or program do so by making the personal sacrifice of dipping into the assets they have accumulated over the years or do as I did, take out a substantial loan or second mortgage.

3.) "We want our teen fixed." The teen might have a problem, but the teen is not necessarily THE problem. Blaming the child is an unfair oversimplification. Sometimes the teen just needs to learn the basic lessons and attitudes necessary for growing up, which is the focus of an Emotional Growth school. Or, perhaps the teen has some kind of pathology that is more appropriately the focus of a treatment center. In either case, family relationships are an integral part of both the problem and the solution. Selecting a school or a program that is only concerned with what the child is doing while ignoring the family, is not addressing the whole problem and is less likely to provide a satisfying solution.

4.) "That school helped our friend's child." A friend's suggestion is only good for obtaining ideas about successful places to check out. Odds are that the needs of your child are considerably different than the needs of your friend's child, even if the behavior is similar. There is no one best place for struggling teens; some are simply more appropriate for your child than others. In any case, parents should not make an enrollment decision without thoroughly checking out at least three separate quality schools or programs to make sure they are not just selecting the first place that sounds feasible.

5.) "A six month placement should do it." Turning a child's thinking around, or providing treatment for a child, takes as long as it takes. Experienced professionals can make a reasonable estimate of the time frame needed after getting to know your child. But, for the parent to put any kind of arbitrary time limit in advance of placement encourages the child to simply wait for the ending date without making any change. It also sets up the parent to withdraw their child when an arbitrary date is reached rather than when the needed changes have occurred. Such action reflects that the parent is thinking of their child as if he/she is a possession with a maintenance plan, rather than an individual with evolving needs. Intervening with a struggling teen is nothing like fixing a carburetor.

6.) "We are looking for a military school or a boot camp." Both the military and struggling teens have changed over the last generation. The military, and military schools are more selective than they used to be; now they do not take young people with anything more than minor behavior problems. Boot camps do work with more serious behaviors, but are based on a philosophy of changing behavior through punishment. For punishment to be effective, a child must have a grasp of cause and effect, and how consequences work. For the most part the current generation of children who are in Emotional Growth schools and programs have not grasped the concept of cause and effect and don't understand how consequences work. Punishment backfires with these children since they don't realize their behavior had anything to do with the punishment, and are likely to assume the adult doesn't like them. They are more likely to learn positive attitudes from firm, consistent and appropriate consequences than they are to learn from punishment by a boot camp drill sergeant.

7.) "We can trust what professionals tell us." Every professional is human and has his/her own frame of reference. There is an old saying to the effect that "If you only have a hammer, soon everything will look like a nail." A child psychiatrist will tend to assume therapy and medication is necessary, an Emotional Growth or Therapeutic school Admissions Director will tend to assume the child needs to be enrolled, and a therapist will tend to think their own brand of therapy is what is required. This is not to impugn the motives of these professionals, just a cautionary reminder that they are human; objectivity is an ideal that is very difficult for humans to achieve. Any professional recommendation should be evaluated in context of the recognition that a professional's personal philosophy and obligations ought to be mediated by the real expert's knowledge, that is: the child's parents.

8.) "We don't need to tell the school/professional everything our child has done." Parents sometimes don't tell professionals some of the worse things their child has done. This is usually an attempt to increase the chances of their child being accepted by a particular school or program. This sometimes gets the child enrolled, but it also increases the chances that enrollment will become a disaster when the school or program is faced with some behavior or pathology for which they are not prepared.

9.) "We will save some money by finding a school or program by ourselves without the help of an educational consultant."

This can be a false economy. A placement that falls apart can be very expensive to parents, both financially and emotionally. Anything that reduces the odds of a placement failure can save a lot of money and trauma. Parents are free to represent their own interests without calling on a trained and experienced professional in a variety of settings, for example, representing themselves in Court, facing an IRS tax audit, or enrolling their child in an Emotional Growth school or program. However in each situation, the knowledge, reputation and experience of an appropriate professional can be invaluable. When parents are contemplating enrolling their child in a residential program, a qualified and experienced independent educational consultant can help them clarify their needs, and share a wide knowledge of many different programs with the parent. As a result of the educational consultant's long working relationship with schools and programs, he or she is in a good position to advocate to them on behalf of the child and parents. An Educational Consultant can: help the parent avoid common mistakes covered in this article, warn parents if a quality school is having temporary problems that might negatively affect the chances of a successful enrollment at that time, and be a sympathetic and knowledgeable third party sounding board for the parents' thoughts and concerns. If after the placement, a child's behaviors create a crisis, the consultant is in a position to encourage the school to not give up too easily on his/her client, and can advise the parents how to appropriately respond to a child's manipulations. The consultant can also be on immediate call if the placement goes bad and another placement is needed. If any of these situations develop, the timely advice of a knowledgeable and experienced Educational Consultant can help parents avoid wasting both time and money. There is a wide variation in the fees charged by competent and experienced educational consultants ranging from those who charge an hourly fee to those that work only on an annual contract basis. It pays to shop around; don't assume that all Educational Consultants charge the same fee as the first one you call, nor should you assume that all Educational Consultants are equally appropriate for your individual situation.

10.) "We don't need to get the other parent involved." A child needs the best possible relationship with both parents. When one parent attempts to cut the other parent out of the placement loop, not only does this deny the child' needs, but also gives the ignored parent the motive to sabotage the placement, and gives the child ammunition to manipulate both parents. What frequently happens when both parents don't agree on a placement is that a battle is set up between the parents, with the child and the school caught in the middle. When this battle develops, it is very difficult and often impossible for the school to help the child. With very few exceptions, a placement can be successful only when both parents agree and support the placement; or at least each parent needs to commit to not undermine the placement.

In all residential placement considerations, the needs of the child should be the top priority, with the desire on behalf of the parents to develop a better relationship with their child an almost equal priority. Other considerations, though sometimes very important, should be treated as secondary. Whether the parents' focusing is on convenience, finances, the child's destructive behavior, or relying on only one person's advice, the commonality of the mistakes in this list is that the needs of the child are secondary rather than primary. Placing anything other than the child's needs at the top of the list of priorities increases the chances of a placement disaster or an ineffective experience for your child.

Lon Woodbury is an educational consultant who began working with Schools and Programs for struggling teens in 1984. Lon earned his B.S. and M.A. degrees from the University of Idaho. He is a long-time member of the IECA. His practice includes a referral service for parents and professionals, publication of the newsletter Places for Struggling Teens (TM) (print and online), and a directory of the residential schools and programs with the best reputations in the Parent Empowerment Handbook. He can also be found at http://parent-empowerment-blog.com/ and at http://www.strugglingteens.com/. For information, call 208-267-5550 or email lon@woodbury.com.

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Handling a Child With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

To say the least, parenting a child with ADD/ADHD is not an easy task. It can be very challenging, frustrating, and sometimes overwhelming. However, as a parent, you would be surprised at all you can do to handle that child. In actuality, ADD/ADHD behavior can be controlled and even reduced a bit. Interestingly enough, every parent has the power to do this and help your child meet the daily challenges that they face. Their energy can be channeled into positive activities while at the same time restoring order in the home.

What you need to realize about children with ADHD

Although it may seem unlikely in the beginning, children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder have the ability to succeed and in many cases, they do. The earlier a parent intervenes and begins addressing the problems their child is having, the greater the chance they will be successful. The key point to remember initially is that the ADD/ADHD child has deficits and difficulties with their executive functions. This entails the ability to complete tasks, control impulses, organize, plan ahead, and think clearly.

At times, it will seem like there is no hope in ever getting the ADD/ADHD child under control but what you want to remember is the fact that they are not acting out willfully when it appears that they are annoying, embarrassing, or ignoring you. Another key point to remember is that the child suffering with the disorder really does want to do everything you tell them, organize their rooms, or sit quietly. They just don't understand what it takes to do these things.

It is important to understand how frustrating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is for the afflicted child, not just you as a parent. They get just as frustrated with the disorder as you do so you need to keep this in mind before you lose the control they need to see you exhibit. Remembering this will make it easier to respond in positive and supportive ways. You can manage the child easier and maintain a stable home by showing compassion, patience, and support.

The family and the ADD/ADHD child

Children who have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder exhibit numerous behaviors, all of which can disrupt the family's lives and the household. These include:

o impulsivity issues cause them to interrupt your conversations inappropriately whenever they want attention

o it's usually difficult to get them into bed and for them to go to sleep

o they can be extremely disorganized, get distracted easily, and then keep you waiting when it is time to go somewhere

o they don't often hear your instructions, so they don't know to obey them

o they oftentimes speak before thinking, saying embarrassing or tactless things

o they will start projects and then get distracted, failing to finish them and leaving the mess they have made

o they will tear around the home, sometimes doing things that put them in harm's way

Before you can hope to be successful at parenting your ADD/ADHD child, it's imperative that you understand how their behavior can disrupt life in the home.

For the latest videos and training information on child development as well as books and curricula on ADHD children please visit childdevelopmentmedia.com.

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Dissociative Disorder: The Fugue State

Dissociative Disorder is most commonly known in the popular culture as amnesia. Amnesia has been used by writers of plays, movies and fiction to both tragic and comic effect. Soap opera writers have even used this dissociative disorder as a form of control over their actors. For example, if they become involved in a difficult salary dispute an actor may find her character in an accident resulting in amnesia. The character in such a condition loses their personality, the thing that draws the audience to them, and a strong point in their bid for more of everything. If negotiations continue to be difficult the character may find himself lapsing into a coma, and, sadly, we all know what that means. But mental illness is no laughing matter.

Dissociative Disorder takes many forms. The Fugue State differs from other forms in the fact that it is not based in injury or substance misuse but is the result of complex neuropsychological interactions that are not clearly understood. Fugue can be mild, taking the form of an out-of-body experience. The sufferer may feel he is observing his live being lived rather than living it. A momentary experience of this type is similar, in a way, to Déjà Vu. Fugue is a rare dissociative disorder that affects memory and personality and directly manipulates personal identity. The fugue state can last anywhere from seconds or hours to days, weeks or even years. Its chief characteristic is, when a sufferer emerges from the fugue state they return to their normal personality without memory of the fugue state. Fugue often arises from stress and there may be amnesia for the stress upon recovery.

The fugue State is defined as:

Sudden, unexpected travel with inability to recall one's past

Confusion about personal identity, or, the assumption of a new identity

Significant distress or impairment.

Amnesia has entered the public consciousness but fugue has not. But the fugue state has entered the consciousness of the entertainment world. In The Maltese Falcon's Sam Spade relates a tale of a man who, after a near death experience, disappeared, only to be found years later with a new family and a new life almost exactly like the one he had left, of which he had no memory. In an episode of Buffy The vampire Slayer, Dawn says of Andrew, `Maybe he's in a fugue state.' Rene Zellweger's character in Nurse Betty goes into a fugue state when she witnesses the scalping murder of her husband. In real life, a fugue state happened to the author Agatha Christie who disappeared for eleven days in 1926. She turned up in a hotel in Harrogate with no memory for the events that occurred during those days.

Dissociative disorder is a mental health issue that is open to easy ridicule and disbelief. Its victims have been the fodder of talk television and the device of the entertainment industry but for them it is all too real, and, requires further careful study.

Joseph Valentinetti is an author of novels: fiction and fiction based on fact. He writes articles on a variety of subjects, from impressions of travel spots to speculating about the name of the moon, but his focus is on his writing and author interviews. Get better acquainted at http://www.valentinetti.com/novel-i-am-diving/. Join his site, pick up his feed and become part of the dialog. Read A Book.

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Five Secrets to Living With ADHD Naturally

One parent of an ADHD child once said that she could wallpaper her bedroom with the school summons her son would come home with during preschool. Her little boy was very creative and energetic, but very active and accident-prone. She thought this was normal behavior until she had to meet with the teacher four times because of the accidents he had gotten himself and his classmates into. A thorough testing procedure confirmed that his hyperactive behavior and frequent accidents were due to ADHD. The boy's family faced a number of obstacles since the ADHD evaluation but five years later, most of his symptoms are under control. Although he is as energetic as most boys his age, he no longer gets into accidents, nor does he accidentally injure other children.

The most noteworthy part about this case is that the boy's parents did not give him medication as his school recommended; he overcame ADHD naturally. How did this happen? Here are five secrets to managing ADHD without medications.

Eat well

The food your child eats can affect ADHD symptoms for better or worse. In many cases, ADHD symptoms are triggered by a hidden allergy to certain food substances, like artificial additives or naturally-occurring pigments. Although most allergies manifest themselves through symptoms like watery eyes or hives, the allergies that trigger ADHD interfere with the functioning of the brain. Removing the allergenic food usually reduces symptoms, but it takes weeks or months to determine exactly what this food is. If you'd like to try improving ADHD symptoms through diet, start with removing all foods with artificial food coloring, preservatives, or flavoring. These are usually the leading culprits behind ADHD.

Sports and exercise

Children today don't get enough exercise. After spending an entire day sitting in a classroom, they come home only to spend the rest of the afternoon and evening in front of a TV or computer. Encourage your child to take an after-school sport or to do physically-stimulating activities like riding a bike, skateboarding, or walking. Physical activity not only releases the pent-up energies of hyperactive children; it triggers the production of serotonin, a feel-good brain chemical that improves mood.


In some cases, ADHD is caused by the presence of toxins, pesticides, and heavy metals in the bloodstream. Even though you don't live near a farm or a polluted area, children get exposed to toxins through the food they eat, the water they drink, or the air they breathe. For instance, families living in old apartment buildings may not be aware that the paint in the hallways contains traces of lead. A toxic elements test can identify the presence of these chemicals, which are then eliminated through special treatments.

Provide structure

ADHD treatments can manage the symptoms, but they do not teach practical skills. Fill in this gap by providing your child's life with structure. Together, plan out what it will take to accomplish everyday tasks like doing chores or completing homework. Establish a schedule for meals and bedtimes, especially for children who have difficulty sleeping.

Work with a team

You cannot help your child overcome ADHD by yourself. Get the help of a team of professionals - with your child's doctors, teachers, and everyone in the family. It's important that your family go along with any ADHD treatments that affect lifestyle, such as diet or relocating to a less polluted neighborhood. If academic success is a concern, collaborate with your child's teacher and find out ways to make it easier for him or her to learn.

Dr. Yannick Pauli is an expert on natural approaches to ADHD and the author of the popular self-help home-program The Unritalin Solution. He is Director of the Centre Neurofit in Lausanne, Switzerland and has a passion taking care of children with ADHD. Click on the link for more great information about what is adhd.

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Veeva - 6 Ingredients That Can Promote A Healthier Frame Of Mind

Veeva is a health and wellness company that concentrates in providing supplements that can improve the quality of life of their consumers. They first started distributing quality supplements to the market in 2001. Because stress can be debilitating to our lives, we need something that can help keep stress levels down. Don't let yourself feel exhausted, aggravated and burned out all the time. Try Veeva and find out what its ingredients can do to you:

#1: Nervine. Also known as lemon balm, this is a potent ingredient that can be used to prevent nerve disorders. The knowledge of its ability in treating nerve disorders has been passed down from generation to generation. This supplement is made up of ingredients that can relieve stress and soothe nerves.

#2: Ashwagandha. This is commonly used for treatments in Ayurvedic medicine. Veeva knows that this ingredient is a good addition to their supplement because of its mood-enhancing properties. It also has the ability to rejuvenate the body when you feel tired. If you want to balance the functions of your nerves, this should be helpful to you. You can also use this to help alleviate the effects of anxiety. Mental exhaustion can also be treated with its help. Since it has the ability to inhibit the production of an enzyme that prevents good blood circulation, this will work in boosting circulation.

#3: Rhodiola. This is an effective supplement because of this ingredient. It has the ability to sharpen mental functions. You can use this to improve your mental focus and clarity. It is also a wonderful remedy to try if you want to get rid of stress.

#4: Theanine. Veeva can promote relaxation with the help of this ingredient. It balances the mood and also works in alleviating the effects of stress and anxiety. But what makes this different compared to the other mood balancing ingredients and treatments is that it won't make you feel drowsy. Other supplements can make you feel sluggish during the day.

#5: Choline. No need to try other kinds of supplement because you can use this one to help rejuvenate the brain. This is a kind of brain food that works in improving mental performance. It also has the ability to ensure proper synaptic transmission functions. If you want to get rid of mental stress, Veeva is a good supplement to try.

#6: Bioperine. This ingredient has been extracted from black pepper. This is a potent supplement due to this ingredient and its ability to allow the other ingredients to be absorbed by the body better. This way, you can get the most out of the benefits of the other ingredients.

Veeva is a sterling supplement option if you want to get rid of depression or if you want to improve the quality of your life. It has a lot of helpful ingredients such as Lemon balm that can ensure proper nerve functions. Ashwagandha can help improve the clarity and the focus of your brain. Rhodiola is what you need if you want to improve mental performance. Make sure you get rid of stress with the help of its ingredient called Theanine. Another ingredient that is beneficial for the brain is Choline. The inclusion of black pepper extract can increase the absorption properties of the other ingredients of Veeva.

If you want to know more about Veeva health and fitness products, you can visit this website on stress management.

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Using Mind Training To Improve Your Thinking

Our minds need stimulation to stay healthy. The saying "a mind is a terrible thing to waste" has a lot of truth to it. The reality is whether or not we choose to use our minds to their full capacity is our choice. Keeping your mind sharp is an important part of being healthy. One of the easiest ways to stimulate your mind is using mind training and mind games.

Mind games can consist of a variety of things. They can be simple traditional games that stimulate your mind such as puzzles or chess. They can be physical games that require strategy such as basketball, dance or golf. They can be specially designed brain fitness software that are meant to stimulate your mind in small bursts.

Keeping your mind sharp and healthy can have several positive effects on your life and your health. A clearer mind has improved memory. It also has the ability to think more clearly and as a result make better decisions. Good decision making is crucial to a life with as little stress as possible.

It only takes a few minutes a day to keep your mind sharp. Challenge yourself to learn something new or using a brain training program couple of times a week. Even if you only have a few minutes each day to give to it doing it consistently will make a huge difference in your mind's effectiveness.

The brain is one of the most powerful organs in our body. It is in charge of our thoughts, our memories and is master control for almost all of our body function. However, most people when thinking about staying healthy think about exercising their body or eating healthy. While these things are great and essential keeping your mind healthy is just as important to your overall health.

As we get older there is a natural decline in our memory and if we have kept our mind sharp through mind games or other activities this decline will be much less substantial. You will notice that most older folks that still seem to have their faculties about them are active individuals who are going out and using their minds daily in different activities. That is not a coincidence there is a clear correlation between a healthy mind and your mental capability.

Spend at least a few minutes each day playing mind training games or doing some other type of activity to stimulate your brain. You will start to notice the positive effects right away.

Nathanael Eisenberg is the CEO of CogniFit, a company that develops software which measure and train cognitive abilities. We help people discover new insights about themselves and decide what to improve in their life.

The rapid growth of scientific knowledge around the brain creates new opportunities to help tackle some of the major challenges of the early part of the 21st century. Nathanael's goal is to participate in the search of some of these additional solutions.

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Suffering With Mental Health Issues

One in four Americans suffers from some type of mental health issue. It can range from depression to anxiety and anything in between. Whatever kind of mental health issues a person suffers from, it can become debilitating and make it impossible to do day to day activities. The good news is help is available you just have to seek it out.

Mental health issues can be temporary or permanent. For example, someone going through a particular situation that is really stressing them out may suffer from panic attacks. These panic attacks because they are caused by a specific situation may go away after the situation has resolved itself.

Other people have more long term problems that may be caused by a chemical imbalance or more stressful situations from childhood. Regardless of if your mental health problems are permanent or temporary they most likely cause you difficulties in life and need to be managed.

One of the biggest issues in mental health today is people who suffer from depression. Depression can be totally debilitating. It can make it impossible to get out of bed in the morning and do what you need to do. It can make it hard to keep relationships in tact and to do your work. It begins to creep into every aspect of your life and if left untreated can have terrible consequences such as suicide.

This is why you have to seek out help. You have to get your mind back to a healthy place and that is not always something you can do on your own. Once you deal with the immediate effects of your mental health issues there are many things you can do to keep your mind healthier in general and avoid depression.

A clear mind is more effective at decision making and allows you to be able to cope and get through situations without them turning into a mental health emergency. Most mental health issues start as a result of stress when you have a clear mind and can think things through and make good choices you are less likely to have stress that you are unable to manage.

If you are currently having issues managing your stress you should talk to a professional. There are also other things you can do to help you think more clearly. Brain games or brain training activities can go a long way in giving you a healthy mind. A healthy mind is far better equipped to manage stress and make good decisions.

Nathanael Eisenberg is the CEO of CogniFit, a company that develops software which measure and train cognitive abilities. We help people discover new insights about themselves and decide what to improve in their life.

The rapid growth of scientific knowledge around the brain creates new opportunities to help tackle some of the major challenges of the early part of the 21st century. Nathanael's goal is to participate in the search of some of these additional solutions.

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There Are No Shortcuts

We live in a society that expects instant results. Whether it is nutrition, pain, skills, relationships, or any other problem or need, we want instant results. Instant meals and fast food restaurants are big business. Through the miracles of modern science, we can talk to people around the world at any time, and be anywhere in the world physically within a few hours.

The news organizations that bring you the breaking news first are usually the most successful. While retail businesses succeed or fail largely on their ability to serve their customers as soon as there is a question or problem. Web sites that are slow to download lose out to those who display their contents in a few seconds.

Every bookstore has shelves groaning with all the latest self-help books. Common are titles such as; "A new you in 30 days," or "Seven steps to success," or "Gain a college vocabulary in 5 minutes a day." Dating services are springing up with promises to help you meet the person of your dreams, while saving you the time-consuming process of meeting prospects through old-fashioned socializing.

Medicine is perhaps the most obvious manifestation of the expectation of instant results. You can get instant relief from headaches, heartburn, colds, and a host of other ailments by simply taking a pill, capsule or some liquid preparation. For more serious problems like depression, anxiety and others, a doctor will first select a diagnosis, and then prescribe mood-altering drugs to give you relief, usually promised within days if not sooner. As a society, we might confuse relief and cure, but even if the underlying condition is not cured or even treated, the temporary and almost instant relief provides what we demand.

I also see this expectation for instant results in my practice, which is helping parents who have children making poor decisions. The number of children diagnosed with serious disorders needing treatment is constantly increasing, along with a rapid rise in prescriptions for powerful mind-altering drugs as treatment. Parents calling my office for help are often are looking for some place to "fix" their child, and frequently believe that a couple weeks, or maybe a couple months is sufficient. Insurance companies seem to be demanding instant treatment, or as close to it as can be justified, refusing to cover longer treatment if a shorter term can be justified in any way.

Compared to how our parents and grandparents lived, it is true we have many shortcuts they did not even dream of. However, when it comes to human behavior, human maturity and human relationships, there are no shortcuts!!! Getting a child's attitudes and behaviors back to something that is age appropriate takes as long as it takes. In general, whether or not there is a serious psychiatric condition, the problem has probably been years in the making, by the time a parent decides to take the step of residential intervention. It takes time to make up for lost time. Maturity and healing cannot be accomplished quickly. The healing trust that comes from a good relationship with a mentor or therapist, which seems to be the heart of all interventions, takes time to develop, and cannot be rushed. It is only after a child has learned to trust again that the needed emotional growth occurs, which only happens with time, and when the child is in a caring, quality environment that helps him/her learn self-knowledge and self-discipline.

Even when a child has a serious diagnosis needing powerful medications, the medications at best only remove obstacles, by chemically re-balancing the child. He/She still needs time for personal attention, mentoring and therapy to go through normal emotional growth. Even when powerful medications are needed, there are still no shortcuts!!!

Lon Woodbury is an educational consultant who began working with Schools and Programs for struggling teens in 1984. Lon earned his B.S. and M.A. degrees from the University of Idaho. He is a long-time member of the IECA. His practice includes a referral service for parents and professionals, publication of the newsletter Places for Struggling Teens (TM) (print and online), and a directory of the residential schools and programs with the best reputations in the Parent Empowerment Handbook. He can also be found at http://parent-empowerment-blog.com/ and at http://www.strugglingteens.com/. For information, call 208-267-5550 or email lon@woodbury.com.

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What Is Depersonalization?

When I suffered from general anxiety disorder one of the strangest things I went through was dealing with a condition known as depersonalization. When I first started suffering from this condition, after experiencing panic attacks and general anxiety, I had no idea what was going on. I thought I was going mad.

Depersonalization makes you feel completely cut off from reality, as if there is a pane of glass between you and the world. The best way I could describe my experience of depersonalization is if you imagine you are standing on a beach and watching everyone else drift away on a boat: when I was with friends that's how I felt, like I was stranded alone and they were slowly drifting away.

Other sufferers talk about "living in a dream" and feeling "unreal". It can be hugely debilitating, and in some cases it can be so extreme that sufferers feel like they're experiencing a "living death".

Personally, it was never so awful for me, but it did cause me a huge amount of worry and fear about getting on with my life in a normal manner. I would sit in pubs trying to talk to friends but feel like they were a million miles away. It felt like my whole life was something I'd just dreamt up. I once said to my therapist, that it felt like I was going to wake up one day, and find that the last few months had been all in my imagination - like that famous episode of Dallas when we discover the whole previous series was a dream!

Depersonalization is now recognised as a condition that affects thousands of people around the world, but a few years ago it was relatively obscure. The reason it's difficult to find someone who knows about DP (as it is shortened to), is that it's hard to know if someone is suffering from it, because they seem perfectly normal to a non-DP sufferer. I would often be hanging out with my friends and feeling completely detached, but they wouldn't know because only I was experiencing the disconnect in my mind.

It's unclear what causes this issue of perception that lies at the heart of DP. For me, I decided that I had to change my focus and use constant distraction techniques to combat the condition. Over time, I was became more and more adept at this, and was able to finally put the whole thing behind me.

I do think of my life as pre-depersonalization and post-depersonalization. I don't think I've been quite the same since - but the key thing is, I lead a normal life now.

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Procera AVH Reviews - You've Got to Read This!

In today's lifestyle and environment, it seems that more and more people get so easily stressed out. Jobs are getting hard to find, pressures at the office, school and university demands and environmental pollution are just but some of the few things we encounter on a regular basis.

Well, good cognition is very important not only for older folks but for busy business people as well as students. According to some research, when a person reaches the age of 50, he/she have likely lost 50% of his/her brain power. Moreover, most people nowadays are prone to severe stress, sleep loss as well as poor diet.

Our brain cells need oxygen and nutrients for their energy needs to function optimally. However, due to strenuous demands coupled with unhealthy lifestyle, our brain's performance can be compromised resulting to poor concentration and decreased memory retention.

Poor concentration and related memory loss problems are just but a few of the many reasons why more and more people are looking for nootropic agents or memory enhancing drugs believing that they could help them in one way or another by enhancing their intelligence and stimulating their brain to perform better. There various cognitive enhancers that available in the market nowadays. However, due to minimal research to back up the claims of these products only a few are really counting on to the end users.

Procera AVH is a medically acclaimed nutritional product that contains a mixture of safe, natural and effective ingredients known as memory miracles. Procera AVH contains acetyl-l-carnitine (ALC) which improves blood flow providing good levels of oxygen available for the brain cells. Huperzine and Vinpocetine are two other components of Procera that have active roles in brain processing and lucidity.

To sum up, Procera AVH works basically by improving the blood flow in the brain that carries the necessary nutrients and oxygen. It also cleans up free radicals and toxins that can cause potential problems to the brain as well as restore depleted neurotransmitters which are very important in transmitting information across the system. In effect, the person taking such brain supplement might enjoy an improved mental clarity, increased alertness and a more stable mood and self-confidence.

Taking nootropic compounds of any type and source however must be considered seriously. While Procera AVH is an over-the-counter brain supplement, you might as well need to examine yourself first if you really need it. Of course, while taking such supplements, you should not forget that proper diet, enough sleep and good exercise are paramount requirements.

Don't Be Misled! Are you planning to buy Procera AVH? Consider to read first our in-depth Procera AVH Reviews and you will see why Procera AVH is indeed America's #1 cognitive enhancer. Don't forget the free special bonus items too!

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5 Things To Avoid To Have Better Concentration and Memory

Have you ever forgotten where you placed your keys? Inevitably, you ended up wasting a lot of time looking for your lost keys later on. It is possible that the reason you were not able to remember where you left your keys in the first place was because you had no presence of mind of what you were doing. That is why you need focus and concentrate to improve memory.

Attention and memory are two mental skills that are related to each other. For you to be able to remember things more effectively, paying close attention is of high importance. But there can be a lot of factors that can contribute to poor concentration and memory loss. They can be physical, environmental, emotional, and mental factors. It is important that you know what they are in order to avoid them.

AVOID DISTRACTIONS. To improve your memory through concentration, you have to remove distractions. You should turn off the ringer of your phone and other device notifications to avoid disruptions from what you are doing. If you want to study, do not watch television or listen to a talk radio. Study in a quiet and peaceful environment. Also, an empty stomach can be a source of distraction. So you have to make sure you do not skip meals.

AVOID STRESS. Stress is the number one enemy of your brain. It can impair your memory, learning, and other cognitive skills. If you are stressed out, you cannot focus or concentrate well. Sometimes stress is inevitable, but you should know how to handle it. You can meditate or do some yoga to combat stress. It can enhance your concentration and can improve your memories capacity. Deep-breathing exercises or body massage can also help.

AVOID SLEEP DEPRIVATION. To have maximum concentration to improve memory, you should get enough sleep, 6 to 8 hours every night. Our brain works non-stop and it also needs time to rest by not thinking too much. A lot of people get to sleep late at night and wake up early in the morning. This improper sleeping pattern can disrupt mental focus in all the activities to be done the following day.

AVOID LAZINESS. You need to exercise your brain and body to have proper concentration to improve memory. Body exercise stimulates blood circulation and gives more oxygen supply and nutrients to all parts of your body, including your brain. Brain exercises such as crossword puzzles, memory and trivia games can stimulate your brain's cognitive function to its optimum level.

AVOID UNHEALTHY FOODS. Just like your body, your brain also needs the right food and nutrients for it to function properly. You should avoid fatty and high-calorie foods as it can lead to disorders that can impair memory. You should eat eggs, nuts, dairy products, lean meat, fish, fruits and vegetables or any other foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals. Foods high with Omega 3 and antioxidants are also considered as "focus enhancing foods".

Improving memory and concentration is always possible but in order to achieve it, you need to discipline yourself and avoid any unhealthy habits so that your brain can function effectively and avoid memory loss.

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Does Technology Cause ADHD?

Children today love screens. Put a hyperactive little boy in front of an HDTV with a cartoon or video game playing and you bet that he will be completely still and attentive, too busy absorbing the action to notice anything else. Teenagers can't seem to tear themselves away from their computers and mobile phones - their eyes stay glued to the screen even while walking or driving. The irony is that while video games, TV shows, and digital media can capture one's attention for hours, they may also be responsible for eroding a person's ability to pay attention and stay focused once they're back in the real world. Can too much technology cause ADHD?

The rising numbers of ADHD diagnoses in children coincide with the continuous development of media and technology. Children today spend far more time interacting with screens than children five years ago. A study from the Kaiser Family Foundation's 2010 report discovered that children between the ages 8 - 18 spend at least 7 hours and 38 minutes each day consuming entertainment media. Meanwhile, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveal that 7% of children from this age group are diagnosed with ADHD.

While no one can say for sure if the rising ADHD diagnoses are caused by technology, researchers observed that too much media exposure does indeed rewire the brain and cause noticeable detrimental effects. A study published in Pediatrics looked at the viewing habits of 1,323 from the third to fifth grade over a period of 13 months. The authors noted that children who spent over 2 hours playing video games or watching television were at least 1.6 times more likely to have low attention spans. The same study also discovered that exposure to "screen media" is linked to poor attention in 210 college students.

Experts who have spent their time studying the effects of entertainment on children's mental processing believe that overstimulation from technology may contribute to the onset of ADHD. One study shows that children under the age of 5 who watched at least 2 hours of television daily were 20% more likely to have attention problems. While the researchers did not take note of the shows the children viewed, they believe that the content isn't the culprit. Rather, the fast-paced nature of most cartoons and TV shows may affect a child's normal brain development. The brain grows most rapidly during the first two to three years of life, and anything can affect the development of their brains. Studies on newborn rats revealed that being exposed to different types of visual stimuli can affect the structure of their brain. If a child is overstimulated during this critical period, he or she runs the risk of having shorter attention spans and developing habits that increase the severity of ADHD.

Other experts worry that teens and adults may be headed down a dark path because of the advent of social media and the internet. The term "acquired attention disorder" is used to describe how technology rewires the modern brain. Because of spell-checkers, contact lists that automatically alphabetize names, and 140-character tweets, these experts fear that the average modern adult will become less patient with more meaningful and complex information. And with this comes the inability to analyze concepts and ideas with depth.

While there's certainly no need to chuck out the TV set or computer, you can reduce the risk of overstimulation in your child by limiting his or her screen time to less than 2 hours a day. Encourage your child to take up sports, exercise, or play in the park with friends. Parent-child activities like reading together or taking trips to a children's museum are also linked to improved attention spans later in life.

Dr. Yannick Pauli is an expert on natural approaches to ADHD and the author of the popular self-help home-program The Unritalin Solution. He is Director of the Centre Neurofit in Lausanne, Switzerland and has a passion taking care of children with ADHD. Click on the link for more great information about what is ADHD.

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5 Simple Techniques You Can Do To Enhance Your Memory

How do you improve your memory? Is memory improvement possible? What are the techniques to improve memory? If you find yourself asking these questions I have some good news! Memory improvement is indeed very possible.

The following techniques are very easy to do and are backed up with psychological research. It won't require you to train hard, spend money, nor take illegal drugs. These techniques are free, easy to do, and can improve your memory in a natural way.

1. Express yourself through writing

You need your "working memory" to accomplish complex cognitive tasks. This is our ability to manipulate and shuttle information in and out of our consciousness. An efficient working memory can result in better learning, comprehension, and reasoning. Expressive writing can increase our working memory. You can do this by writing a few times a month for about 20 minutes about any event that has happened to your life. Psychologists found out that it will improve your working memory in just 5 weeks.

2. Saying words out loud.

Another technique to help improve your memory is to say words aloud. It is surely one of the easiest methods to improve memory retention because the words will be translated into speech and you will have the knowledge and memory of hearing them. The spoken words are more distinct and absorbable by your memory than the rest of the words that were just read silently. Therefore, it will be very easy to remember the words that you actually say and hear.

3. Meditation

How do you improve your memory through meditation? Meditation and memory are linked to each other. Research shows that meditation can change the structure of the brain in powerful ways as it thickens the cerebral cortex of the brain which is responsible for decision-making and memory function. The article "How to Get Smarter, One Breath at a Time" by Lisa Takeuchi Cullen published in Time Magazine stated that "...meditation directly affects the function and structure of the brain changing it in ways that appear to increase attention span, sharpen focus and improve memory."

4. Get enough sleep

How do you improve your memory by sleeping? Sleep deprivation is one of the worst enemies of the brain and is a very unhealthy practice. Sleep can improve your memory because it allows your brain to rest and gain more energy needed for the activities to come. If you lack sleep, it will be very hard for you to focus and concentrate in everything you do.

5. Utilize your senses

Analyzing your surroundings by using your sense of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch can help enhance your memory. Being aware of your senses will give your mind a lot of ways on how to associate when remembering something.

These techniques for improving your memory are very effective especially if you put the proper amount of effort and determination in it. If you have problems with memory loss, using these techniques on a daily basis can really help a lot.

Marshall W. is a memory expert. For more great tips on how to improve memory, visit http://www.healthymemorycentral.com/

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The Role of Zinc in Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia

For many years it has been known that heavy metal poisoning is not only detrimental to physical health but mental health as well - but now more and more research is driving this point home.

When considering mental health and cognition it was always considered that aluminium played the greatest role in causing the symptoms related to Alzheimer's and other dementias. However this is no longer the case and for this reason, in the next few articles I am going to look at not only aluminium but also zinc, copper and mercury and their effects on the brain.

So let's begin...

Zinc is a very strange supplement when used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Too little and it will have no effect and too much and it may actually aggravate the condition - therefore balance is the key.

Although zinc is an essential trace element in human biology it is neurotoxic (poisonous to nerves) at high concentrations. Several studies have shown that high levels aggravate plaque formation actually causing more aggregations (or clumping of these plaques and nerve fibres) that are typically found in Alzheimer's patients.

Other studies however, have shown that the level of zinc found in the brains of those suffering from the condition are reduced particularly in the area of the hippocampus - the part related to memory and learning. Supplementation of 10 patient's suffering with Alzheimer's with zinc aspartate / sulphate showed significant improvements in their condition.

Other theories believe that it may be an imbalance of trace metals that allows a toxic overload of heavy metals to build up creating these changes in the brain. An important study shows how they believe it is low general levels of zinc and selenium that cause a toxic build-up of heavy metals in the brain (particularly mercury) as they are its chief mineral antagonists (i.e. they block its absorption) and are known to have a protective role against heavy metal toxicity. However, a yet unpublished study from 1991 showed that dosages of 90mg a day caused a decline in cognition after only 5 days.

Because of this uncertainty I would urge caution with the use of zinc supplements and limit the daily supplementation to 50mg of zinc a day and I would also consider undergoing a detox program to remove excess heavy metals from the system.

It is also important to note that the supplementation of zinc also needs to be combined with copper in a ratio of 10:1 (therefore 25mg zinc to 2.5mg copper) to enhance the correct metabolism.

In my next article I will consider the effects copper plays in the prevention / causation of Alzheimer's and dementia.

I have been involved in Chiropractic and healthcare research for over 20 years. My latest book "The Alzheimer's Alternative" ( http://www.alzheimersalternative.com/ ) is I believe the definitive guide to Alzheimer's disease, alternative treatment and supplementation.

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Managing ADD/ADHD: Where Are My Keys?

Quite possibly my favorite trait of an ADD/ADHD person is their ability to misplace so many important things in a variety of places. One would surmise that as time goes on, the number of places that their sun glasses, cell phone, wallet, homework or keys would land would be limited or at the very least consistent with previous locations but this is not the case. Rather, those with an advantage of ADD/ADHD seem to have an unlimited number of new and creative locations for their most basic and most frequently used items.

Not only is the location of the keys creative, but at the moment of initial placement, it is also logical and systematic. The difficulty lies in remembering the logic of the location instead of the actual location because the logic of the location is the right key needed to solve the end mystery. This key concept can then be transferred to other traits of difficulty for those blessed with ADD/ADHD.

Bigger than life dreams. Spend a little time asking a person with ADD/ADHD about their dreams for the future and you are likely to become almost intoxicated by their passion. They seem to have an ability to see past the mundane to the larger picture and have no fear of inserting themselves at the center. This ability can cause difficulty when they are so distracted by the future that they minimize the importance of doing the smaller tasks to reach the future. For instance, a person who wants to attend Princeton University (big picture) needs to get good grades (medium picture) and their homework needs to be completed (smaller picture). By applying the logic of achieving the larger picture to measurable medium and smaller pictures, the larger picture becomes more realistic to achieve.

Danger while driving. Have you ever gotten into the passenger's side of a car only to find yourself more frightened by the driver's driving then going upside down and backwards on a roller coaster at 60 M.P.H.? Not that every ADD/ADHD person is a dangerous driver, but they do tend to take a few more risks and are prone to become more distracted by their cell phone, other drivers, radio, and even just talking. Amazingly, their quick reflexes and ability to think fast are precisely what makes them a better than average driver but that still does not minimize the anxiety you feel in the passenger's seat. Again, logic is your new best friend as you survey the car for any potential distractions and then systematically reduce the number. Also, engaging an ADD/ADHD person in a conversation that they are passionate about will help them to better focus on their driving and as a side benefit, they sometimes slow down.

Non-stop channel surfing. Once you surrender the TV remote to a person with ADD/ADHD you are not likely to get it back without a fight. After all, there may be a better program on then the one already being watched and commercials are designed for channel surfing. Just when you believe that they have decided on one station, wait a few more minutes and it will change again. This constant checking of better stations plays out in other areas of their lives with the constant changing of passionate and almost obsessive interests from one to another. Once again, logic can help as you gently and carefully display the already abandoned interests and inquire if selling of some of the old interests can help to fund the new interests.

Managing ADD/ADHD behavior is more effectively done if you spend a little time trying to find the logic in their thinking before you respond to help. More importantly however is for you not to help unless they ask for your help as many with ADD/ADHD value their independence and would prefer to look for their keys by themselves even if they are grumbling about the keys being lost.

Chris Hammond is a Registered Mental Health Counselor Intern at LifeWorks Group w/ over 15 years of experience as a counselor, mentor & teacher for children, teenagers & adults.

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Educating Yourself About ADHD

ADHD is a developmental disorder whose formal name is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and is characterized by the co-occurring behaviors of attentional problems and hyperactivity. These behaviors normally occur infrequently and separately. The symptoms of ADHD typically appear prior to the age of seven years. This psychiatric disorder affects roughly 3% to 5% of all children on a worldwide basis and is the most commonly diagnosed and researched disorder in children.

The number of school aged children that are affected by ADHD ranges from 2% to 16% depending on what part of the world you are in. As a chronic disorder, once it is diagnosed it can last well into the person's adult years which usually happens in about 30% to 50% of the cases. When the adult or child is diagnosed with ADHD, it is not uncommon for them to develop coping mechanisms to enable them to compensate for some of the impairments. Today, it is estimated that around 5% of all adults and children are living with ADHD.

Facts and statistics regarding ADHD

One of the better screening scales that is oftentimes used to screen for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale developed and standardized by the World Health Organization or WHO. This diagnosis tool is very effective and is more commonly used than other methods to screen for ADHD. It is estimated that the disorder occurs two to four times more frequently in boys than girls although it is felt that there is some bias displayed by the teachers referring these students.

The management of ADHD usually entails some combination of behavior modifications, counseling, lifestyle changes, and medications. At times, the symptoms of the disorder can be hard to differentiate from others, which increases the likelihood of the diagnosis being missed. Unfortunately, most clinicians are not specialists in the disorder and have not received the proper training necessary to assess and treat the disorder, especially in cases involving adults.

Controversies regarding diagnosis and treatment

Since the 1970's, the diagnosis and treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder have been a constant source of numerous controversies. Clinicians, the media, parents, policymakers, and teachers have all been involved in these controversies at one time or another. The controversial topics involved are:

o the actuality of the disorder o the causes of the disorder o the use of certain stimulants for treating the disorder

The majority of the health care professionals and provides do agree that the disorder is indeed genuine although the debate within the scientific community centers primarily around its diagnosis and treatment.

Additionally, in 1998, the AMA (American Medical Association) concluded that the criteria for diagnosis where ADHD is concerned are based in some very extensive research and when they are applied in appropriate fashion, it can lead to a highly reliable diagnosis. The bottom line is that if you suspect that your child or loved one has succumbed to ADHD, it is important that you have them examined and diagnosed as soon as possible.

For the latest videos and training information on child development as well as books and curricula on ADHD children please visit childdevelopmentmedia.com.

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Discrimination Against Blacks and Absurd Reactions

I could say that discrimination against blacks doesn't exist in Brazil, my country, but unfortunately it does. There is a certain percentage of the population that is racist, even though racism in Brazil is camouflaged, and not clearly expressed like in the USA.

Racism against black people proves the human absurdity and cruelty. Human beings are not really 'human'.

I continued the dangerous research of the psychiatrist Carl Jung into the known region of the human psyche through dream interpretation. This research was very dangerous because there is craziness in the human mind. Jung discovered that this content is inherited, but he didn't know where exactly it was. I discovered that all the human absurdity comes from our wild conscience; the anti-conscience.

We are in fact under-developed primates. The biggest part of our brain belongs to our wild, primitive, violent, immoral, evil, and cruel conscience. I named this terrible part of our brain 'anti-conscience' because it works against our conscience.

This is why our civilization is so barbarous. Discrimination against blacks proves that human beings are in fact wild monsters.

If you are a victim of racism and you are revolted for being in such position you are right for feeling disgusted, but you must calm down and understand that your enemies are crazy animals. They don't know what they are doing. They are not sensible and sensitive human beings. You should feel sorry for them.

There are some racists in Brazil, but I believe that most people are not racist in my country. Black people are loved and respected in Brazil because of their extraordinary talents. I love black people and I have many black friends.

There are many other people that love blacks too. Not everyone is so crazy in our world. Fortunately, there are a few real human beings among all the monsters, even though the monsters prevail.

Carl Jung's brilliant discoveries and my discoveries after continuing his mission prove to the world that everyone can be cured from any mental illness through dream therapy. When everyone will respect the meaning of dreams, discrimination against blacks and many other absurd reactions won't characterize our population.

Write down all your dreams in a dream journal and follow the unconscious guidance. Dream interpretation will open your third eye. You will attain a higher level of knowledge and learn many things that will surpass the limited (and false) knowledge of your historical time.

Forgive those who are controlled by their anti-conscience, and help the world find peace. Your example will help humanity understand the power of goodness and wisdom. Through dream therapy you will become a superior person, besides becoming a genius. Everyone will admire your extraordinary personality because you won't be an indifferent hypocrite. You'll be a wise, humble, sensitive, and generous human being.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.
Learn more at: http://www.scientificdreaminterpretation.com/
Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

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Games That Can Help Strengthen Memory

When it is troublesome for you to remember names, contact numbers, dates, or appointments it can really be frustrating. But worry no more. You can train yourself to have a sharp mind. There are many methods, techniques, and games that improve memory.

Having difficulty remembering things affects almost everyone. You are not alone. It is temporary in most cases but sometimes it can also be an indication of a bigger problem. Memory decline comes with age since our brain deteriorates as we grow older. It is a natural process of life. But the process can be slowed down if you know how. Our memories are like tools that stay sharp with regular polishing.

There are numerous ways to improve a person's memory. Some are easy and others can be very boring. Some are expensive and some are free. But the most effortless way of improving memory is through entertainment such as memory games. They are both fun and productive. Lots of challenging games that improve memory are available and here are some of them.

PICTIONARY. This is a word-guessing game that can improve your thinking. It is played by putting together clues from visuals and finding solutions. This game can also improve your imagination and problem-solving skills.

RUBIX CUBE. This is a tough one to crack but it can really improve your brain's memory and cognitive function. Simply attempting to put the sides of the Rubix cube in order can do a lot of good for your brain function. It helps you think a lot more clearly and can also put your thoughts in order. So if there are a lot of things crowding around in your head, take a break, relax and just have fun playing with the Rubix cube.

CROSSWORD PUZZLES AND WORD SEARCHES. These kinds of games that improve memory can also enhance your spatial thinking and your ability to perceive letters. It can also strengthen your cognitive skills. Word searches such as Scrabble or Word Factory stimulate your brain by combining letters to form words. This can be fun if played with your family or friends.

SPORTS. Involving yourself with sports and physical activities can improve your memory. Keeping your body active keeps your brain going strong. The adrenaline rush of playing sports supports good blood circulation, increasing nutrient and oxygen supplies throughout your bodies systems including your brain. Research shows that people who involve themselves in sports tend to have a stronger memory than those who don't.

Your memory does not have to be your fickle friend anymore. You can train your brain so you will be able to remember things when you need to. And remember that the best way to improve your memory is to always use it.

Marshall W. is a memory expert. For more great tips on games that improve memory, visit http://www.healthymemorycentral.com/

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Three Types of Attention Deficit Disorder

Attention Deficit Disorder, or ADD as it is commonly called, is the older, more generalized term for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder which it is oftentimes interchanged with. ADD is usually used to describe the disorder when it does not involve the hyperactivity and impulsivity factor. The terms are used interchangeably for either condition whether the condition does or does not have the characteristics of hyperactivity and impulsivity.

ADD or ADHD exhibits deficiencies in the areas of self-motivation and self-regulation which then leads to problems with distractibility, organization, prioritization, and procrastination. For all practical purposes, ADHD is now the official term as defined by the APA (American Psychiatric Association) and encompasses the symptoms of hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattentiveness. The bottom line is that ADD or ADHD is a chronic disorder that appears in early childhood and continues on into adulthood.

The three types of ADD or ADHD

ADD or ADHD is classified into three separate categories. These are the hyperactive-impulsive type, the inattentive type, and the combined type and are as follows:

Hyperactive-impulsive type - in the case where the ADD or ADHD is predominantly the hyperactive and impulsive type, the symptoms are related primarily to hyperactivity and impulsivity and do not typically any significant attention issues. These individuals are fidgety and impulsive while also being overactive and restless. They will usually blurt things out, usually interrupting others by acting and speaking before they think. They have considerable difficulty staying seated, talking excessively, and waiting their turns.

Inattentive type - with this type of ADD or ADHD, the symptoms are primarily related to the inability of the person to pay attention. The inattentive form of the disorder is usually referred to as ADD rather than ADHD. The individuals with this form of the disorder have difficulty finishing tasks, following directions, and paying attention. They appear to be careless as well as disorganized and forgetful, they become distracted easily, and they frequently lose things.

Combined type - the combined type is the easiest of the three to diagnosis because the characteristics of the two types mentioned above are all present.

The most important point with ADD or ADHD is that once the disorder has been properly diagnosed, the correct treatment can be recommended.

Understanding the differences between ADD and ADHD

If you are wondering about the differences between ADD and ADHD, ADD is the term that is most frequently used to describe children or adults who have ADHD but who do not display hyperactive and impulsive behavior patterns. As a result, the terms are frequently interchanged for individuals who do and do not the hyperactivity and impulsivity symptoms.

If you are concerned about a child or an adult in the family that has ADD or ADHD, it is important that you have them checked by a knowledgeable physician. They can examine the person while at the same time interviewing them in order to ascertain if ADD or ADHD is present. If they are diagnosed with the disorder, learn as much about it as you can.

For the latest videos and training information on child development as well as books and curricula on ADHD children please visit childdevelopmentmedia.com.

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How to Treat Personality Disorder

The maladaptive way of thinking, relating and perceiving the world and other people is called personality disorder. For a person who is suffering from this disorder, there can be a lot of problems with his functioning which will eventually cause subjective distress. There are different ways of treating personality disorders, here are some of them.

Medication Therapy

There are several medications for personality disorders to help relieve the signs and symptoms as well as help you get better from this illness. Before taking any medication, you will need to check with your doctor for proper assessment and evaluation. The correct dosage will need to be determined, and this will be checked if it has any drug interaction with other medications that you are currently taking. There are four types of medications used for personality disorders. Antidepressants are given for those who are suffering depressed mood, anger problems, being impulsive, irritability and hopelessness. There are also mood-stabilizing drugs that will help manage mood swings as well as reduce irritability and help with aggression and impulsivity. Anti-anxiety drugs are given if you have insomnia, agitation or anxiety and also impulsiveness. Lastly, antipsychotic drugs are helpful in managing the symptoms of psychosis, anger problems and anxiety.


For most personality disorders, psychotherapy is the choice of treatment. This is actually a general term that is used for the process of treatment for these disorders. Psychotherapy will help you learn about your current condition. You will be able to explore your feelings, behaviors and thoughts and learn how to appropriately deal with them so that you can manage the signs and symptoms that you are manifesting.

Cognitive therapy is a type of psychotherapy that will help you deal with the struggles involving your thinking. This will help you develop the necessary skills to identify dysfunctional thinking as well as to modify the beliefs that you have and relate to other people in an appropriate manner. Behavioral therapy is another type of psychotherapy that is applied for personality disorders by using certain techniques that will emphasize desirable behaviors while eliminating the undesired ones. Cognitive behavioral therapy combines the above mentioned therapies and will be required for more severe conditions. Other types of psychotherapy include dialectical behavior therapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy and pyschoeducation.

Treating personality disorders will need to be holistic. The therapies that were mentioned will need to be done but there will also be the need for support, especially from the family members and friends. If you are not the one affected but a family member of yours is, then you will need to help him in every way that you can. You will need to learn how to recognize the different manifestations and the patterns on how these happen so that you will be able to address the situation properly. If you do not know how to help, psychoeduation is recommended for everyone in your family so that all of you will learn how to help the affected one.

A personality disorder is not cured in just a few days or weeks. It will take a long time before a person finally learns how to adapt well to his environment and the people around him so you have to be patient.

For more information on Different Types of Diseases, Symptoms and Diagnoses, Please visit: Personality Disorder and Symptoms of Meningitis.

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