Today, herbal remedies for ADHD are becoming ever more popular as parents and professionals move away from using the accepted ADHD medications routinely prescribed. Many parents have heard about the side effects that ADHD drugs can produce and are more than familiar with the controversy surrounding these medications. They choose to look into the possibility of using a more natural approach to treating the symptoms of the disorder. Of course this begs the question, are natural remedies better than standard ADHD medications and do they really work?
What you may not know is that using natural medicines for the treatment and management of the symptoms of ADHD is not new. In fact, these treatments have been used for many, many years. Today the world has become a lot more health conscious. We are aware of what we put into our bodies and as such, we gravitate toward anything purporting to be natural. It goes without saying, however, that just because something is natural in origin it does not automatically follow that it is entirely safe or not harmful.
When it comes to herbal remedies for ADHD versus standard ADHD medications like Ritalin and Adderall, for example, one must bear in mind that drugs do not work for every single child. For some children the symptoms are actually worsened or intensified. The reason for this is the side effects associated with those drugs. Whereas there are some children who tolerate the side effects well, others do not. The list of side effects associated with prescription ADHD medications is long and varied. They range from stomach upsets and headaches to seizures and death! Obviously, a concerned parent does not want to impair their child's well being by exposing them to side effects like these if they can be avoided. Aside from the side effects that the child might experience one also has to consider the undeniable fact that we have no idea what the long-term effects of these drugs will be. Consider the fact that the children being medicated in this way actually have developing brains and we cannot know what the effects will be.
When it comes to natural remedies, on the other hand, there are no side effects to worry about. They do take a bit longer to build up in the child's system and so the benefits are not soon seen. Rather than merely suppressing the symptoms of the disorder, the natural remedies actually provide nutrition for the brain, which in turn results in it functioning at a better level. Hyperactivity is calmed, aggression is reduced, impulsivity is diminished, nerves are eased, etc. The child is able to function better and so enjoy a better quality of life.
Another important thing to consider when it comes to herbal remedies for ADHD is whether they will negatively interact with the ADHD drugs your child might currently be taking. Ideally, the child should be weaned off the standard medicines while they are introduced to the natural alternatives; however, you should consult with your child's doctor before you take your child off the drugs they are currently taking. A very positive thing to note about natural remedies revolves around the fact that they provide the nutrients that the developing brain requires, so there is a strong possibility that the child will be able to stop taking them in the future and still enjoy the improvements and benefits provided by them.
Naturally, you need to be sure that the natural remedy you choose has been FDA approved and is safe for your child. Whether you choose an herbal remedy or some other form of natural approach, it can only be made even more effective if coupled with a healthy and balanced diet. ADHD children need a diet that is high in protein and fish. You can find out more about the efficacy of ADHD diets by doing a little research on the subject. Certain foods should be included in your child's daily diet, while others should be excluded.
Would like more information about herbal remedies for ADHD? Would you be interested in discovering more about a natural homeopathic remedy that will help you to treat ADHD safely and without the risk of harmful and disturbing side effects? If so, please visit my website at: From V K Rajagopalan, supporter of natural healthy living.
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