One parent of an ADHD child once said that she could wallpaper her bedroom with the school summons her son would come home with during preschool. Her little boy was very creative and energetic, but very active and accident-prone. She thought this was normal behavior until she had to meet with the teacher four times because of the accidents he had gotten himself and his classmates into. A thorough testing procedure confirmed that his hyperactive behavior and frequent accidents were due to ADHD. The boy's family faced a number of obstacles since the ADHD evaluation but five years later, most of his symptoms are under control. Although he is as energetic as most boys his age, he no longer gets into accidents, nor does he accidentally injure other children.
The most noteworthy part about this case is that the boy's parents did not give him medication as his school recommended; he overcame ADHD naturally. How did this happen? Here are five secrets to managing ADHD without medications.
Eat well
The food your child eats can affect ADHD symptoms for better or worse. In many cases, ADHD symptoms are triggered by a hidden allergy to certain food substances, like artificial additives or naturally-occurring pigments. Although most allergies manifest themselves through symptoms like watery eyes or hives, the allergies that trigger ADHD interfere with the functioning of the brain. Removing the allergenic food usually reduces symptoms, but it takes weeks or months to determine exactly what this food is. If you'd like to try improving ADHD symptoms through diet, start with removing all foods with artificial food coloring, preservatives, or flavoring. These are usually the leading culprits behind ADHD.
Sports and exercise
Children today don't get enough exercise. After spending an entire day sitting in a classroom, they come home only to spend the rest of the afternoon and evening in front of a TV or computer. Encourage your child to take an after-school sport or to do physically-stimulating activities like riding a bike, skateboarding, or walking. Physical activity not only releases the pent-up energies of hyperactive children; it triggers the production of serotonin, a feel-good brain chemical that improves mood.
In some cases, ADHD is caused by the presence of toxins, pesticides, and heavy metals in the bloodstream. Even though you don't live near a farm or a polluted area, children get exposed to toxins through the food they eat, the water they drink, or the air they breathe. For instance, families living in old apartment buildings may not be aware that the paint in the hallways contains traces of lead. A toxic elements test can identify the presence of these chemicals, which are then eliminated through special treatments.
Provide structure
ADHD treatments can manage the symptoms, but they do not teach practical skills. Fill in this gap by providing your child's life with structure. Together, plan out what it will take to accomplish everyday tasks like doing chores or completing homework. Establish a schedule for meals and bedtimes, especially for children who have difficulty sleeping.
Work with a team
You cannot help your child overcome ADHD by yourself. Get the help of a team of professionals - with your child's doctors, teachers, and everyone in the family. It's important that your family go along with any ADHD treatments that affect lifestyle, such as diet or relocating to a less polluted neighborhood. If academic success is a concern, collaborate with your child's teacher and find out ways to make it easier for him or her to learn.
Dr. Yannick Pauli is an expert on natural approaches to ADHD and the author of the popular self-help home-program The Unritalin Solution. He is Director of the Centre Neurofit in Lausanne, Switzerland and has a passion taking care of children with ADHD. Click on the link for more great information about what is adhd.
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